Kakashi stepped forward at this time, with a flash of disbelief in his eyes,

"How could it be...Teacher, even you have been reincarnated?!"

Hearing this, Sakura was also surprised,

"Dad...Teacher...you are?!!!"

Namikaze Minato stood up and smiled,

"Ah, I am the fourth Hokage, and Naruto's father, be careful, the explosion is coming!"


Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the distance, and the hurricane on the sea swept in with violent aftermath. The whole earth cracked because of the vibration. In the aftermath, the remaining ninjas resisted with difficulty.

You know, this place is actually still a distance away from the sea, but the aftermath of the Tailed Beast Ball explosion is still strong, which shows the range and power of the explosion!

Just a rough thought, you can understand what kind of chaos is on the sea at this time.

"Teacher, did you transfer the Tailed Beast Ball of the Ten Tails to the sea surface?

Your Flying Thunder God Technique is still as superb as ever~"

Kakashi put down his arm and sighed after the aftermath subsided a little.

"But looking at your eyes, you seem to be reborn from the Impure World Reincarnation, right? I wonder who summoned you?"

Just as Minato Namikaze opened his mouth and wanted to speak, another figure fell beside him, and an old voice came,

"It's Orochimaru, the traitor, Kakashi... Long time no see."

Seeing the newcomer, the ninjas of Konoha stared at him and exclaimed immediately,

"Sandaime Hokage! What's going on?!!!"

Before anyone answered, two more figures fell one after another. The retro armor style of the Warring States period and the decades-old statues on the Hokage Rock made the ninjas of Konoha recognize them at a glance.

"Second Hokage, and...First Hokage, my God, all the previous Hokages are here!"

"Fourth Hokage, you use Flying Thunder God well, even faster than me."

Senju Tobirama exclaimed in admiration, but his face still maintained his cold expression.

Looking at the people who appeared in front of him, Kakashi's eyes flashed with a gleam of light, and the flame of "hope" was ignited in his heart again. He could win... If it was the four Hokage, he could win!

"Naruto, your friend won't be here until later."

Minato Namikaze smiled, but his eyes glanced at the Ten Tails in the distance and Obito standing on its head. Because he recognized who the other party was, his emotions were a little complicated.

Just as everyone was cheering for the arrival of the four Hokage, a blood-red figure quickly approached and landed in the distance.

Uchiha Madara jumped out impatiently, standing on the high ground and looking at someone in the crowd,


You are finally here, Hashirama, I have been waiting for you for a long time!!!"

Hashirama turned his head, but before he could speak, Senju Tobirama glanced over here and said,

"It is Uchiha Madara, and that mysterious boy. Now things have become troublesome. Even if my brother and I join forces, we are probably not their opponents..."

"Hmph! Madara, I have heard about your affairs. You have made quite a commotion, but I will find you later. Now I have to stop the Ten-Tails first."

Hashirama looked at Nangong Yue in the distance again, feeling Under the turbulent natural energy over there, he thought, 'Sure enough, this guy can mobilize natural energy freely... In other words, if you fight him, you can't enter the Sage Mode... This is really... In this case, the boy is equivalent to having infinite chakra, and it is Sage Chakra that is stronger than ordinary chakra... And his opponent has limited energy, even if he is a reincarnated body...' Thinking of this, Senju Hashirama couldn't help but fall into deep thought, because his usual fighting method, that is, overwhelming trees crushing, is mostly useless against Nangong Yue. Nangong Yue, who has infinite energy, can break through his tree world head-on no matter what type of attack technique he uses, such as the 'decomposition' and 'crush' he has seen and understood. Moreover, the opponent's 'reorganization', combined with 'decomposition', can also use trees to fight him. After a long time, Hashirama smiled at Uchiha Madara twice, his face returned to seriousness, and he looked at the younger Hokage around him, "Okay, Tobirama, the Third Generation, the Fourth Generation, prepare the barrier, first block the movement of this big guy, and then I have something to talk to Madara." Uchiha Obito looked at them and frowned slightly. It would be a lie to say that he was not nervous. The name of the tree shadow, the subtle influence over the years, has made everyone have the most basic respect for 'Senju Hashirama', and Uchiha Obito is no exception. But after thinking carefully, and looking at the pale deformed giant under his feet, Obito was relieved and said that he could continue to pretend. "You are really shameless. Even if you are called the God of Ninja World, you are still insignificant in front of the power of the Ten Tails." "Hahaha! We will know after we take action." Hashirama saw all of Obito's micro-expressions, and naturally knew the other party's general psychological activities, and said with a smile. At this time, several figures fell from the sky, the first one was Uchiha Sasuke, followed by Orochimaru, and Jūgo, Suigetsu, and Karin from the Hawk Squad.

"Sasuke, you're here!"

Naruto smiled slightly. Under the perception of the Nine-Tails mode, he had already felt Sasuke's chakra.

Sakura was shocked and subconsciously covered her mouth with disbelief in her eyes.


Putting aside the various reactions of the new generation of ninjas in Konoha due to Sasuke's sudden arrival, the four Hokages on the Senju Hashirama side have already planned to take action, and Uchiha Obito naturally will not back down.

Now that Obito has the Ten-Tails in hand, he feels that he is worthy of fighting anyone. Otherwise, he would not have included Nangong Yue and others in the Tailed Beast Tama's attack range just now.

Just when Obito and several Hokages were about to get angry, Nangong Yue's slightly frivolous voice directly entered everyone's minds,

"The time is almost up, and the key figures are all here. The tense atmosphere between the two sides can calm down for a while. The information I will reveal next is related to the future of the ninja world.

The historical turning point of this world has arrived. As parties involved, you still have the right to know some secrets. "

At the same time, Nangong Yue suddenly appeared above the head of the Ten Tails.

Not far away, due to Nangong Yue's bombardment, Ohnoki, who lost a leg in two days, flew staggeringly in the air after Tsunade simply stopped the bleeding.

"What do you mean by this? Isn't your purpose always the Infinite Tsukuyomi?"

Nangong Yue glanced at the disabled old man and said with a smile,

"Hey... don't just make a preconception because of Obito's declaration~

It seems that I have never said that my personal goal is to read endlessly. Think about it carefully, have I really said this? "


Chapter 374


"What do you mean by this? Isn't your purpose always the Infinite Tsukuyomi?"

"Grandpa Tsuchikage!!!" (Naruto)

"How could it be?! Even the Tsuchikage..." (Sakura)

After reacting, everyone gritted their teeth and stared at the seemingly harmless smiling tiger in front of them, but when they recalled the previous energy fluctuations, they dared not speak out in anger.

Nangong Yue glanced at the disabled old man and said with a smile,

"Hey... don't just make a preconception because of Obito's declaration~

It seems that I have never said that my personal goal is unlimited monthly reading. Think about it carefully, have I really said such a thing? "

Ohnoki was stunned and couldn't help but fall into memories. Looking back carefully, it seemed that he had never heard similar words from Nangong Yue.

Senju Hashirama and others put down the seals in their hands, and several Hokages looked confused, not knowing what Nangong Yue wanted to say.

Uchiha Obito stood on the head of the Ten-Tails, his expression changed when he heard this,

"What's going on? Nangong Yue, are you ready to make everything clear?"

Because of some emotional fluctuations, Obito's chakra affected the Ten-Tails, which immediately made the Ten-Tails become violent. The ten tails stirred up the world and caused a lot of destruction.

"Be quiet. What's yours is yours, and we don't care about it."

Nangong Yue remained calm as usual.

Immediately, he pointed one hand at the Ten-Tails below. Under the stimulation of unprecedented mental power, a trace of Kaguya's remaining soul was immediately activated, making Obito unable to control the Ten-Tails' body at all.

At the same time, in order to prevent the Ten-Tails from rioting by themselves, Nangong Yue directly brought the soul of the Ten-Tails under his control.

"Sorry, Obito, you are controlling the Ten-Tails now. If you make any moves while I am describing, things will become a bit troublesome.

Therefore, the Ten-Tails should be left alone for a while. "

Immediately, the roar of the Ten-Tails ceased. The originally violent giant beast stopped all movements in an instant, and even temporarily lost its arrogant power, becoming just like a huge pale statue.

After stabilizing the Ten-Tails, Nangong Yue dodged directly to the ground below.

Although Obito's side was solved, there were still some people present who were unwilling to cooperate. Uchiha Sasuke, who felt that he could do it again, looked at Nangong Yue's look at the fool and slowly drew out the Kusanagi sword from behind.

"Nangong Yue, I'm not interested in your nonsense. Whether your goal is unlimited moon reading or something else, it has nothing to do with me.

I have only one purpose, to defeat you all, then become Hokage, and transform this world full of hatred according to my will. "

"????" (All members, especially Sasuke's classmates)

Before he finished speaking, his figure suddenly disappeared and appeared in front of Nangong Yue almost at the same time, his pupils were blood red, and the eternal kaleidoscope was shining with a strange blood light.

"Fire escape! Add earth life!!¨"!"

The pitch-black eternal flame burned from Sasuke's point of view and attached to the Kusanagi sword. The long blade burning with black flame suddenly stabbed out and went straight to Nangong Yue's throat.


Naruto was shocked. Of course he was worried about Sasuke. After understanding Nangong Yue's many methods, he didn't think Sasuke could hurt him.

Sure enough, Nangong Yue sighed and shook his head, looking at Sasuke helplessly,

‘Spatial shaping, folding. ’

The next moment, Sasuke's sword thrust out and blood spurted out.

Sakura exclaimed, indicating that it was not Nangong Yue who was injured.

I saw Sasuke stopped in front of Nangong Yue. Sasuke's right hand holding the sword was clearly stretched forward, but in front of his chest, the long sword burning with the dark Amaterasu flame was piercing into his body.

No one saw any trace of Nangong Yue's attack, but Sasuke jumped in front of him, and then the sword pierced into his body. It was obvious that there was a spatial dislocation.

In Sasuke's own opinion, just after the tip of his blade touched Nangong Yue's throat, his blade seemed to have pierced into a bottomless pit.

Then, he felt a sharp pain in his right chest.

The next moment, Sasuke fell heavily behind Nangong Yue, and with a loud bang, even the ground had several cracks.

Nangong Yue was afraid that he could not help but blow him up directly, and then the old man of the Six Paths would directly activate Indra's Yin Release Chakra. At that time, neither Obito nor Madara could become the Ten-Tails Jinchūriki, which would be embarrassing. He quickly teleported this invisible scourge to the opposite position.

Amaterasu's flames burned at his wounds, and blood continued to flow out of his mouth with violent coughs.

He stood up with difficulty, and the pupil technique "Kagutsuchi" was immediately activated, and the burning Amaterasu flames quickly extinguished.

The Kusanagi sword was pulled out, and a look of pain appeared on his face. Sakura hurried forward, with a soft chakra light flashing in her hand.

"Sasuke, don't move, I'll help you heal."

None of the ninjas present saw how Nangong Yue made his move, only Madara and Hashirama showed a hint of surprise.

Especially Hashirama, who looked back at Sasuke in surprise. This time, his reincarnated body was very close to the original strength, and his vision during the Warring States period was still there. He could detect something special, but he still couldn't see through Nangong Yue's attack.

Of course, Nangong Yue never used any body seals or hand seals when performing magic. He just mobilized energy and followed the operation circuit of the magic.

Even if it seemed to be a language that acted as a "spirit of words", it was mostly Nangong Yue pretending. In fact, the magic had already been activated!

Standing on a high place, Nangong Yue rubbed his eyebrows and calmed down.

"Sasuke...you kid really don't remember to fight. I have been very restrained just now and didn't kill you directly.

Also, aren't you afraid that I will decompose you directly?

You have been resurrected by me for the second time, why don't you care about your life?"

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