
"real?! That's great!!! Very good......"

Although Bad Li said that she could afford to wait, she did not want to be separated from Nangong Yue for too long after all.

Therefore, after learning that the two of them would only be separated for just one month, the young Bad Li finally couldn't help but shed tears....

Patiently, he kissed away the tears on Bad Li's face little by little, smoothed her hair, changed her position, held Bad Li's young body in her arms like a princess, and gently kissed her little mouth. kiss...

"There are still nearly two months left in the summer vacation, which means that I can still stay with you and Tou-chan for a month, and then I have to leave.

Before leaving, I will entrust you to All Might's care.

When it comes to taking care of you, the main thing is to let him provide you with shelter, and more to do on your own.

Therefore, within this month, I will do my best to improve your strength as much as possible.

There is no time to slowly refine a few techniques now. You need to enrich your own methods. I will try my best to prepare relevant information about the techniques for you."


Looking at Bad Li's confused state, Nangong Yue kissed her mouth knowingly, hugged her and teleported into the bedroom, and then...

Two hours later, except for the last step, the two of them had done everything they should do. They hugged Xiao Baoli and fell asleep sweetly. Nangong Yue, who was not happy physically, but who was psychologically satisfied, also fell asleep. (Victory of Lolicon!!!)

There is no way, Bad Li is too small. In order to let Nangong Yue vent, Bad Li can only rely on his hands, feet, and a small mouth....What a sin~ ah...Ye Yintou practiced too late last night and didn't even wake up now. Nangong Yue was too embarrassed to disturb her rest. After all, he also knew how exhausted he was mentally after practicing too much.......

At night, in the living room of a mansion in a different space...

At this time, Nangong Yue looked at Bad Li who covered his mouth and chuckled, and Ye Yinto who had a kind smile but was covered in black gas. Nangong Yue bit the bullet and announced the training schedule for the next month.

Fortunately, when it came time to talk about business, Toru Hagakure still restrained himself from getting angry, and the reading process went smoothly.

But after the reading was completed, hahaha...It's time to pay public rations...This time it was the young Bad Li's turn to be upset....

In the early morning, Nangong Yue stayed beside the sleeping Ye Yintou and continued to deduce his own techniques.

This child, Ye Yinto, also said that he would completely counterattack him. As a result, he even used the energy to release it, but he still couldn't last more than three hours.

But at any rate, both parties were quite happy, mainly because Ye Yintou was satisfied himself. As for Nangong Yue, with his current physique, how could a mere mortal woman still want to completely satisfy him?

‘Let’s take a look at the main means of fighting now....

Priority, Space Shape, Appearance, and Sky Shift, these four spells are specialized.

However, from a certain perspective, priority, like 'vector manipulation', is somewhat passive and requires other techniques to supplement it. Space modeling alone is not enough....

Also, space-based spells need to be integrated into a complete 'space manipulation'....It’s a long road again...


After a brief thought, Nangong Yue quickly decided on the direction of study, integrating space-based techniques.

Now, Nangong Yue can perform a large number of space operations on his own, such as: portal (space channel), space tearing, space shock, space exchange, condensation modeling space, creation of different spaces, compressed space volume, space fluctuation perception.

Thinking of this, Nangong Yue discovered that there was still a very important space operation that he had not learned, and that was 'space folding'.

Although that effect can be simulated through 'Tian Shi', Nangong Yue himself cannot accept such specious things.

Of course, it is completely possible to do it through 'space modeling', but it requires a more exquisite level of spellcasting and higher mental requirements.

In the end, Nangong Yue recalled all the information about 'space modeling', and then he realized that his previous use of simple modeling weapons was only the most superficial use.

For example, he later learned the 'Transformation' and 'Heaven Shift', and through 'Space Shaping', he could perfectly simulate the effects of these two techniques.

However, when he was in the world of Apocalypse, in order to enrich his methods as quickly as possible, Nangong Yue first slowed down the study of 'space modeling' and instead learned two special effects techniques.

Facts have also proved that Nangong Yue made the right choice. Specializing in techniques consumes much less energy than relying on 'space modeling' simulation!

But now, it's time for Nangong Yue to start studying 'space modeling' again.

After all, this technique is the same as 'Priority Definition'. It is a technique with no upper limit and has huge development potential!

So, Nangong Yue sneaked into his own mental space, started thinking a thousand times faster, set the awakening time, and started practicing...

Early the next morning, after the three of them had breakfast, they came to the training ground next to the house.

Recalling the progress of their recent spell training, they have mastered major auxiliary spells such as thinking acceleration, memory engraving, idler dispelling, and expressive words.

What's more, the two of them even learned how to 'transform', but the casting time was not as good as expected.

It takes 0.3 seconds for bad reasoning and half a second for Ye Yintoru, both of which are half-measured. This is also a required course for them now.

However, the biggest problem is that both of them lack combat skills.

Let's not talk about the bad reasons. At least there is a combat technique called 'Physiological Recall' that can be used on humans. Facing long-range attack characters or machines, it is still slightly inadequate.

Toru Hagakure is even worse. His own personality is' Invisibility' is still an auxiliary spell.

Of course, she also has the 'passage prohibition' technique, but this thing is just a shield at best....

In short, now these two children are in a state similar to 'I can't defeat the enemy, and the enemy can't defeat me, or can't defeat me'

"Your task today is to practice 'transformation' specifically and try to shorten the casting time as much as possible.

Note, make use of 'Thinking Acceleration', which is an essential technique in high-speed battles. You must be proficient in using it, and you must be able to enter the accelerated state with just one thought.

Let's get started, I'll be here to supervise you and I won't go anywhere.

Attention, if you don't have enough energy, don't force the spell. Come to me and meditate.

I will help you recover as soon as possible."

After receiving the instructions, the two little lolita occupied half of the training field each and began to flash again and again.

Because they were practicing spell casting time, the frequency of their flashes was not very fast. They were mainly looking for problems that occurred during spell casting. Then keep improving and try again and again.....

By noon, the progress of bad reasoning was not obvious. After all, it had been shortened to 0.3 seconds. The further difficulty would definitely be higher than that of Hagakure Toru.

However, Tohru Hagakure was pretty good, reducing it to 0.4 seconds, which made her happy for a long time.

However, Nangong Yue knew very well how difficult it was to compress the casting time to less than 0.1 seconds.

It is estimated that in this month, most of their time will be spent practicing 'transformation'. After all, this is also for their safety.

Therefore, in the schedule arranged by Nangong Yue for the two of them, every morning was used to practice 'transformation' and 'thinking acceleration'.

In the afternoon, I practice physical skills and"energy release", and in the evening, I practice other skills to enrich my abilities.

Nangong Yue has prepared a large number of simple and effective spells, just to accumulate knowledge for them, so as not to regret the lack of skills when the time comes.

The library of spells is roughly as follows: forgetfulness, fainting, healing, silence, dust removal, transformation, immobilization, illumination, amplification, levitation, force release, deafening, blinding, Speechlessness, Fear, Disappearance, Confusion......

There are more than a hundred of them. Although they are all just learned, they can only have an effect on elite-level beings at most.

For example, the 'Forgetting Technique' cannot make people 'permanently forget' and can only be used as a delaying measure.

However, if you study these techniques slowly, you can increase your limits.

For example, the 'Levitation Technique' can only make things within a hundred kilograms levitate at first, and even letting yourself fly is difficult.

However, after in-depth development, it can completely reach the level of 'making the island float'!!!

At night, Nangong Yue did not directly input a lot of information into their minds like before and let them practice by themselves.

Now, in order to ensure that they learn all the techniques, Nangong Yue teaches them step by step!!!

Then, classmate Ye Yintou received a strong blow. Every time, he learned the bad principles first, and then went to the side to practice by himself. Ye Yintou was still listening to Nangong Yue's lectures....

In short, this month, besides replenishing ingredients, Nangong Yue is not planning to leave his own alien space.

As for the arrangements of the underground forces, don’t you still have those clones? It’s enough to leave it to them and AllForOne.....

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