However, now he is just an ordinary jonin level, equivalent to a big fish at the opponent level.

Whether it is a small fish or a big fish, it is a meal on the plate and can be cooked as you like.

'Um? That restless guy Orochimaru is also here...'

After waiting for about half an hour again, Kabuto, who had completely hidden himself in the hooded robe, finally appeared in sight of the two of them.

After the two parties stood about five meters apart in the center of the bridge,

"Long time no see, Lord Xie... I haven't seen you for about five years...

And that guy over there, is he Xiao's newcomer? We don’t have any information about you here..."

Yakushi Kabuto took off the hood on his head and made the opening remarks with an expressionless face...

Nangong Yue did not reply to Yaoshi Dou's words. Brother Xie on the side started acting first.

"Are you following?"

Pharmacist Kabuto looked back pretendingly,

"No problem, don't worry."

"How is your health?" (Scorpion)

"After Master Scorpion's technique was released, that is, when he recalled who he was, some strange feelings still remained, and he still has difficulty controlling his body..."

"I have some information to confirm." (Scorpion)

"There is no time, please ask as soon as possible."

Haha... These two are addicted to acting... They are indeed ninjas, they are so patient.

However, Nangong Yue was not ready to continue playing with them. If you want to ask why... Orochimaru was already in place under the land on the other side of the bridge.

"Both of you... save it...

how? Both parties think the other has been cheated, and are they having fun? "

"..." (Scorpion)

"My lord, what do you mean?"

Nangong Yue ignored Yakushi Kabuto, but looked in the direction of Orochimaru,

"I said, come up here and get some air~

The air in the soil is not good, and there are so many bugs.


I saw a surge of land on the other side of the bridge, lifting Orochimaru out of the ground.

At the same time that Orochimaru appeared, he teleported to the opposite side of Nangong Yue and stood there. It looked like a two-on-two confrontation.

"Apparently, you can see that the spell in Kabuto's brain has been lifted.

But thank you very much, Scorpio.

This child you sent here is really a treasure~

I want to develop a new technique, but human experiments require more than a hundred living subjects.

Thanks to the child's medical ninjutsu, experimental subjects that have already been used can be tested many times.

It would be a pity if such a talent could be controlled by your magic and restrict his growth.

Therefore, I took it upon myself to remove the spell from his brain.

I think, Scorpion, you will forgive me. "

After saying that, Orochimaru looked at Nangong Yue again,

"Your technique is pretty good. Doesn't it require earth escape to form a seal? It seems that Akatsuki has recruited a good character again...

So, you come to you have anything to do with me? "

Nangong Yue did not immediately answer Orochimaru's question.

"Orochimaru... I said, look at the situation clearly~

We have two Kage-level people here, and you have one Kage-level person over there, plus a character who is barely considered an elite Jonin.

We are very curious, what is the support that allows you to talk to us with such an arrogant attitude?

Definition, gravity is on top, body is on bottom! "

boom! ! ! !



Chapter 184


Definition, gravity is on top, body is on the bottom! "

boom! ! ! !

"Nani?!!!" (Kabuto)

"Latent Shadow Snake Hands!"

This level of gravity is similar to the one used against Metkai before, almost forty times the gravity.

Kabuto Yakushi fell to his knees immediately. From the sound, it seemed that his kneecaps were cracked and his internal organs were also injured.

If he hadn't strengthened his body with chakra in time, this guy would have died long ago!

And Orochimaru, who had undergone software modifications to his body, should have been even more unbearable.

However, after being strengthened by his shadow-level chakra, he could barely maintain his standing position, and at the same time, he reflexively launched an attack on Nangong Yue and the two!

Facing Orochimaru's attack, the Red Sand Scorpion felt reassured, because the monster next to him would never let these snakes touch him.

Nangong Yue, on his side, also ignored the several pythons rushing towards him, and did not move a step.

Although these snakes can withstand about thirty times the gravity, Orochimaru only channeled these snakes and did not have time to strengthen them.

Snapped! ! !

Sure enough, these pythons just hit the ground. The one closest to Nangong Yue was less than twenty centimeters!

"Renovation, barrier..."

An invisible energy wave passed over these pythons, and in an instant, these pythons were all exploded into pieces of meat on the ground!

At the same time, all the splashing flesh and blood was blocked by the invisible barrier in front of the two of them.

"Have you calmed down, ex Akatsuki Sorachan?"


With a snap of his fingers, Nangong Yue released the three spells.

Because Kabuto Yakushi was unable to perform his magic under such pressure, he would probably die on the spot.

The moment the gravity field disappeared, Kabuto Yakushi fought hard to get his internal organs damaged for the second time and jumped back forcefully.

At the same time, he tried not to faint and tried his best to heal himself.

On the other hand, Orochimaru, a mollusk with tenacious vitality, was still brave enough to stay where he was.

"Chakra that I have never seen before, similar to the super heavy rock technique of the old man Tsuchikage, techniques similar to explosive escape, and unknown wind escape?

Moreover, are all Muji Ninjutsu...

New member of the Akatsuki organization, your technique is very interesting~

Ha ha ha ha ha..."

Seeing Orochimaru's obvious failure to behave well, Nangong Yue sighed helplessly.

Moreover, because he did not have any killing intention when he took action, the snake seemed to be sure that he would not kill him, and he looked completely confident...

But yes, this meeting between Red Sand Scorpion and Yakushi Kabuto was not for fighting and killing.

Originally, there was no need for both parties to take action, but Nangong Yue himself was a newcomer to the Akatsuki organization, and Orochimaru was looking for a body for his reincarnation all day long.

If Nangong Yue couldn't calm down this poisonous snake beforehand and make him worry about it, he would probably have to be harassed by this annoying snake all day long in the future.

After Nangong Yue finished his own affairs for the time being, he handed the throne back to the Scarlet Sand Scorpion. After all, today was mainly about this old man.

Seeing Nangong Yue give up his seat, Fei Liuhu raised his head and looked at Orochimaru,

“I don’t have time to settle accounts with you now about the Third Kazekage.

It just so happens that our new member is extremely good at time and space ninjutsu. Let's go directly to your stronghold to negotiate.¨"."

"By the way, let's go directly to the stronghold of that Uchiha brat. I'm a little interested in that kid. It seems like there's something terrible hidden in his body~" (Nangong)

Orochimaru thought carefully about the request of Nangong Yue and Red Sand Scorpion. The main reason was that it seemed that he was really not easy to fight.

Facing a weird guy like Nangong Yue, who never sees any seals when casting spells, he is really difficult to predict.

Also, he hasn't seen the Crimson Sand Scorpion for a long time, and he doesn't know how much his puppet has improved.

Moreover, a character like the Red Sand Scorpion, to a certain extent, is really able to restrain a character like Orochimaru, who has health bars and multiple health bars, but has low defense.

After weighing it again and again, it seemed that there was no serious grudge between the two parties, so they agreed to their request.

What's more, coming to his stronghold means that the two of them have given up their home field advantage, and Orochimaru can also be much safer.

"Okay...that brat Uchiha Sasuke is currently on a small island in a northern lake..."

Haha... Orochimaru is still playing. This kind of information is too vague. God knows which lake in the north it is. How many islands are there on the lake?

"Okay~ I have to do it myself, express my feelings..."


At the first moment, Orochimaru felt an invisible spiritual force piercing his fragile soul!

Just when he was about to dispel the 'illusion' and intercept the spiritual power, the 'thorn' had already been withdrawn.

At this time, Orochimaru had a gloomy look on his face, and he once again took up an offensive posture. Several pythons that were preparing to attack crawled out from his loose long sleeves!

"You kid, what did you do?"


Nangong Yue ignored Orochimaru and opened a portal beside him. At the same time, he looked at the Red Sand Scorpion.

"Brother Scorpion, follow me."

Then, he walked in first.

The Red Sand Scorpion also followed suit, but before entering the door, he looked back at Orochimaru and then slowly moved in.

Orochimaru looked at the still open portal and felt extremely annoyed!

He understood the moment the portal opened, because from that space gate, he clearly sensed Uchiha Sasuke's chakra! ! !

he! Orochimaru! How can one be read mind so easily! And just for a moment! ! !

Then, the Crimson Sand Scorpion looked back at him. Although he had no expression because he was a puppet, he was clearly mocking him!

At this time, Yakushi Kabuto, who was out of danger, moved step by step to Orochimaru's side.

"Lord Orochimaru, we..."


Go in, we're in trouble this time.

God knows where that kid with the reincarnation eye got his luck to recruit such a terrifying character.

If my vision is correct, the kid just now is probably stronger than Payne with the Samsara Eye! "

Even though Orochimaru was extremely unhappy, he still ducked into the portal.

At this time, he couldn't even fall out with these two people, because in that moment, all his information might have been read by that hateful brat!

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