Well...it's a good thing that you didn't agree, so I have a ready-made enemy like Madara Uchiha for me to take advantage of. Otherwise, everything in this ninja world would have to be controlled by me myself~"

While speaking, everyone (except Xiang Rin, who had seen a similar scene) was shocked. Sasuke, who was seriously injured and on the verge of death, was directly exploded, and then reassembled completely, even the dust and blood stains on his clothes were removed.

'This is...'decomposition' and 'reorganization'...

This little... no... should be said to be an old monster who has lived for who knows how long. He is really rich in methods...' (Senju Tobirama, Orochimaru)

In response, Senju Tobirama frowned and began to think about how to deal with this technique, while Orochimaru showed a hint of fanaticism. He immediately saw the role of this technique, especially in scientific research.

If he deduced correctly, as long as the caster has sufficient energy and knows the detailed structure of a certain substance, he can use this spell to use any substance as raw material to restore that specific substance!

Nangong Yueke ignored the psychological activities of these people. After reviving Sasuke, he continued to observe the situation at the Ten-Tails.

"Well... I've started to evolve~ It's time for me to pass."

Immediately, Nangong Yue unlocked the space blockade here, ignored everyone present, and teleported away.

It has to be said that this move made Tobirama and Minato look a little embarrassed. They knew that this strange spatial fluctuation was definitely not the coordinate movement of the 'Flying Thunder God', but another way of teleportation.

Although they didn't know the details, they had a hunch that this kind of space ninjutsu was more suitable for actual combat and even had direct attack capabilities.

Before they could continue thinking, Hashirama interrupted his brother's thoughts.

"Tobirama, how is the situation in the space?"

"...Let me see...

No problem now, the space here is not blocked and you can use Flying Thunder God at any time. "

After confirming that the space had been restored to its original state, the group did not move forward immediately. After all, Sasuke was still unconscious. This kid was a high-level combat power who had activated the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, so it was worth waiting for a while.


The Ten-Tails roared, and the swarming ninja coalition began to sweep towards the Ten-Tails.

Under Nara Shikaku's remote command, the ninjas from each major ninja village were grouped according to their attributes and continued to unleash combination ninjutsu, suppressing the Ten-Tails in a short time.

But even with the combat power of the Five Shadows, they could barely maintain a stalemate with the Akatsuki organization. This was because Momoshi had been stabilizing the Ten-Tails and did not take action because of Satoru's instructions.

Above the head of the Ten-Tails, unlike Madara Uchiha who does nothing, Obito Uchiha is trying his best to control the Ten-Tails and fight against the ninja alliance.

The Ten-Tails shook its huge body, and under the joint efforts of hundreds of Iwagakure ninjas, the earth suddenly sank, sinking the Ten-Tails, including Madara and Obito, into the ground.

"Art! It's a blast!!!"

"Chen Escape! The art of peeling off the original world!!!"

Hundreds of people were unable to move due to the spell. Deidara in the sky could not miss such an opportunity, and immediately released a large number of scattered clay explosives.

And the old man Onoki, who could fly freely, naturally knew the methods of his apprentice.


Chapter 371


"Art! It's a blast!!!"

"Chen Escape! The art of peeling off the original world!!!"

Hundreds of people were unable to move due to the spell. Deidara in the sky could not miss such an opportunity, and immediately released a large number of scattered clay explosives.

And the old man Onoki, who could fly freely, naturally knew the methods of his apprentice.

It's a pity that Deidara has already released these hundreds of clay birds first. Even if all the thunder escape ninjas attack at the same time, they may not be able to shoot them all down.

However, all it takes is one bird to slip through the net, and the explosion can kill a large area. Therefore, Onoki's dust escape can only do it.

There is no way, who knows that among the ninjas who can fly, he is the only one with enough attack power...

The perspective returns to the top of the Ten-Tails' head~...

Just when Uchiha Madara was watching the fighting around him in boredom, a space crack suddenly opened next to him. Nangong Yue just moved here from the Uchiha secret room, and at the same time minimized his presence. -.

"Hmm... the progress is not bad, still acceptable. I've cut off another two thousand, but I'm still alive today - an elite.

By the way, a reminder, the previous generation of Asuras has been summoned, but now... they are still waiting for your descendant who has opened the Eternal Eye, and will come over later. "

Hearing this, Uchiha Madara was stunned for a while. After coming back to his senses, he felt it carefully. Then, a hint of joy finally appeared on his originally expressionless face.

"Yes, it is indeed Hashirama's chakra.

Also, another chakra that is powerful enough is indeed from the Uchiha clan, is it also the Eternal Eye..."

"By the way, a reminder, the kid who has opened the Eternal Eye looks very similar to your brother. If he becomes your enemy, you must not be affected."

At this time, only Madara Uchiha could notice the existence of Nangong Yue. In other people's senses, Nangong Yue was like the most inconspicuous Piaoxu and would not notice it at all.

What's more, with a big attention-grabbing figure like Uchiha Madara by his side, Nangong Yue's technique works even more perfectly.

The reason why Nangong Yue is like this is because the current war situation is relatively stable, and his sudden appearance will cause considerable uncertainty, both for the enemy and ourselves.

Let’s talk about Uchiha Madara, because Nangong Yue’s words reminded him of his younger brother. After thinking about it carefully, his eyes remained firm as usual.

"Huh! That's just a 'resemblance', and it's not the real Quan Nai. My brother has died a long time ago. Of course I can deal with that brat, so you don't need to worry."

"Okay...Also, let White Zetsu get your other reincarnation eye. Black Zetsu must also be prepared. This Obito will be useless soon." (Nangong)


Uchiha Madara was a little upset when he thought that he had not been truly resurrected. He had no choice but to let Obito become the jinchūriki of the Ten-Tails first.

In fact, if Obito can really complete the Infinite Tsukuyomi, he, Uchiha Madara, doesn't mind leaving everything to Obito.

It's just that he really doesn't like this silly boy who is immersed in the past.

After snorting coldly, which was regarded as acquiescence to Nangong Yue, Madara continued to watch the battle on the field...

"Water escape! Storm water rushes the waves!!!"

Many water-type ninjas used Water Release together, and the mighty water fell from the sky, mixing with the molten release lime of the black soil, forming a large amount of cement, which was also accompanied by huge heat.

On the other side, a large number of fire escape ninjas stood in position, formed seals at the same time, and then shouted the spirit of the spell,

"Fire Escape! Flame Bullet!!!"

The rain of fire fell, evaporating the water in the boiling lime, and solidified it into shape in just a short moment, fixing the huge body of the Ten Tails, making it difficult to move.

Facing such a scene, Uchiha Madara moved slightly and said softly,

"It's unbelievable that the ninjas from the five major countries can form such a tacit cooperation."

Nangong Yue shrugged next to him. To suit the occasion, he took out two glasses of sake and handed one to Madara beside him.

“Anyway, it’s not surprising that there are not so many.

I’m not talking about you. If you challenge the coalition forces in a duel based on your current state, the possibility of being sealed is not small~"

"Hmph! I would be stupid to go head-to-head with tens of thousands of ninjas, and when there is obviously a better choice."

Madara snorted softly and glanced to his side.

"Hmph, hehe... If I'm too lazy to do anything, I'll just say it. Although the upper limit of the reincarnation in the dirt is not high, it is better than the longevity.

Or... I have so much ammunition ready, I can lend you a few more.

Forget it, you can't pay it back, just give it..."

Nangong Yue chuckled and teased in a relaxed tone.


Above, there was a burst of noise from the ninja coalition, and a large number of ninjas jumped down and attacked the people above the Ten-Tails.

Naruto, who had both Sage Mode and Nine-Tails Chakra Mode activated at the same time, was also leading the way, spinning the Rasen Shuriken in his hand at high speed.

However, a look of surprise appeared on the young man's face, because when he got closer to less than ten meters, he noticed Nangong Yue's existence!

But now, he couldn't help but be surprised. The arrow was on the string and had to be fired.

"Get it! Immortal magic! Spiral shuriken!!!"

Madara crossed his arms with no intention of taking action. Nangong Yue looked at the guy who started to blame, rubbed his eyebrows, and raised his head with a smile. The figures of the ninjas were like tiny raindrops under the moonlight.

"Naruto, because of your special status, I have indulged you so much.

But, this is not the reason why you can always be so arrogant in front of me~

Well... now is just the right time, it's time to get serious...

The shape of the space makes the world turn. "

Invisible fluctuations centered on Nangong Yue and spread rapidly to the surroundings. Immediately afterwards, the picture in everyone's eyes began to appear unstable and distorted. Obviously, there was something wrong with the space itself.

Immediately, in the shocked eyes of all the ninjas, their bodies were suddenly out of their control, as if time went backwards. Everyone moved backwards in violation of the laws of physics. The figure that jumped into the air fell back to the top along the original trajectory. On the earth, there is no exception!

Nangong Yue's move directly divided the large space into many pieces, and then rearranged them to readjust the direction of the ninjas' movement.

The next moment, the ninja coalition was in an uproar, and most of them were still confused.

‘What’s going on? What just happened? ’

0 ·Ask for flowers·· ·······

At this time, the old man Onoki, who had rich experience in actual combat, seemed to have spotted the gap between Nangong Yue's casting and took action decisively, starting with all his strength!

"Chen Escape! The art of boundary peeling!!!"

Nangong Yue looked at the unwilling little old man and casually snapped his fingers. Before Chen Dun could get close to him, he suddenly changed direction in mid-air and hit a mountain peak in the distance, bursting out with intense light.

Uchiha Obito had already made a defensive move, but at this time he put down his hands and looked at Nangong Yue with a slightly surprised look, and the fear in his heart deepened.

"This kind of space ninjutsu that cannot be measured by common sense...

Sure enough, Nangong Yue's strength is definitely higher than Uchiha Madara! "

After drawing away the Tsuchikage's dust escape, Nangong Yue raised his sword in an instant, and used his unstrengthened palm sword to directly cut off the connecting pipe between Madara and the Ten-Tails, and jumped down with him. It fell to the ground in the distance.

The ninja coalition forces over there only felt an invisible and strange energy permeating the air. This was the 'dispersal of idlers', which directly tampered with the subconscious of these people, and everyone involuntarily evacuated the area where Nangong Yue was.

... . ...

"what happened?"

After the two landed, Uchiha Madara asked softly.

"The more chakra that interferes with the Ten-Tails, the slower it will evolve.

Also, isn't Senju Hashirama arriving soon? If you continue to stand above the Ten-Tails, will you still fight?

In short, leave it to Obito, he is a real, living human being after all. "

Facing Nangong Yue's sudden retreat, Obito was stunned, but then he felt happy. As for the reason, he probably guessed it, it was nothing more than the verbal promise he had made with him before.

In short, the Ten-Tails is now under his control alone. As long as the Ten-Tails is in hand, he is not afraid of anyone.

Raising the tiger seal with one hand, the power of the ten tails exploded under the guidance of Obito. The solidified concrete shattered inch by inch. The giant beast roared to the sky, broke the blockade, suddenly jumped up from the ground, and landed on the ground again, triggering a formation. The position was shaken.

"Naruto, Uchiha Madara broke away from the Ten-Tails, what happened?"

Kakashi stepped forward and whispered.

Naruto's eyes were serious, and he shook his head slightly when he heard this.

“Not only Uchiha Madara, but Nangong Yue has already arrived.

I just don’t know why, but I only realized his existence when I got within ten meters of him. There was obviously no one there..."

Before Naruto could continue to struggle, Nara Shikaku's voice sounded in their minds,

"Now is not the time to discuss what happened, stopping the Ten-Tails is the most important thing!

No matter what happened, it is to our advantage that Uchiha Madara is separated from the Ten-Tails. Now we only need to cut off the connection between Uchiha Obito and the Ten-Tails and break them apart. It is enough.

Listen to my instructions, Lord Raikage, Lord Tsuchikage, Lord Kazekage, please, the three of you and the other masters will keep an eye on the Akatsuki organization.

As for Naruto and everyone, launch an all-out attack on the Ten-Tails and be sure to cut off the connection between Obito and the Ten-Tails.

As long as we make sure that he cannot activate the infinite Tsukuyomi, we will have the advantage!

Also, Tsunade-sama, please do the healing work. "


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