Chapter 186


Sora, who was lying on the grass leisurely basking in the sun, suddenly stood up and looked around alertly!

"Not bad, young man~ The intuition from the 'beast'..."

Hearing the voice behind him, Sora, who was wearing the uniform of a Fire Temple monk, immediately turned around and saw a young man wearing a loose uniform of the Akatsuki organization slowly falling to the ground.

'this is! ! ! ’

Seeing the young man's eyes suddenly widen, it seems that these people are not isolated from the world. They still recognize such iconic uniforms.

Of course, Nangong Yue also took advantage of the moment when the boy recognized the uniform of the Akatsuki organization and was a little distracted, and flashed behind him, and then slashed the back of his neck with a hand knife, knocking him out.

"Kyuubi replacement, capture completed~"

Just when Nangong Yue was about to leave...~.

"This Akatsuki organization, it's not good for you to just take away the monks from the Fire Temple."

Whoosh whoosh! ! ! ! !

In less than five seconds, Nangong Yue, who was holding the Nine Tails, was surrounded by a large number of monks from the Fire Temple.

"Evil-destroying formation! Drink!!!"

At the same time, the large number of monks surrounding Nangong Yue were evenly divided into eight directions. Everyone roared, and with Nangong Yue as the center, a huge green seal formation surrounded Nangong Yue in the center of the formation! ! !

Nangong Yue did not move for the first time, but looked at a monk walking towards him. This man Nangong Yue knew, he should be the strongest ninja monk at the Fire Temple, Dilu.

“People from the Akatsuki organization usually work in teams of two.

If you act alone regardless of the leader's arrangements, you will definitely suffer. "

At this time, Nangong Yue was too lazy to pay attention to the miscellaneous fish that he thought he had succeeded, but was observing the formation.

To be honest, it's really not that good. It doesn't matter if the spell caster is not good enough. Looking at the distortion in the air, it is obviously a serious waste of energy.

Of course, this thing still has some effect. At least Nangong Yue felt a little resistance when he circulated energy.

"Xiao Organization, Nangong Yue! You have been arrested!!!"

This elite jounin-level ninja monk seems to be very excited because he successfully captured him. It seems that this guy is very confident in the sealing technique of the Fire Temple~

He didn't even want to think about what characters they had blocked before? Has it been sealed to the film level?

In particular, even a child with Nine-Tails Chakra failed to seal. Although there were only eight people casting ninjutsu at that time, it also proved how unreliable this sealing technique was.

"Hey...a bunch of ignorant people living in a dream.

Definition, gravity is on top, human body is on the bottom; earth flow, lush. "

boom! ! ! ! ! !

Phew! ! ! ! !


Within a second, all the ninja monks were frozen in place by a force of more than forty times gravity!

Then, except for the land, all the ninja monks were pierced through the heart by the earth thorns pierced from the ground, or the wooden thorns transformed from the trees! ! !

"Everyone!!! Cough cough cough cough!!!!"

Click! ! !

It seems that due to the violent fluctuations in his mind, the physical restrictions were temporarily lifted, and the kid Di Lu actually spoke? !

But pushing boundaries temporarily comes at a cost.

After roaring, Master Dilu took out a mouthful of blood mixed with a large amount of minced meat, and then fell to his knees with a plop.

Listening to that sound, the knee must have been broken~ It’s really gratifying~

In front of Di Lu, Nangong Yue slowly moved the unconscious kid into a different space, analyzed the sealing technique, and then threw it in the corner of the memory bank. Nangong Yue joked to Di Lu, who was not far from death,

"Be careful... the information about the Fire Temple should be shared with Konoha.

So, knowing my strength, you just bring these soldiers and generals over here?

You are also an elite Jonin. Don't you know that numbers are useless in front of a certain level of strength? "


When he sensed that Dilu's internal organs had been almost destroyed, Nangong Yue released the 'priority' and allowed Master Dilu, who was seriously injured and on the verge of death, to lie on the ground.

Just when Nangong Yue was about to take off and leave, Master Dilu, who had tenacious vitality, actually stood up again, and then put his hands in the posture of chanting Buddha's name.

"Come...come to welcome...Thousand Hands Killer!!!!!"

This guy seemed to be in the mood for a flashback, so he didn't waste any time talking and just turned up the heat!

I saw that at the moment Dilu took the posture of chanting Buddha's name, a nearly 20-meter-high Thousand-Armed Avalokitesvara statue made of energy wrapped around Dilu's broken body!

The next second, Guanyin's face transformed into an angry-eyed King Kong! At the same time, a large number of arms behind the Guanyin statue, including fists, palms, finger swords, and hand knives, all stabbed at the lonely Nangong Yue! ! !

"What a talent! Don't you have the Mangekyou Sharingan to develop a technique similar to 'Susanohu'?"

However, your quality is not good. "

Just before the overwhelming attack was about to hit Nangong Yue! Nangong Yue made a fist with his right hand and immediately punched straight out!

boom! ! ! ! !

There is no way, Jilu's energy concentration is not good enough. If it is okay to deal with ordinary ninjas, even Kage-level ninjas will have a headache when facing this technique, because their physical strength is weak.

However, this unlucky guy was facing the monster Nangong Yue.

It was just a simple punch, but its intensity was not as strong as the impact punch when intercepting Kakashi and the others. It shattered these attacks and completely destroyed the upper part of the Guanyin statue!

In this attack, Nangong Yue deliberately did not attack directly on the ground, because he also wanted to record this technique to see if it could be used as a supplement to the 'Susanohu'.

Therefore, this unfortunate child cannot die so soon.

" is it possible..."

For the technique that he was so proud of to be destroyed so easily, Dilu's mentality fluctuated violently!

"Why is it impossible?

You must know that all absolute defensive spells are inferior to those above and more than adequate to those below.

To put it simply, it's very satisfying to abuse food, but it's miserable to be...

Even Uchiha Madara back then, wasn't he beaten to death by the first Hokage? "

Nangong Yue's words became the last straw that broke Dilu's mind. His mentality officially collapsed and he instantly fell into a state of self-doubt!

0 ·Ask for flowers·· ·······

Although for an elite Jonin level existence, this state only lasts less than one breath, but it is still too long.

Nangong Yue seized this opportunity and flashed behind Di Lu. Before he could react, he knocked the guy out with a knife just like he did with Sora.

At the same time, all the chakra from his 'Thousand Hands Kill' was extracted as a small topic tonight.

After Dilu fell to the ground in a coma, Nangong Yue simply treated him for a while and barely managed to save the life of the unfortunate guy. He should be able to make it to Konoha Hospital.

After spending more than ten seconds to hang Di Lu's life, Nangong Yue returned to Yuyin Village for business.

To be honest, in this land, it is better to be alive now than to be dead.

Those little people brought by Dilu died when they died, and there was no major loss.

After all, a large number of genin and chuunin can be cultivated by just spending some resources!

But the elite Jōnin of Chichiku is different. This cannot be cultivated by simply accumulating resources!

............. 0

If Jilu dies, the mission of the Akatsuki organization in the Land of Fire will be a lot of trouble. One more thing is worse than one less thing.

The main thing is that the second and third tails have not been caught yet, so it is not appropriate to cause extraneous problems.

After the two tailed beasts are sealed, the Fire Country can do whatever they want. Anyway, Nagato's Chuunibyou is ready to attack.

This level of difficulty is nothing to Six Paths Payne.

Just after Nangong Yue teleported away, Sarutobi Asuma was sent here by the Flying Thunder God trio in less than two minutes.

The moment the four of them landed, they were stunned by this hellish scene!

Unlike the Flying Thunder God trio who were shocked by the large number of ‘wooden thorns’, Asuma rushed over as soon as he saw Jilu!

"Dilu! Wake up! What happened?!"

After Nangong Yue's treatment, he was barely out of danger, and he woke up leisurely.

The first second he opened his eyes, he saw his best friend Asuma, and he felt relieved.

Immediately afterwards, he recalled what happened before he fell into coma.

"Cough haha ​​(vomiting blood)...

Asuma, it's bad... a young man from our Fire Temple was kidnapped by Nangong Yue organized by Akatsuki.

When I led the team to prevent him from leaving, you also saw that everyone died in his hands in an instant! ! !

I also resisted and even used the ‘Thousand Hands Kill’!

The result... one punch, just one punch! ! ! My technique was destroyed so easily!

The moment I lost consciousness because the spell was broken, he disappeared out of thin air in front of my eyes, and then I lost consciousness..."


This kind of strength... is definitely a shadow level, and not an ordinary shadow level!

Now we are in trouble... Damn it! ! ! "

After understanding the situation, Asuma felt extremely solemn, but Dilu's injuries needed to be treated quickly. He immediately turned back to look at the three people who were stunned.


You guys quickly send Jilu back to Konoha for treatment! His injury requires surgery as soon as possible! "


Chapter 187

That night, on the top floor of the central tower in Yuren Village, Nangong Yue threw an arm-length seal scroll to Tiandao Payne.


Tiandao Payne had a rare expression of doubt on his face, waiting for Nangong Yue to explain.

“There is some Kyuubi’s chakra sealed in it.

As for the source, when the Nine-Tails went berserk in Konoha more than ten years ago, several former guardian ninjas of the Fire Country collected a large amount of the Nine-Tails' chakra and sealed it in a baby named 'Sora'. in vivo.

The chakra in the scroll was extracted from that boy's body.

Of course, I took a small part, probably about 10% of the total. "

Payne was silent for a while,


Are you worried about me?

Hehehehe... Although the Nine Tails is completely strengthened by more than one level compared to other tailed beasts, it is not enough to compete with God!

But...thank you for your concern.

With this, we have an extra escape route. "

Xiaonan, who was sitting at his desk processing documents, also took the time to smile and nodded at Nangong Yue.

"I'm interested, but it's empty."

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