Thinking of this, she opened the gap in space and retreated into it.

Naruto's eyes narrowed, and there was obvious joy on his face.

"Very well, this is what we have been waiting for."

The moment Kaguya disappeared into the space, Naruto's body controlled the nine-tails to jump up, more than twice as fast as before. The nine-tails energy body dispersed, and he rushed into the dark space following Kaguya. In the gap of space.

In the space of the first ball, Kaguya appeared, but then, a golden figure followed her in surprise.


Not expecting this change at all, Kaguya remained silent for a moment. Suddenly she took action without warning, and a bone pierced out from the palm of her hands, aiming at Naruto and shooting away like a bullet.

The Shiqiu Space is the main space of her 'Tianzhong', which can connect to the other five spaces. If Naruto reacts, senses the aura of another kid, and goes to the Sand Space, then the two of them will really meet again. And.

Although he was following closely, Naruto still maintained his unique vigilance. The seeking jade behind him quickly flew up and continuously knocked away the ashes that were shot at him. He himself was not willing to fight and quickly escaped behind.

Chakra surged towards the Yang Escape Mark in his hand, and immediately he felt a clear burning sensation in his palm. In the dark, he seemed to really feel Sasuke's Yin Escape Chakra in the distance.

"The art of multiple shadow clones!"

Glancing at Princess Kaguya, Naruto crossed his hands, and hundreds of clones suddenly appeared and rushed towards Princess Kaguya. He had to buy enough time to find a way to break the space.

There is no way, apart from the art of channeling, he doesn't know any other time and space magic...

The shadow clone kept moving towards Kaguya, but was wiped out by Kaguya at a faster speed. Naruto took this opportunity to try hard to sense Sasuke's escape. Not long after, his eyes suddenly widened,

"found it!"

In just a few seconds, about half of his shadow clone had been lost.

"The perception is too blurry, the space must be broken!

Hey... I don't know space ninjutsu, so I have to do it forcefully..."

As soon as he gritted his teeth, the chakra in Naruto's body exploded again. The seeking jade turned into black chakra and condensed in the palm of his hand. The high-speed rotating Rasengan appeared again, and the Yin attribute chakra of the Nine Tails poured in crazily.

"Senfa! Spiral Shuriken!"

The overly powerful chakra burst out, and the origin space, which was the 'transit station', began to vibrate violently. The strength of this original space, which connected the other spaces, was inherently unstable, and it was not difficult to break it violently.

A sound like breaking glass sounded, and an irregular space gap suddenly appeared in front of Naruto. He ignored it and jumped in quickly.

It was also at this time that all his shadow clones were destroyed by Kaguya.

Looking at the gradually disappearing space gap, Kaguya was silent for a moment, and then a dark space gap opened in front of her, and she floated in.


"This place is simply boundless...

Moreover, Naruto's coordinates cannot be sensed. If he is solved by Kaguya, just by myself..."

Sasuke walked in the yellow sand space, the scorching air burned his body, and sweat dripped from his forehead. He had tried various methods, but still could not escape from this space.

There is no way, his Tianli hand is similar to Nangong Yue's 'transformation', now he can only change the position of two objects in the same space.

Now, he is still unable to directly open the door to other spaces like in 'Boruto', because the pupil technique has not yet awakened.

But even if he could do this now, he still couldn't successfully cast the spell without specific coordinates. He couldn't banish himself to the void.

Just when he was about to continue trying, an irregular space gap suddenly appeared in the sky, and a golden figure quickly jumped out.

Sasuke sensed the moment the gap in space appeared, saw the figure falling, and subconsciously judged,


As Naruto fell, another hole in the dark space also appeared at the same time. It was much more regular than Naruto's, and Kaguya floated out of it silently.

Naruto turned over and landed next to Sasuke. After confirming that everything was correct, he finally let out a long sigh of relief.

"I finally found you Sasuke, this monster is so difficult for me to deal with on my own."

Sasuke's samsara eyes locked on Kaguya in the sky, his gaze slightly focused and he said,

"No, you did a good job. Now let's prepare to seal her. I will be careful this time and never give her another chance to scatter us."

"Two brats, do you think they can win if they get together? They are so naive.

It seems that my previous decision to save chakra was wrong..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the surrounding space changed again. Naruto and Sasuke felt their bodies become heavy, and they knelt down toward the ground. The world changed again.

His pupils moved left and right, and Sasuke whispered,

"Another new world, it seems that the gravity here is extremely strong, almost ten times more than the normal gravity.

Fortunately, this feeling is not as influential as Nangong Yue's technique. "

Kaguya also slowly fell from the sky. Even she would be affected by the gravity of this space. This was also the drawback of her space.

Moreover, she does not know Tsuchikage's 'Light and Heavy Rock Technique' and cannot reduce her own gravity, which is equivalent to a 'debuff' that affects everyone.

"Right here, I'll take care of you all."

In the cold voice, Kaguya's long hair stood on end. After no longer being stingy with chakra, she burst out with extremely powerful strength. She raised her hands with difficulty, and her palms were facing the person who had not yet adapted to the gravity environment here. of two people.

"Kill the ashes together...grail..."


Chapter 405


"Right here, I'll take care of you all."

In the cold voice, Kaguya's long hair stood on end. After no longer being stingy with chakra, she burst out with extremely powerful strength. She raised her hands with difficulty, and her palms were facing the person who had not yet adapted to the gravity environment here. of two people.

"Kill the ashes together... grazing.~.."

With the wave of their palms, countless bone arrows appeared in all directions of Naruto and Sasuke, which contained an extremely weird feeling. As long as they were slightly scratched, the entire body would completely collapse.

For some reason, when Sasuke faced these bone arrows, it seemed as if he was facing Nangong Yue's unsolvable technique, which made the hairs all over his body stand on end.

In an instant, thousands of arrows fell, leaving no room for dodge.

"'s hard to dodge in this gravity environment, and with this amount, it's hard to completely defend against them even with the Dao-seeking Jade.

Also, Sasuke, these bone arrows are weird, so be sure not to touch them. "

"I know! Don't move either!

Susanoo! ! ! "

The cold chakra in his eyes began to explode wildly. Soon, purple chakra surged out of Sasuke's body and quickly enveloped their bodies.

Sasuke's chakra surged rapidly, and the perfect Susan like a god appeared again. The wings on his back spread out, and the sword in his hand suddenly swept out in all directions.

At the same time, the chirping of thousands of birds sounded, and the purple Chakra Divine Sword in Susanoo's hand was attached with a rich thunder light, mixed with thunderous slashes. Every time it was slashed in this gravity space, it was shocking.

The sword energy was mixed with thunder and lightning, and with the blessing of strong gravity, it easily intercepted all the incoming bone arrows.

This is normal. After all, Kaguya's technique is an 'anti-human technique', which can cause serious and irreversible damage to the human body. Of course, even if other things are hit, they will still be destroyed together with the bones.

But when facing something like Susanoo, it was still a little weak. The size of each bone arrow was too small, and the speed of destruction could not keep up with Susano's huge sword energy.

"Oh oh oh!!! Well done!!!"

"Shut up! Don't make any noise!"

Concentrating on controlling Susana, Sasuke's Rinnegan quickly looked towards Kaguya, staring at a bone arrow. Without any warning, the complete Susan appeared next to Kaguya, and struck down with the force of the long sword in his hand.


Sasuke's appearance was so sudden that even Kaguya didn't expect it. Where Susan originally stood, an arrow quickly hit the ground, eroding a large piece of the ground.

It's not Kaguya's fault. Even though she clearly possesses space magic and knows exactly what Sasuke's space magic is about, she can't bear the fact that her current actual combat experience is really unsightly.

Before she was sealed, the opponents Kaguya faced, apart from her two sons and some humans she had given chakra to, there were no 'ninjas'.

As of now, although the 'limits' of ninjutsu are constantly being weakened by time, in terms of 'application', it is far beyond what she can understand now.

And this is the reason why Nangong Yue dares to put himself on the same level as Kaguya, an existence that is obviously a 'big realm' higher than himself.

At the critical moment, Kaguya, who had a strong foundation, reacted, quickly retreated, activated the Rinne Sharingan, and the space transformed again.

"You really pissed me off!"

Amidst the rage, a ferocious expression appeared on Kaguya's face.

"Eight Thousand Spear Divine Strike!"

Energy containing all the chakra attributes emerged in her hands, the space shook violently, and the spears penetrated the air like a 'magic spear', eight thousand in number, and Sasuke and Naruto in Susanoo were shocked.

"Asshole! We will not admit defeat!!!"

The crosses in Naruto's eyes stood upright, and the chakra of Yang Era mixed with the chakra of the nine tailed beasts was poured into Susanoo continuously.

In an instant, Susanoo, who had already become a complete body, changed again. Golden chakra flashed, and an unspeakable power spread to the whole place. Susanoo expanded to an even taller level, and his appearance became closer to a real person. He was already close to the original six-path sage. Kokuhagoromo's 'Ultimate Form Susana'!

For now, Susano, who is considered a semi-ultimate body, has barely taken shape. After all, the tailed beast chakra in Naruto's body is still a little short of enough to allow Sasuke's Susana to advance into a true ultimate body.

However, even so, such power is also amazing. Sasuke's eyes condensed, and the huge Susan punched into the sky. The space suddenly collapsed, and there seemed to be a chaotic unknown substance eroding into the interior of the space.

Amidst the roar, the terrifying attacks from both sides collided with each other. There was no peace in the entire space. In less than five seconds, half of the space here was completely destroyed.

Taking advantage of this, Naruto crossed his hands again, and nine shadow clones appeared in succession. The chakra of each tailed beast was injected into a clone's body, and different tailed beast Rasengans were condensed from the raised arms.

"Senfa! Super Tailed Beast Rasenshuriken!!!"

Carrying the power of all the tailed beasts, the nine spiral shurikens attacked Kaguya in the chaotic space. In this chaotic environment, Kaguya could not completely avoid Naruto's wave. offensive.

When the space calmed down a little, Kaguya's figure emerged. She turned her head and looked at her broken arm. Blood overflowed, and it quickly regenerated. Even the broken sleeves were completely repaired by chakra.

At this time, although her face was still expressionless, her heart was filled with anger. This time, she did not say anything. The dark energy filled with the 'aura of destruction' gathered more and more under her control, and was still expanding. .

This is the Expanded Jade for Seeking Taoism! This is the magic that can truly destroy the world in this world.

Even if it is used with Kaguya's current 'Seize Body', its power, if not stopped, can still completely blow up a corner of the earth. It can completely wipe out all life on the main planet through a chain reaction. Lose!

Sasuke and Naruto's expressions suddenly became serious, and Naruto whispered,

"The next move will determine the outcome."

...go back a few minutes...

"here we go again!!!"

Facing A Fei's huge Buddha statue, a jounin alerted the surrounding ninjas and jumped away first to avoid it.

The next moment, a large number of wooden arms behind the Buddha statue clenched their fists, and then fell down like raindrops.

However, such multiple 'single-target attacks' could not kill many people in one wave. The ninjas present now were starting elite chuunin and could not avoid such a conspicuous attack.

0 ·Ask for flowers·· ·······

At this time, under Tsunade's treatment, the disabled Raikage, who had barely regained his mobility, jumped into the air with only his right hand and foot, and used his remaining right arm to cut off a limb of the Buddha statue with a hand sword. arm.

But then, the Raikage, who was in mid-air and could not move again because he did not know the 'Moon Step', was knocked down by another fist of the Buddha statue.

The battle was really brutal, and even Yeyue Ai, who had completely lost his left leg and arm not long ago, was actually used to this broken body now.

As a Mizukage, Terumi Mei, with her chakra exhausted, could only protect herself from this stormy offensive.

The same goes for Onoki who lost his left leg. He can still fly at least. As long as he floats out of the attack range of the Buddha statue, he is absolutely safe.

However, with his current chakra state, if he doesn't really fight hard, Chen Escape, even the most basic "Original Realm Peeling Technique" with the smallest attack range, will no longer be able to be used.

Let's talk about Orochimaru, how can I put it... The 'Orochimaru' on the ground now, if controlled by a puppet master, can form a complete football team...

... ... ...

There is no way, most of Orochimaru's techniques are aimed at the human body, so the attack power is naturally insufficient.

And now he was on the battlefield, and he was worried about the coalition's ninjas. Naturally, he couldn't use an explosive move like the 'Yama no Jutsu'.

In short, Orochimaru is having a lot of fun on the battlefield now.

The reason why Orochimaru is so reassured is because when he was in Konoha, Nangong Yue's subtext of "...even if there is one, none of them can escape", he knew that the final ending of this world cannot be true. tragedy.

He believed in Nangong Yue's ability and strength, and could only choose to believe in Nangong Yue, the 'strong man'. Orochimaru knew his own weight very well, and did not think he could resist the so-called 'Infinite Tsukuyomi', so naturally he could only 'resign himself to fate' '.

"I said, I won't let you go forward easily~

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