The pressure of space without warning made Obito groan. The sense of danger enveloped his heart, lingering like a haze.

Just when he was about to move, he found that he couldn't move at all. Then, Obito prepared to activate his "divine power" to suck himself into a different space, but he still failed.


At this point, Obito was already a little out of his mind, and he immediately exploded the chakra in his body without any care.

The chakra of the Ten-Tails is huge, even if it is an incomplete Ten-Tails, it is still the same.

Obito has now become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki. Under the crazy burst of chakra, it still produces considerable effects. Under his crazy actions, the space is indeed showing signs of instability.

However, Obito, who is just the Ten-Tailed Jinchuuriki, can only mobilize the huge chakra in his body, but cannot control the more majestic energy of nature itself, and cannot shake the space under Nangong Yue's control.


Chapter 382


Obito has now become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki. Under the crazy burst of chakra, it still produces considerable effects. Under his crazy actions, the space is indeed showing signs of instability.

However, Obito, who is just the Ten-Tailed Jinchuuriki, can only mobilize the huge chakra in his body, but cannot control the more majestic energy of nature itself, and cannot shake the space under Nangong Yue's control.

Nangong Yue's expression did not change at all. He just watched Obito's struggling performance happily. As he continued to mobilize energy to perform spells, the originally turbulent space suddenly calmed down. The pressure condensed again and he suddenly crushed Obito in the six paths. .

Obito's crazy burst of chakra continued to resist the oppression from all around, but the range of interference was getting smaller and smaller. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that all his struggles were in vain.

In the distance, Hashirama joined the battle and cooperated with the armored Nine-Tails to attack Madara. He took the time to look at the battle on Obito's side and was also extremely shocked.

After all, he had personally fought with Six Paths Obito, so he understood even more how terrifying Obito was in this state.

Because of his understanding, he was even more surprised that "Nangong Yue suppressed the opponent with one move." It can be said that this kind of power is already a level higher than theirs.

Thinking of this, Hashirama smiled bitterly,

"It seems that I died too early, so I am already behind the times???"


" could I collapse in a place like this?!

I...I want to create a new world, and I also...want to resurrect Lin...Lin with my own hands! ! ! "

Under the strong pressure, even his speech became incoherent, but the unwilling look in his eyes kept flickering.

Under such a difficult situation, he let go of the Immortal's tin staff in his hand, brought his hands together tremblingly, and began to form seals with great stiffness.

Suddenly, black chakra mixed with dark red gathered around him crazily. With the blessing of the endless chakra of the ten tails, six ominous Tailed Beast Jade quickly formed around him and grew bigger and bigger.

"Nangong Yue, I don't care how powerful you are, I am no longer a chess piece that you can manipulate at will!

I want to control my own destiny, and I also want to control Lin's destiny!

Now, I can protect her after she is resurrected, and I will definitely...definitely not let her be harmed again!

So... you might as well die! ! ! "

Obito's face showed a ferocious look, and he took action with anger, and blasted six unusual tailed beast jade in all directions. He even ignored his own safety and directly detonated the six tailed beast jade above, down, front, left, and right at close range!

This time, it was Obito's true full strength. Under the raging energy, even the space was unnaturally distorted. The space barrier that had been squeezing suddenly stopped and even began to expand outwards.

Nangong Yue just watched Obito's performance quietly, still floating in place motionless. After passing through the compressed space, under the terrifying explosion of the tailed beast jade, he was already very unstable, as if he was about to break away from Nangong Yue at any time. Dominate.

But yes, Obito has crossed the threshold of the 'nation-destroying level', and even if he sacrifices his life to explode, his power is still considerable.

If Nangong Yue hadn't manipulated space and restricted it to an extremely small blockade, this six-tailed beast jade would have been enough to blow up an entire continental plate of the planet.

So, he, Nangong Yue, can be considered the savior?

However, seeing that the explosion of the tailed beast jade was about to break through the blockade, Nangong Yue couldn't just watch Obito detonate the continental plate, and he didn't want to just get out of the way.

He only needs to use 'priority' to adjust the strength of the space, and then directly enter the virtual state, so that this attack cannot hurt him at all, or he can simply adjust his body strength and be able to resist it.

However, Nangong Yue still plans to dispel all of this boy's unrealistic fantasies head-on, so that the problem can be solved once and for all.

If Nangong Yue retreats at this time, Obito will probably think that "I have what it takes to defeat Nangong Yue", and then continue to cause trouble for him.

After smoothing it out, Nangong Yue slowly raised his right hand and pointed his palm at Obito who was still not out of trouble in the distance.

"Natural integration...

Then, space modeling and world reconstruction! "

The indifferent words rang out from everyone's hearts. Nangong Yue mobilized the high-level energy in his body for the first time today and injected it fiercely into the surrounding space.

In an instant, the compressed space that might have collapsed at any time became extremely solid again, and because of the increase in Nangong Yue's higher-level energy, coupled with the more precise fine-tuning of the technique, it was already in perfect harmony with the surrounding space.

The next moment, his figure slowly disappeared into the space. Because of the 'natural integration' technique that was read in Kaguya's mind, Nangong Yue truly integrated with the surrounding space, which was equivalent to becoming this space. 'World Will'!

In order to resist the explosion of the six Tailed Beast Jade, Six Paths Obito used the defense transformed from the Seeking Path Jade to completely cover himself before his body was blown to pieces.

Although his vision was blocked, he could still sense the outside world. In his perception, Nangong Yue's 'chakra' disappeared out of thin air.

No, it didn't disappear out of thin air. Strictly speaking, Nangong Yue's chakra had spread throughout the space. He seemed to be everywhere. All of this was beyond his understanding.

The next moment, a force he couldn't understand stirred up this space, and the entire space literally had its own will.

In a place where Obito couldn't see, because of Nangong Yue's carelessness, a tall mountain peak was suddenly broken down into invisible dust.

The next moment, under Nangong Yue's intentional control, a large amount of dust flashed out of thin air into an empty flat land, and instantly gathered into a mountain that was different from the original one!

At this time, the Tailed Beast Jade that was still exploding, whether it was an energy impact or a physical shock wave, was instantly decomposed by the space itself and turned into the most basic microscopic particles. Even the aftermath of the explosion was instantly eliminated!

Before Obito could finish being shocked, another incredible thing happened. The seeking jade that was supposed to be an absolute defense was torn open!

No, it should be said that part of it suddenly disappeared!

As the seeking jade defense wall continued to be decomposed, Obito's body was completely exposed in the space under Nangong Yue's control.

This was nothing. What frightened and puzzled him the most was that he had no idea what kind of technique Nangong Yue used to tear apart his defense.

Nangong Yue had no intention of giving him more time to think, and wave after wave of invisible attacks continued to act on Obito.

Just like the literal meaning, the reconstruction of the world means that Nangong Yue can weave the space under his control at will.

In this space, the sky, the earth, life, rivers, mountains, and oceans are all ready-made materials. Nangong Yue can disassemble and reorganize them at will (not 'renovate') to construct this space into his ideal appearance.

This 'world reconstruction' is a secret technique that Nangong Yue has woven after repeatedly studying 'space modeling' in the spiritual space for nearly a thousand years, integrating folding, segmentation, aggregation, extension, expansion, compression, etc., and almost all space manipulations. Mode.

In the parallel world that swallowed dragon veins, during the five or six years that Nangong Yue spent, in addition to the same devouring earth veins, he accelerated his thinking a thousand times from beginning to end, repeatedly deducing the knowledge he held in the mental space.

The first to bear the brunt is the ‘priority’, as well as the various techniques of time and space, especially the ‘space modeling’ with great potential.

Obito seemed to be alert, he used the immortal tin staff that had been put aside again, turned around and struck out, but Nangong Yue's attack was directly on his body, and with his weak means, he had no way to defend.

At the same time, his whole body, including the immortal tin staff in his hand that seemed to be indestructible, was quickly decomposed into dust of the corresponding color of the original, and was just blown away in the wind!

"how come...?!!!"

This attack came without any warning and could not be sensed by him. This was the first time he encountered such a strange situation.

There's no way, he's not Wu, and he hasn't spent much time with Nangong Yue.

When he was in the Moon Palace, Wu was often annoyed by Nangong Yue, and was inexplicably disintegrated into a pile of dust remotely...

Fortunately, Obito is a Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki and has a very strong ability to regenerate himself. Under Nangong Yue's decomposition, he was able to successfully resist it for the time being. The 'regeneration' and 'crushing' actually reached a balance!

Obito had no time to react. He also activated his Yin-Yang Escape. While trying his best to repair the immortal tin staff in his hand, it underwent significant shape changes and gradually turned into a weird, dark long sword that resembled a gene chain.

This is the Tiannum Spear, the legendary sword used by the Immortals of Six Paths to create the world. It is actually just the product of highly condensed yin and yang escape.

If this weapon is really in the hands of a high-level nation-destroying powerhouse, then it really has the possibility of splitting space. It may be an exaggeration to say that it will "create the world", but its actual power is indeed extraordinary.

The intensive invisible attacks made Obito go crazy. His figure suddenly spun like a top, constantly stirring the surrounding space, trying to interrupt Nangong Yue's spell.

But the attacks from all directions were too dense, and there was no attack trajectory. Wave after wave, and each 'decomposition' was equivalent to his full blow. Even Obito was a Ten-Tails Jinchūriki, and he quickly fell into In the midst of fatigue.


Chapter 383


The intensive invisible attacks made Obito go crazy. His figure suddenly spun like a top. While moving at extremely high speeds in the space, it constantly stirred the surrounding space, trying to interrupt Nangong Yue's spell.

But the attacks from all directions were too dense, and there was no attack trajectory. One wave after another, and each "decomposition" was equivalent to his full-strength attack. Even if Obito was the Ten-Tails Jinchūriki, he quickly fell into fatigue.

What's more terrible is that once, he clearly felt that he had reached the edge of this closed space, and he also stabbed with his sword with all his strength.

But this sword, just like the tailed beast jade he launched before, pierced directly into the void and then pierced through his body!

Then, the picture in front of him blurred, and after careful perception, he found that he was back to the center of this space again!

In other words, the reason why he was able to touch the edge of the space and move his position before was all intentional by Nangong Yue!

About a minute later, his left shoulder was instantly decomposed, and blood splattered in an instant. His left arm fell to the ground because it lost its connection, and blood gushed along the broken end!

In the next moment, it seemed that Nangong Yue did it on purpose again. Obito turned his head and watched his left arm turn into powder bit by bit.

Originally, under the blessing of the Ten-Tails' chakra, his missing body could be regenerated quickly, and there was no possibility of "bleeding", because when he was injured, the cross-section of the wound had already healed, and then the wound was healed as a whole.

But under his continuous outburst, coupled with Nangong Yue's repeated crushing of his body to extract the chakra in his body, he is now in a state of energy exhaustion!

Obito snorted lightly, but from his face, it was obvious that he was tired. He forced the chakra in his body to burst again, and stalemated with the intensive "decomposition" for about three seconds, and his left arm finally regenerated.

But his broken arm this time seemed to be the beginning of a complete collapse. The offensives around him still did not stop, and the swinging of the Tian Numa Spear gradually slowed down. He was like a small boat in a hurricane, and could be overturned by a wave at any time.

In terms of strength, Obito is now only the most basic country-destroying level, that is, relying on the incomplete Ten-Tails in his body, he barely crossed the threshold of "destroying the country".

It can be said that he is now only relying on "explosion" to be able to use high-level power that is not in line with his current realm in advance, which can be seen from his many means.

You know, whether it is the Seeking Truth Jade of the Bloodline Network or the "Amanuma Spear", they are the most basic techniques of the Ten-Tails Jinchūriki, and he, Uchiha Obito, regards them as his trump card.

Facing the continuous invisible attacks, his mind is already in chaos, like a headless fly, unable to break through the world under Nangong Yue's control, let alone resist Nangong Yue's "world reconstruction" at the level of the secret!

The continuous high-frequency crushing is like countless dense invisible bombs exploding, which is simply endless. Under this intensive attack, if you choose to resist head-on, Nangong Yue is sure that even the demigod-level Kaguya may not be able to withstand it.

Of course, Kaguya's control of space is at least on par with Nangong Yue. If you want to seal Kaguya's space magic through "space blockade", it will take a lot of effort, and it may not succeed.

Nangong Yue had already thoroughly understood her "Ame no Michu" and "Yozen Birasaka", so he naturally knew how difficult Kaguya was, and she was a "greater realm" higher than him...

Besides, Obito was not Yuro, let alone Kaguya, so he naturally could not resist Nangong Yue's repeated "reconstruction".

Not long after, Obito had more and more gaps on his body, and blood gushed out more quickly as he waved the Tian Numa Spear in his hand.

Before, he could rely on the chakra of the Ten Tails to quickly recover from the injuries and repair his body, but as the wounds continued to increase and the energy became increasingly scarce, his recovery became more and more difficult.

Obito panted in despair. Think about it, even if he had the endless chakra of the Ten Tails, he was now at the point where he had to overdraw his vitality in the face of countless strong men of the same level!

Although Nangong Yue's technique required his own chaotic energy when it was activated, he could directly mobilize the natural energy of the world itself when manipulating it.

Just before Obito pulled out the "Amanuma Spear", the chaotic energy consumed by Nangong Yue had already recovered to full state by itself!

So, for Nangong Yue, the energy consumption of this space-attributed secret technique can be ignored for his huge reserve!

But Obito is different. Even if he reaches the level of destroying a country, the Six Paths level in this world, he still cannot mobilize the energy of the "Great Source". He has been using the energy in his body from beginning to end, so it is naturally impossible to consume more than Nangong Yue.

At this time, Nangong Yue, who originally had the mentality of "experimenting with techniques", has almost finished the experiment.

During this period, although Nangong Yue was mainly teasing Obito, he also took the time to complete the data collection of "world reconstruction".

In the place where Obito had no time to check, Nangong Yue moved and adjusted the large-scale mountains, rivers, coastlines and other terrains without authorization, just like repeatedly splicing building blocks.

If Nangong Yue had not adjusted after the removal of the technique, then the terrain modified by Nangong Yue would be completely fixed.

Although Obito had no time to observe the changes in the terrain, the allied ninjas were weak and could not participate in the battle, so they had the leisure to observe the changes in the surrounding environment.

Looking at the large number of peaks in the distance that were constantly changing their positions and shapes, as well as the forests, water flows, and wastelands that appeared around them from time to time, Kakashi, Onoki and others pinched themselves and looked at each other to confirm that they were not under illusions. ..

“What on earth is that monster doing???

Although the effect is exaggerated, does this have anything to do with the battle itself? ? ? "

Kakashi asked the old man Onoki not far away with a cold sweat on his face. The Tsuchikage could only shake his head helplessly.

“We are just ordinary humans, how can we understand the thoughts of ‘non-humans’?”

At this time, Naruto Sasuke's powerful Susan and Senju Hashirama's Bokujin Wood Dragon had separated from Uchiha Madara's complete Susan. They also took the time to look at the changes in the surrounding environment and moved towards Nangong Yue's. Looking in the direction.

The rude Naruto was puzzled, while the more rational Sasuke, Hashirama, Madara, and Minato and Tobirama as assistants all had deep fears hidden in their eyes.

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