Except for the Fourth Battalion, everyone on the battlefield recognized this iconic voice, especially his former teacher, Onoki.

After all, as the "bomber" of the Akatsuki organization, who knows how many people Deidara has killed? !

Moreover, when the coalition forces gathered here through the phantom body, there were still 30,000 troops, but now only more than 10,000 have arrived!

As for the rest, they all stayed in the original battlefield to cover the rear.

Now that all members of Akatsuki are here, it means...

"I finally found a great stage to showcase my perfect art, but you mediocre people don't stay to watch? Huh?!

Do you look down on me?!!!"

"Deidara! Shut up!

It will be more advantageous for us if all the enemy troops gather together.

During the battlefield transfer, we can't avoid a long wait." (Scorpion)

"Hehehe... It's really delicious... I can actually taste so much fear at once.

I have to say, in this regard, I really have to thank the boss. Fortunately, he thinks highly of me and let me out..." (Satoru)

Everyone looked up and saw a pale clay dragon with a wingspan of hundreds of meters, carrying all members of Akatsuki to the sky above the Ten-Tails.

"Ah... what can I do? There are too many people. It's very tiring to chop them.

However, if the five Kage are used as sacrifices..."

"Forget it, Hidan. Your technique is for people, and the current battle is a battle between monsters. You can't intervene.

Unless you want to be blasted into a pile of minced meat, I'm too lazy to sew your body, and I probably don't have the time."

At this time, sensing a large amount of huge and unfamiliar chakra approaching, the Ten-Tails began to stir uncontrollably.

Everyone noticed this at the first time, but before Obito and Madara could control the Ten-Tails, Satoru gave the order at the first time.

"Momoshiki, calm this thing down."

"...Command executed..."

Just when Uchiha Madara was about to transmit chakra, a dark space hole suddenly opened behind them, and a pale boy who didn't look like a normal human floated out.

Seeing this person, Uchiha Madara's pupils shrank to the size of a pinhole!

Because, although the color of Momoshiki's forehead and the palms of his hands was not right, it was obviously the Samsara Eye!

Moreover, the way the other party opened his eyes on his forehead was exactly the same as the information he read from the Uchiha stele!

Just when Uchiha Madara was confused and did not do anything, Momoshiki half-crouched and placed his right palm on the top of the Ten-Tails.

Then, the originally restless Ten-Tails suddenly calmed down.

At this time, Obito and Madara could feel that if they wanted to control the Ten-Tails again, the chakra consumption would be reduced to less than 10% of the previous amount! ! !

Coming back to his senses, Uchiha Madara looked at Wu, who was born with wings and whose body was suspended slightly in front of the Ten-Tails.

"Monster, let me ask you, what is the full name of this so-called Momoshiki?"

Hearing Uchiha Madara's question, Wu did not answer immediately, but turned back to look at Obito.

This move made Obito feel much better, and also made Uchiha Madara feel much worse.

Obito knew very well that the reason why Wu asked for his opinion instead of answering Uchiha Madara's question immediately was because Nangong Yue handed over the command of the organization to him, Uchiha Obito! Instead of Uchiha Madara himself!

Now, it was not easy for him to break up with Madara, so he nodded and asked Wu to explain briefly.

After learning about the identity of 'Otsutsuki Momoshiki', although Uchiha Madara understood it in his heart, he was still more afraid of Nangong Yue.

After all, this Momoshiki, when he, Uchiha Madara, became the Ten-Tails Jinchūriki, he would most likely become like the other party.

Of course, the Rinnegan would not appear in his palms because of this, after all, his own eyes were the Rinnegan.

Having said that, since even this Otsutsuki Momoshiki, who was in a complete state, was transformed into such a state, then, how strong was Nangong Yue, he had no idea for a while.

Uchiha Madara couldn't help but doubt whether his strength could really reach the level described in the stone tablet after swallowing the Ten-Tails...

What made him more afraid was that Uchiha Madara personally used the Sharingan to detect Momoshiki's state, and there was no disorder in the chakra in his body, that is to say, the other party was not under the illusion!

This means that this Otsutsuki Momoshiki must have had his soul transformed by Nangong Yue!!! But now, he is in a dilemma. He, Uchiha Madara, is determined to get the Ten-Tails. Only by becoming the Jinchūriki of the Ten-Tails can he have the power to have an equal (?) dialogue with Nangong Yue. Think about it, now he is just a body of the Impure World Reincarnation, which is extremely weak, because, maybe that monster can even directly modify the talisman that originally had no binding force on him! Once his body is completely controlled by Nangong Yue, everything he has planned for many years will be gone! However, the immediate priority is to clean up these miscellaneous soldiers, and then find a way to let Obito perform "Reincarnation". This, Black Zetsu will cooperate with him, Nangong Yue is not sure, so it is not too urgent. After thinking it through, Uchiha Madara, who still hugged his hands in front of his chest, turned his head slightly, and looked at Obito with the corner of his eye,

"It's time to put the plan on the agenda. Let's clean up these miscellaneous soldiers first.

With such a large number, although they cannot defeat us, they can still interfere with our actions. "

"Yeah... that's right, I don't have any free time to kill..."

After being reminded by Uchiha Madara, he silently injected chakra into the Ten-Tails body.


In the Land of Fire, outside Konoha Village, Sasuke and his party walked slowly in the night.

In the sky, the originally snow-white moon has turned into scarlet, and ominous chakra continues to spread from a distance, affecting the entire world.

"Is this kind of chakra the so-called Ten-Tails? The battle over there seems to be very intense. You can feel such obvious chakra fluctuations even here.

Even though I am not completely a sensory ninja, I can sense it so clearly. "

Orochimaru stopped, looked in the distance, the snake pupils in his eyes shrank, and sighed in a low and hoarse voice.

Under Orochimaru's reminder, Uchiha Sasuke also glanced in that direction. After being silent for a long time,

"Let's go, we don't have much time."

Orochimaru saw Sasuke's impatience, laughed darkly, turned around and continued to lead the way.

After walking for a long time, they came to an Uzumaki clan land some distance away from the village of Konoha. Orochimaru looked up and after confirming that they were right, he took the lead and stepped in.

Entering the house, Gui Deng Shui Yue looked around nervously.

"Where is this place? It's so dilapidated."


Chapter 366


"Where is this place? It's so dilapidated."

Orochimaru's rare patient explanation,

“This is the whirlpool~ clan land established in the early days of Konoha.

Back then, the first Hokage, Senju Hashirama, calmed down the troubled times, unified most of the ninja families in the Land of Fire, and founded the Leaf Village.

As distant relatives of the Senju clan, the Uzumaki clan played a big role in founding the village, and the Shodaime invited them to join Konoha shortly after the village was founded.

However, Uzumaki is a clan with its own traditions, and even forms its own country. The clan leader is the name of the country. They did not agree to fully join, but they did not reject it completely.

As a result, the current clan land came into existence.

So, come on in. "

Orochimaru led Sasuke and the other four into the dilapidated Uzumaki clan ancestral hall. The room was filled with the decayed atmosphere of time. Nearly half of the entire ancestral hall had collapsed, and there was dust and spider webs everywhere.

Under the leadership of Orochimaru, Sasuke and the four stopped in front of a wall. On the dilapidated wall, there were dozens of different masks, which looked like items used in previous sacrifices.

"Ah, it looks so spooky. Why do we come to such a ghost place?"

Oni Deng Suigetsu expressed in a low voice, and Xiang Rin behind Sasuke echoed in a low voice.

Orochimaru didn't pay attention to this, but began to search carefully. Looking around, his right arm turned into a python and rushed towards the wall. He took off the mask with two horns on one of the heads.

"That's it, let's leave and go see the person who knows all the truth."


In Konoha, the lights are brightly lit at night, and the existing villagers are walking up and down the streets and alleys. There are also many shops open at this time, such as the barbecue restaurant that Nangong Yue tried before.

At this time, Nangong Yue had changed into the original 'external circuit'. In an inconspicuous position, he was enjoying the most ordinary food of mankind, waiting for the past Hokages to be channeled.

At this moment, the major ninja villages in the ninja world have formed a coalition and are fighting. However, for the vast majority of ordinary people in the major ninja villages who do not have fighting ability, they still have to live their lives.

After all, the world of ninjas is too far away from them, even for those of them who live in the Great Ninja Village and are the closest to the ninjas.

In comparison, the residents of Da Ninja Village at least knew that an unprecedented war was taking place outside. Many ninja families continued to pray for their loved ones, hoping that the coalition forces would win, although they could not even win this war. It may not be clear who the target is.

The residents of other ordinary cities don't even know that a battle is taking place that will determine the fate of the world.

Sasuke stopped and looked up at the sky. After several years, he stepped into his former hometown again, and he felt an inexplicable emotion in his heart.

Just like Naruto who returned to the village after three years of training outside, Sasuke jumped onto the highest telephone pole, overlooking the entire Konoha.

Compared with when he left, Konoha has undergone many changes. Among other things, after Nangong Yue's basically unreasonable massacre, coupled with Payne's destruction, Konoha at this time is completely It is a new city built on the ruins.

"Hey...Sasuke, what's wrong with you?"

Oni Deng Suigetsu looked up at Sasuke dumbfounded.

Orochimaru took a few steps forward and patted Suigetsu on the shoulder, making Suigetsu nervous for a while, then chuckled lightly,

"Let him go. This feeling is similar to when I wanted to destroy Konoha. No matter what, this is my old hometown after all..."

Gui Deng Shui Yue shook his head, expressing his confusion.

Sasuke didn't act as the 'Telephone Pole King' for a long time. About half a minute later, he jumped down again, still wearing his usual face.

"Let's go."

Not long after, a few people came to a place where the Uchiha clan used to be. The place was already in ruins.

Nangong Yue was mainly killing people that time, and did not affect this place. However, after the destruction by Pain, the Uchiha clan land was not rebuilt.

Arriving at the old site of Nanga Shrine, Sasuke made seals with both hands, and the earth made a slight vibration. A stone slab that originally perfectly matched the earth rose into the air under the effect of the spell. The three magatama patterns of the Sharingan were drawn on the back, revealing the stairs leading to the secret room.

"The entire Nanga Shrine was destroyed. I didn't expect that the mechanism that existed in the early days of the village was still intact.

It should be said that it is worthy of being a product of the Uchiha clan. It is indeed a quality assurance."

Sasuke ignored Orochimaru and walked down the stairs first.

"It doesn't matter what happens up there. What's important is down there."

Soon, Sasuke brought a few people to the bottom of the shrine. At this time, the six stone tablets that run through the thousand-year history of the entire Naruto world were quietly placed deep in the underground secret room.

Using the fire escape technique to light the torches on both sides of the stone tablet, the bright flames immediately illuminated the entire stone room. Orochimaru casually threw off his black cloak and whispered, "It's about to start, stand back." Everyone followed the instructions and stepped back. Orochimaru took a breath to adjust his state and put on the two-horned demon mask he had taken out before. Suddenly, a cold and strange energy enveloped him. Orochimaru let out a series of low roars, as if he had endured some kind of powerful pain. He tried his best to control himself and stood with his arms stretched out. Suddenly, behind him, a white two-horned demon mask appeared with a short blade in his mouth. The temperature in the whole room suddenly dropped because of the cold air from the underworld. Seeing this, Sasuke instinctively opened his Sharingan to three magatama, with a serious face. After all, even if he had experienced a lot and his combat power had already taken shape, he still had to be cautious about this strange ninjutsu. God knows if Orochimaru would come back with a trick. As the chakra continued to be consumed, with a muffled groan, a scar appeared on his abdomen, and blood kept flowing out. Following Orochimaru's actions, the 'God of Death' also took out the short blade in his mouth and silently cut a wound on his abdomen.

At the same time, several blue inexplicable light balls surged out from the opening of the "God of Death"'s abdomen, two of which went towards Orochimaru and attached to his hands.

For the first time in a long time, Orochimaru felt the flexibility of his hands, and the residual soul of his hands returned. Orochimaru's face was happy and said,

"Hehehe... I'm back, this is the feeling, my sealed hands.

In this case, I have also restored my normal ability to cast spells."

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