In the clouds, 'Lei' was guiding the lightning strikes while thinking about the next countermeasures.

At a distance of more than a thousand meters, even if he can guide the direction of the lightning strike, the lightning will still be attracted to the conductor.

Therefore, if there is a discharge at this height, it will basically be led to the ground by the lightning rod.

Therefore, he had to make a choice, whether to go down to fight with them in person or continue to strike them with lightning.

Although he can kill these people instantly by relying on the speed of thunder and lightning, the physical energy required to move is huge, and then he has to help allforone maintain this thundercloud, so he cannot waste his physical energy in vain.

If you continue to fire lightning, although it consumes almost no physical strength, it will lose a lot of energy each time. Next, AllForOne will need huge energy in the thundercloud, so it cannot waste energy in vain.

In the end, he chose a compromise plan and fired fifty more bolts of lightning. If he still didn't succeed in killing him, he would end the battle himself.

Sudden! 'Thunder' received instructions from AllForOne...

Back to three minutes ago, in the Brainless Factory...

With the indulgence of AllForOne, these four people, the Ox King, the Killer Whale, the Mountain Girl, and the Tiger, successfully rescued Aomi Yoyuki and the Ragdoll Cat, and controlled more than a dozen brainless animals.

However, although this factory is relatively small, it still stores a total of sixty brainless animals, and the rest have been moved out and allowed to roam freely.

As for the two people who were rescued, although they didn't look injured on the outside, looking at their sluggish looks, you could tell that their personality was definitely gone....

At this time, the five little heroes hiding by the wall jumped up one after another, holding the wall with their hands and looking at the inside of the damaged factory.

"Mountain heroine, brutal killer whale?"(Kirishima)

"There is also the NO.4 trendy bull king!"(Green Valley)

"cut! Those damn jeans!!!"(Bakugo)

"Mr. Tiger is here too..."(Iida)


After confirming that Ragdoll Cat and Awase-san were rescued, the five people breathed a sigh of relief and prepared to retreat....

In the factory, the gigantic Mountain Heroine held several Brainless in one hand and made some disgusting comments.

"Are these things really alive? Our job is too easy~ Does

All Might need support?"




Everyone who was attracted by the sound of the explosion raised their heads and looked up at the sky!

They saw a huge thunder net that quickly extended to cover the vast area.

area, it is estimated that at least the entire Shenye District is covered!

Next, there is the formation of thunderclouds!

Similarly, thunderclouds are also expanding rapidly!

"That is...The enemy on All Might's side?!!!

This is too......"(mountains)

"All Might is over there, don't worry, let's finish our work first, and then rush over to provide support!

Mobile team, prepare mobile cages, there may be more inside, prepare as many as possible."(Current explosion)

Just when the heroes and classmates felt a little relieved,... tread...tread...tread...tread...


"Sorry, Tiger...

Before, I thought her 'search' was pretty good, so when the time was right, I took it.

After the body was seriously injured, the inventory was also reduced a lot...."

"Stop and don't move!!!"(Killer Whale)

A short-haired middle-aged man wearing a black suit walked out of the darkness.

Yes, the person who came was none other than AllForOne. Through Watanabe's 'transformation', he became the person he was before his head was smashed. Look!


The Surge Bull King judged this, and at the same time, he moved his fingers and used a large number of fibers to wrap AllForOne tightly!

"Hahaha...What a weak suppression...."

A red lightning flashed across Shibengmu Yuduo's body, and then... boom!!!!!


In an instant, the building where the heroes were located was completely shattered by the awakening shock wave released by AllForOne! Many of the surrounding buildings were also scrapped!

In less than a second, a huge open space was cleared!

"With great difficulty, Hang has learned to think independently and the organization has developed.

I hope you won't disturb him..."

At this time, AllForOne was floating in mid-air, describing his demands in a calm tone. However, the pressure he exuded had already suppressed everyone, making them unable to move at all!!!

Everyone even had the illusion that 'I am dead'!

And Shigemuyu snatched himself, looked at the surrounding situation, then looked at the Shibaku Ox King lying on his back, and praised from the bottom of his heart (?),

"Worthy of being the NO.4 professional hero...With the intention of killing all of you, I released the ones who attacked you just now....

You made an instant judgment, controlled everyone's clothes, and pulled them into a corner, avoiding the strongest impact and thus avoiding death.

His judgment and skills are extraordinary...."

"This guy..."

The Shiobaku Ox King, who was lying on the ground with his body fixed with fibers, recalled the information he got during the meeting.

Thus, he instantly determined that the person in mid-air was the enemy monster, a monster that could rival All Might!!!

"So what?

A first-rate hero would not regard these as excuses for failure!!!"

Gritting his teeth, he propped up his seriously injured body, and at the same time manipulated a large number of fibers to form countless thread guns, aiming at the AllForOne in the air and stabbing him!!!

Faced with this weak death struggle, the dead wood was snatched away. , just pointed at the Shiobaku King who was barely holding up his body, and a penetrating shock wave directly penetrated him!

It can be seen from before that the Shiobao Ox King fell, all the organs in his abdomen were shattered, and his spine was also shattered! So!!

This time it was a fatal injury. No matter how strong the Shibao Niu King was, he still couldn't resist his body's instinct and vomited a lot.���The blood covered the minced flesh, and he fell limply to the ground.

"I see...Is the power derived from 'a lot of practice and practical experience'?...

Compared to your 'fiber control', this one is better...."

With that said, AllForOne fell to the ground, the moment he landed! From the point where his feet landed, large areas of ground and building ruins all turned into threads!!!

In less than two seconds, all the silk threads formed crosses, and the heroes present were tied to the snow-white crosses!!!

"This is?!!"(Storm Bull King)

Seeing the shock of the Sleeve Bull King, AllForOne concluded calmly,

"As you can see, your personality is not required at all.

To me, this is just a toy. The attack power is too low, and the restraint strength is far inferior to the characteristics of metal, gravity, body fixation, etc., as is the cutting strength.

It is even more unsuitable for hanging."

Looking at the many heroes who were tied to the crosses with white silk threads,...No...He is a hostage, and once he senses the American comic berserker who is constantly approaching here, the joy in AllForOne's heart keeps surging!!!

However, in order to prevent Nangong Yue from being exposed prematurely, AllForOne cannot yet use many iconic personalities.

Because his ability is deprived, if he uses it, it means that the body loses its personality.

Once the personalities of active heroes and school students are used, according to intelligence, All Might, a person who knows some of Nangong Yue's details, will definitely understand Nangong Yue's identity!

"This is really...Can’t we show so many interesting things?...

Forget it, it doesn’t matter, the inventory is quite sufficient~ huh? Just came here..."



‘Impact absorption, strength enhancement. '

In mid-air, AllForOne caught All Might's fists with both hands, and it was like a stalemate!

"Give everything back! AllForOne!!!"

"Hahaha...Do you want to kill me again?"

The impact caused by the collision of the two people will wake up the heroes who were tied to the cross and were unconscious again!

However, an impact of this level is completely a secondary injury!!!

Similarly, hiding behind a broken wall The five heroic students could not move at all.

After the smoke cleared, the two people in the open space were facing each other more than 20 meters apart.

"You came a little late...It's about ten kilometers from the bar to here.

It took more than a minute to arrive from the time 'Thunder' was released.

Your strength is weakening, All Might."

"What's the matter with you?!

Your head was obviously crushed by me!!!"

Seeing AllForOne look like before the battle six years ago, All Might's eyes widened and he felt extremely shocked!!!

Because, if AllForOne really fully recovered, then what is the value of all the previous sacrifices? ?!

"this time! You must be sent to jail! Join forces with the enemies you control!!!"

While taking the oath, All Might rushed towards AllForOne!

"It's really not easy for a hero to do so many things at the same time~

Also, there is no cheap 'enemy alliance' anymore, the current organization name...But the collapse’!!!"

Facing All Might's charge, AFO raised one hand and aimed at him... boom!!!!!

There is not a big difference in strength between the two sides, but the problem is that All Might was in mid-air when he hit AllForOne's palm!!!

You know, no matter how powerful the force is, the volume and mass will not change!!!

(The ability to increase volume, mass, and weight is not included.)

With a power not weaker than his own, All Might was directly knocked away in mid-air! The body broke through more than ten houses in a row before stopping!!!

"Hahaha...Explosive power, air squeezing, muscles and bones springing, muscle elasticity enhancement, arm strength enhancement, impact reversal, shock wave, a good combination.

What he said is indeed true, there is no invincible personality, but there is an invincible combination of personalities!!!

So, do we need to add more enhancement systems?"......

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