The reason why Takagi Souichiro was like this was because of the information he had obtained through Takagi Saya. This hand opened the apocalypse and made Takagi Souichiro completely collapse.

Although he was involved in this plan because of his concern for the country, in fact they only provided resources and a certain number of soldiers. They had no authority over confidential information and could not find it using any means.

Even though he is a radical in Neon Country, he is not crazy enough to drag all mankind down.

Moreover, none of the soldiers sent there have come back. Now that I think about it, either the experiment failed and died, or they turned into zombies after half the success.

At the same time, judging from the approach of those crazy guys who plan to use all human beings to select evolved individuals, with this probability, it is not expected that the soldiers sent there will have successful individuals for the experiment.

But it’s no wonder, after all, all the information is not connected to the Internet, and most of it is paper data, which is closely watched by senior officials of various countries. The real core data is not recorded at all, and it is all used by a few people who are suspected of having complete memory capabilities. Keep it in mind.

Data that is not connected to the Internet can be read when it reaches the institute and is connected to the intranet; paper data can also be stolen by hiring senior agents; but ordinary people cannot figure out the core secrets that are recorded in their minds. This is still used by Nangong Yue Read by the mind-reading ability of the words of expression

"Thank you for your hard work, Nangong. Leave the rest to us.

When you came to me, I knew you would leave sooner or later. Now that I think about it, Nangong boy, this is the day you have been waiting for.

I don't see any idea of salvation in you.

I have investigated you and found that during this period, except for the little girl and the kid from Busu Island, the way you looked at other people was obviously not looking at others of the same kind. I don't know if all extraordinary people are like this, and I am not qualified to comment.

Not only that, I'm afraid you have long wanted to gain something in this apocalypse."

Nangong Yue was not surprised by Souichiro Takagi's evaluation. The people he sent could not be discovered by ordinary people, even people with a certain level, but it was not effective for him.

Furthermore, he had never hidden anything. Meaning, he accepts these comments calmly.

In fact, there is a slight difference. Not only does he not treat other people as the same kind, he does not even treat them as the same species!

Even Nangong Yue himself is not aware of this. Just think that"those people are on a different path from me, so you don't need to care."

This is also the change that was invisibly brought about after Nangong Yue's soul advanced to the fifth level in his previous life and was able to leave the body. This is also the inevitable evolution of life levels. After listening, Nangong Yue didn't care.

He ignored the various emotions of others and turned to the two outstanding students.

"Yazi, Saya, I have been watching your practice over the past month, and now you have both reached the level of Pojun.

Maybe it’s because we extraordinary beings have been fighting each other lately. Even if we took you out to see blood a few times, it ended in an instant because the difference in strength was too big.

Therefore, you have not yet realized to what extent your current strength has expanded.

Now I can tell you clearly that as long as no major mistakes are made, each of you can single-handedly annihilate a four-digit modern elite force, or even more, although it may take a long time.

Yazi, let’s not talk about it. You are a melee swordsman, and you don’t look like someone who knows how to study spells.

The most you can do is release and gather the energy I gave you into a blade, and develop it to the point where there is no waste of energy.

You will spend more time studying swordsmanship.

I know this very well, so I have no other requirements for you, just try to improve your basic realm.

Your qualifications are outstanding, and you still have a long way to go. You can even reach the level of destroying a country!

I look forward to your future. Maybe ten years later, fifty years later, or even a hundred years later, I will come back. Don’t live up to your expectations."

When Busushima Yako and Takagi Saya heard their master's assessment of their combat prowess, they couldn't react for a moment. After all, they were both born in peaceful times, and they never thought that they could be invincible.

Among them, Busujima Yaozi fell into deep thought after hearing Nangong Yue's evaluation of himself, while Gao Chengshaye was still very curious about his own evaluation, so he looked expectantly and stared at Nangong Yue in silence.

Seeing the two of them like this, Nangong Yue immediately followed him. Read Turn to Takajo Saya

"As for Saya, you are a typical traditional warlock who mostly fights enemies through long-range attacks.

You also know that in the coming apocalypse, your wings of wind will first help you become invincible.

Your ability to fly does not rely on the flapping of the wind wings, but uses the wind to lift you in the air to move.

Therefore, your wings serve more as your spear and shield.

From these days of actual combat, you also know how strong your wings are, enough to withstand two armor-piercing bullets without breaking.

Your qualifications are not as good as Yaozi's. I estimate that your level will be as high as that of Broken City.

But I found that in terms of magic research, you have far more talent than Yazi!

Then after I leave, the research on the techniques will be completely left to you, so that we can rest assured.

Finally, Saya, you must remember that the second main tactical style I taught you must not be used easily before you reach the corresponding level. If you use it too much, it will damage your foundation. It will cut off your future. Not advisable!"

Although she heard that her future might not be as good as that Berserker from Busu Island, her strong self-esteem made her feel unhappy.

But the thought that she could develop the technique on her own, coupled with the numerous information given by Nangong Yue, and the wind element lord, a country-destroying level leader, Technique, the proud Saya Takagi believed that her future might not be weaker than that of Busujima Yako.

After saying the last words, it was time to say goodbye, and Nangong Yue put up a soundproof barrier. Because of the following information, Nangong Yue thought it could not be done. spread the word

"Well, you two, according to our Chinese saying, there is no such thing as a feast that never ends.

In just one month, we are very satisfied with your progress, which has even exceeded our expectations. You have lived up to my expectations and your own talents.

Then, I announce that starting from today, Busujima Yaozi and Takagi Saya, you are leaving!"

At this point, the two of them couldn't help but feel sore in their noses, especially Gaocheng Saya, who had a hint of admiration for Nangong Yue, even before Nangong Yue took her on the extraordinary road.

He, Nangong Yue, is not stupid, so he can naturally see that.

Over the past month, although Nangong Yue has been giving guidance, he has also tried his best to give guidance. Besides, the three of them have been together for a month, and it is impossible to say that they have no feelings at all.

, seeing that Nangong Yue was really leaving, although they had realized it a long time ago, they were still extremely reluctant to leave him at this moment, but both of them knew that they could not keep him, without saying anything else. With the huge gap in combat power and Nangong Yue's unpredictable ability, they have no way to deal with Nangong Yue.

However, they heard that Nangong Yue will always come back. Although it may not take a short time, he has already become extraordinary. They can afford to wait

"Then I'll leave. Don't blame me for being cruel. But at your level, you can't keep up with me. Only by staying in this world can you be safe.

You have never experienced real terror. You can understand it as a desperate situation in which even I cannot survive alone!

Not to mention you, even I am still far behind."

As he said that, Nangong Yue recalled the despair under the natural disaster that destroyed the world, his eyes were empty, and he unconsciously looked towards the void and chaos outside the world.

"So ~ I must grow and evolve. Only if I am strong enough can we be truly safe.

Saya~ Don't blame me. Now I can't really accept anyone, because my belonging is outside the world after all. My true belonging has been shattered long ago. I can't stay in one world for a long time, especially a low-level world.

I can 'see' that the world wall of this world has begun to fluctuate, and the source comes from within the world. Not surprisingly, it is me, the existence of the fifth level.

Therefore, Yaozi, in this world, it is best not to break through to the fifth level at will. This world cannot tolerate it.

The world may banish you by then, but an ordinary fifth-level person will never survive in the chaos of the void!

Also, when humanity stabilizes, the higher-ups of humanity will never let you go.

Therefore, I want you to do your best to improve your strength and become the top of mankind, and then carefully select your team to spread the practice.

Then, rely on your absolute individual combat power to shock the world."

With that said, Nangong Yue slowly walked towards the two of them, and embraced Busujima Yaozi, whose eyes were red, and Gao Chengshaye, who was bleeding and trembling and holding back her cries.

"......My love, don’t be sad. It’s a long road to life, and separation for thousands of years is normal, let alone less than a hundred years.

So, please believe me, give me some time, I will definitely come back, and then I will give you a real place to belong."

Nangong Yue's words were filled with absolute confidence, giving them the greatest comfort. At the same time, five meters behind Nangong Yue, a space door with a height of one person opened, and the space door slowly approached Nangong Yue.

After that, Kissing the two of them respectively, especially Saya, who was in a violent mood, gave him a deep kiss. When the space crack behind him was less than one meter away, Nangong

Yue finally stood up.

In Sha Ye's confused and reluctant eyes, Nangong Yue gave a rare gentle smile, took a step back and entered a different space, and the space door that slowly moved forward finally closed in front of the two of them.......

Thousands of meters above the Tokyo Virus Laboratory, a space door opened, and Nangong Yue slowly floated out. The tenderness on his face had faded. He looked at the gradually spreading zombies below, and a flash of blood flashed in his golden pupils.

Then, Nangong Yue slowly raised his head, closed his eyes, and spread his hands, as if he wanted to seize the whole world

"Then, what comes next is hell!

The air is above, the spirit is below!!!"

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