By the way, before falling asleep, her eyes were always focused on you and Kakashi, mainly you, after all, your situation is the most dangerous~

So, your choice..."

Obito had an uncertain look on his face. He looked tenderly at Lin, who had fallen asleep in the snow-white space, and finally made up his mind.

"Hey... I am a sinful person after all, why should I be so worrying until my death...

It doesn’t matter, I’m tired too, so I just go to see her...that’s fine..."

"You know my conditions. After Madara is resurrected, I will lead your soul to the child's location.

But there is one thing you need to understand. When your soul reaches her location, you may have been waiting there for Kakashi's arrival, or you may have given up your obsession and rushed to the underworld together.

In other words, you may only have a few minutes together. Once you actually enter the underworld, your souls will fall into a deep sleep because of the rules there. Even so, is it worth it? "

Uchiha Obito slowly closed his eyes, clenched his fists in a low voice and said,

"It's worth it...I have to say that this is all my fault, and I want to apologize to her face to face.

As long as she can stop being hesitant and suffering like this... it's all worth it!

Heretic, the natural art of reincarnation! "

Obito put his hands together without hesitation, and the power of the Samsara Eye finally exploded, turning into a strange power that could reverse life and death, and continued to move towards the reincarnated Uchiha Madara!

At the same time, his own vitality was also passing rapidly.

The world itself is absolutely fair. It only pays attention to 'conservation' and only pays attention to the exchange of quantity 'one' for quantity 'one'.

In the judgment of the world itself, 'exchanging troubles for wealth' and 'exchanging health for wealth' are equivalent. They are both simply 'one' for 'one'. However, this is exactly the 'unfairness' in the eyes of all living beings.

Just like death, this is a 'fairness' that no 'mortal' can escape. It is the highest authority in the world. No matter how powerful a being is, it is not easy to reverse life and death, and they must pay a corresponding price.

Obviously, resurrecting the dead always requires paying the same price.

Madara lowered his head and felt the astonishing changes taking place on his body at this time. The skin of the dirty soil was changing, becoming white, tender and smooth, and it was the skin of a real living person. Some of the powers restricted by the reincarnation of the dirty soil were also returning quickly.

The cracks on his face were healing quickly, and his entire body was undergoing a transformation silently. In about ten seconds, everything was over, and majestic vitality bloomed from his body again.

"Hmph hum hum... Yes, it feels like this. I can feel the hot blood flowing in my body, this feeling of 'alive'!!!"

Madara said excitedly, looking at his hands, with a happy look on his face. Just as he was about to say something else, the eyes of his samsara eyes suddenly dimmed, and then the debris that turned into dirt fell down, and his eyes gradually turned into hollows. .

Although the reincarnation of the dirty earth is magical, it can use the power of the soul to completely present the state of the deceased in life.

But in fact, special eyes such as the Mangekyō Sharingan and the Rinnegan are ultimately false. They are the product of the combination of soul 'information' and chakra. When a person is truly resurrected, these eyes will naturally disappear.

Even if these eyes are gouged out in the state of filth reincarnation, they will still turn into dust and dissipate.

"Tch, forget about the eyes. It's a bit uncomfortable now that it's dark..."

After complaining, Madara simply closed his eyes and observed the world based on his perception of chakra.

By the way, I simply dispersed the completely turbulent Susana and landed it near Nangong Yue.

Seeing that he didn't feel any discomfort, it was obvious that he had mastered this skill before he was alive.

That's right, before Uchiha Madara got Izuna's eyes, there was a period of time when he was always "blind" and fought against Senju Hashirama on the battlefield!

Moreover, his pupil technique does not require 'sight focus', so being able to confirm the enemy's position and movements will not have much impact on the battle.


Naruto and others also looked in two directions. After Obito was knocked down, Uchiha Madara and them stopped fighting and remained in confrontation. They also watched all the changes nervously.

"What happened? Why did Uchiha Madara's eyes suddenly disappear?!"

Orochimaru, who was making soy sauce behind him, said at this time,

"The situation is in trouble. The Samsara Eye has collapsed. Uchiha Madara seems to have truly been resurrected. As a result, our difficult enemies have increased again."

The dirty Third Hokage smiled bitterly,

"Hearing this kind of news at this time really adds insult to injury. The enemy is already stronger than us, so the gap becomes even greater.

The only good news is probably that Madara has lost his reincarnation eye, so our pressure should be much less. Do you have any countermeasures? "

"Don't be depressed, Sarutobi Monkey, what kind of storms and waves have we not experienced in our generation?

At the very least, Nangong Yue drew out the tailed beast, which is a good thing for us. With the combat power of eight tailed beasts, our strength has also greatly increased, and there may not be no chance of a comeback. "

0 ·Ask for flowers·· ·······


Nangong Yue looked at Obito in front of him, who was only breathing out but not taking in, and was slightly silent. At this time, his breath was extremely weak, and his whole body was in a state of exhaustion. Obito's fire of life was gradually extinguishing.

"I...have...resurrected Uchiha promise..."

Obito panted violently, looking like he might run out of breath and fall to the ground at any moment.

Nangong Yue sighed softly and did not answer him immediately. Instead, he turned around and threw it with one hand, and an unknown object flew through the air towards Uchiha Madara.

He stretched out his hand to take it, and Madara looked stunned.

"This is?!"

In his hand was a reagent bottle. What was contained in the physiological saline was the Samsara Eye.

Without any hesitation, Madara quickly crushed the bottle cap, took out the eye, and pressed it directly into his right eye socket. A stream of blood and tears overflowed. Under the healing of chakra, the Samsara Eye was perfectly integrated with his body.

The colors of all things came into view again, and a smile appeared on Madara's face.

... .. ...

"Finally back, my eyes!"

"That's it? The reincarnation eye I've hidden?!"

Obito glanced there and whispered.

"Hmm...yeah, speaking of Obito, your hiding skills need to be improved. The day after you hid the Rinnegan, Bai Zetsu got it."

Obito snorted and said nothing, or in other words, he was almost unable to reply.

Nangong Yue looked at him silently, and after a moment,

"as you wish!"

Nangong Yue casually disassembled Obito's remains, and Obito's soul in mid-air looked at him blankly, as if he was afraid that Nangong Yue would regret it.

Immediately afterwards, Obito saw Nangong Yue looking up at him and smiling, and he felt a huge and irresistible suction pulling him.

As soon as he turned around, Obito saw a snow-white cave entrance. Just as he was about to enter the cave entrance, the snow-white boundless space immediately came into view, and then there was the lovely girl he had longed for.

After confirming that Nangong Yue had not deceived him, Obito turned around, made a fist with his right hand and punched his left chest in the spirit form, and bowed to Nangong Yue.

"Such kindness will be repaid in the next life."

Immediately, Obito's spirit body completely entered the cave entrance, and Nangong Yue also sighed.

After all, this time Nangong Yue took the place of the world, completed the work of 'receiving the souls of the dead', and opened the passage connecting the human world and the underworld without permission.

Just now, the feeling of being locked by some invisible majestic existence was really uncomfortable.

Fortunately, the whole process of 'leading away Obito's soul', even if Nangong Yue modified the coordinates, ultimately followed the normal procedure and did not violate the taboos of the world's will.

This is why Nangong Yue decided to send Obito in instead of pulling Nohara Lin's spirit body out.

After the space hole leading to the underworld was completely closed, Nangong Yue raised his hand to wipe away a few drops of sweat from his forehead.


Humph... don't talk about 'repaying me in the next life'. Once I master the method of 'heroic spirit summoning', you can do things by my side at any time.

You are so naive, do you really think that you can be done with it if you die? "


Chapter 386


After the space hole leading to the underworld was completely closed, Nangong Yue raised his hand to wipe away a few drops of sweat from his forehead.


Humph... don't talk about 'repaying me in the next life'. Once I master the method of 'heroic spirit summoning', you can do things by my side at any time.

You are so naive, do you really think that you can be done with it if you die? "

On Naruto's side, Kakashi, who was standing in the distance, had been watching the situation at Nangong Yue's place. When he stood up, focused the kaleidoscope, and saw Lin at the other end of the hole, his Sharingan pupils shrank suddenly. ,

"That', impossible!"

He said it was impossible, but he took an uncontrollable step forward. He subconsciously wanted to go there and see all this for himself.

Let's talk about Nangong Yue's side. After the connection between the Yin and Yang worlds was completely disconnected, he raised one hand with his palm upward. The next moment, a Samsara Eye with an eye shaft was floating in the air.

The next moment, Nangong Yue suddenly appeared next to Madara and handed the Samsara Eye to Madara.

He took his eyes and looked at this unfathomable young man with some fear.

"You actually directly connected the passage between Yin and Yang?! You really have no scruples...

Or are you already confident of facing the world alone? "

Nangong Yue waved his hand, looked up at the bright moon in the sky, and said with a smile,

"I'm still close to facing the world alone. I don't dare to say it yet, but if I want to run away, the world won't be able to stop me.

However, as long as my goal is accomplished and I use that fruit as an 'introduction', I will be able to advance more smoothly. "

Ban shook his head. He didn't understand the realm Nangong Yue mentioned, and he didn't need to understand it now. He just needed to complete his plan.

He conveniently put the other Samsara Eye into his left eye socket. Suddenly, a vast amount of chakra surged out of his body and gathered in both eyes.

At this time, he not only returned to the peak state of his life, but also because of his experience of life and death, his strength reached a new level, which was equivalent to breaking through from the threshold of 'country-destruction level' to the early stage of country-destruction, which was considered to have completely stabilized his realm.

However, even though Madara's basic level has reached the 'Nation-Destroying Level' corresponding to the 'Six Paths Level' in this world, he still lacks some 'materials' and cannot yet enter the 'Six Paths Mode', that is, the body. Wearing a black magatama and white robe, her skin and hair are snow-white, with the 'Seeking Dao Jade' surrounding her body.

Nangong Yue's face returned to calm at this time, he took out a walnut-sized chakra fruit from the storage space and threw it into his mouth casually.

"'s almost time. It's time for the real Ten-Tails to appear, because Obito's trouble has been delayed for too long.

Madara, the rest is up to you. Do what you need to do and capture all nine tailed beasts. I can take a break. "


snort! I'm not your subordinate, tailed beast. Of course I will capture it, but if someone with no eyes comes to attack you again, I won't care. "

With a proud voice, Madara jumped off the cliff, landed in front of Naruto and others, and slapped the ground with one hand.

"Psychic! Heretic Golem!!!"

The huge psychic formation unfolded instantly, and with a roar, the outer demon statue as the body of the Ten-Tails appeared again.

Feeling the vitality of Chakra in his body, wave after wave, constantly hitting a certain limit, but he was still a little short of it, and he did not succeed in achieving the 'Six Paths' on his own and condensing the 'Blood Succession Snare' on his own.

There is nothing we can do about it. As the reincarnation of Indra, Uchiha Madara has a natural flaw. He does not have the 'yang' attribute!

Even if he transplanted some of Senju Hashirama's cells, what he got would only be an extremely superficial 'Yang', which did not match his own 'Yin' at all.

What's more, without the instinct shared by the Ten-Tails, it would be extremely difficult to control the ratio of various attributes of the Qiu Dao Jade. As long as there is a slight difference, your body will be shattered directly.

When he first arrived in this world, after Nangong Yue obtained the detailed information of the 'Bloodstained Snare', he first deduced it in the mental space for nearly ten years, and then blew up thousands of space clones in real life before he fully mastered it. .

This is also the reason why Nangong Yue arrived in this world during the day, but went to Shayin Village to find the art group at night.

However, after devouring and refining the entire sacred tree, Nangong Yue realized that it seemed that he had done something unnecessary...

But it doesn’t matter, just think of it as accumulating experience in ‘spell research’.

Speaking of which, Madara gently reached out and patted the blood-red shoulder armor. His samsara eyes indifferently swept over the many high-end combat forces on the coalition side not far away, completely ignoring them, and finally focused on the eight... .on the nine tailed beasts.

"Get down here, you beasts...

Once I've dealt with you, I can prepare to build a new world.

When dawn breaks, it will be the beginning of eternal peace! "

"Don't even think about it! I will protect this world!!!"

Naruto's pupils stood up, and under the influence of the golden Nine-Tails Chakra, even his pupils were dyed gold, superimposed with the frog eyes in sage mode, like an inverted cross.

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