
At this time, looking at the internal strife caused by Midoriya Izuku, Yinshi Jijian and Spina were solved respectively, Nangong Yue stood speechless with one hand on his forehead.

"Damn it...Is this the development team you created?!

Why...If Stein stays in Honkai Impact, he is a time bomb....I regretted saving him."

At the same time, inside the new bar of the dead handle wood hanging...

At the door of the bar, a space door opened, and a space clone of Nangong Yue pulled Stein, who was wearing prison uniform, out.

Shibengmudiao looked at Stein who looked unhappy with some disgust, then turned to give orders to Heimu,

"Black Mist, take him to change his equipment, just follow his previous style."

"OK Stein, come on."

After receiving the order, Black Mist took away Stein, who was equipped with the prison uniform skin, leaving behind the space clones of Death Handle Mu Diao and Nangong Yue.

Because the space clones are very busy and need to run around, I can only keep the story short. ,

"Damn it...I have set a goal for you.

Tonight, I transformed into you and rescued Stein.

To put it simply, within one minute, only Stein was left safe and sound in the entire Baosu Prison.

Everything else, whether they were people or buildings, were reduced to ashes, using the word 'collapse'.

As for coming back, there will be a low-quality clone that transforms into black mist and opens the portal to send us here.

In short, the words have been brought here, you can work hard~"

After saying this, the space clone teleported away directly, leaving dead handle wood hanging alone in the quiet bar, meditating.

‘cut! As the main body becomes stronger, the clone also becomes stronger?

Or is this a new branch?

Nangong, this bastard, is really good at looking for trouble....’

Pick up the wine glass, drink the cocktail in one gulp, then take out a book from under the bar and start reading....

Speaking of Nangong Yue's clones, before they stayed together, excluding the inferior clones made with 'double', there were a total of one hundred space clones, all of them with the same initial strength to break the city.

During the breakthrough the day before yesterday, not only were all the clones created through 'double' creation (whether it was the creation of the body, the creation of space clones, or the creation of 'double' clones), but also almost all the space clones, leaving only Zero and Ten.

So now, there are only eleven space clones on the entire planet, so we might as well label them according to numbers.

All of them are in the late stage of city destruction!

Numbers 0 and 10 are responsible for China;

Numbers 1 and 2 are responsible for the three continents of Europe, Asia and Africa;

Number 3 is responsible for the three countries;

Number 4 is responsible for Neon;

Number 5 is responsible for Oceania and the two poles;

Number 6 and 7 are responsible for North America;

Number 8 and 9 are responsible for North America. No. responsible for South America.

With these eleven clones, Nangong Yue can easily monitor the world and threaten the world at the same time!

To be honest, if you want to destroy civilization, you don't need the body at the peak level of annihilation. It only requires these eleven clones to work together to arrange a global 'priority' spell at the cost of self-destruction.

It is guaranteed to wipe out more than 99% of the life on the entire planet in less than an hour!

Of course, before taking action, you need to prepare some more 'blue bottles'.

Back to the campground...

Nangong Yue, who was observing the training ground, suddenly received the large-scale mental words of Nobunno Fuzaki again.

‘We have figured out the enemy’s purpose! The goal is all students!!!

Among them, the key targets are: Nangong Yue, Bakugo Katsuki, Todoroki Todoroki, Todoroki Tsunei, Izuku Midoriya, and Eight Million Hundred!!!

As students who are key targets, please try to avoid fighting! Don't do it alone! do you understand?! Everyone!!! '(Send Saki Nobuno)


Suddenly, all the teachers and students felt a stabbing pain in their brains.

‘You, who only know telepathy, shut up!

And avoid fighting? Bakugou's side has already started fighting!

Moreover, Bakugou and Todoroki were together, and there was Tsunea nearby!

Let them avoid fighting now, that is courting death!!!

Um? How did Nian Hua connect so many people? Do you have...

There are two unconscious enemies, so it's not a big problem. '(Nangong)

‘By the way, Nangong...Where are you? Where is Hagakure-san? '(Send Qi)

‘Toujiang~ She has fallen asleep a long time ago~

Now I am five hundred meters above the forest, and I can clearly see the distribution of the enemy troops~' (Nangong)

‘that...Can you tell me about the distribution of enemy troops? '(Send Qi)

‘cannot! What a rare practical training, we can’t let you professional heroes interfere with it....

You should know the specific reasons why the people in Class A are excellent.

As for being kidnapped...I can only blame myself for being weak. '(Nangong)

‘Nangong Yue, don’t go too far! '(Send Qi)

‘No, not too much at all!

To be honest, I am very disappointed with all of you, including the teachers!!!

If nothing else, check the outer ankle of your left foot to see if there is a pinhole in it!!! '(Nangong)

"?!!!"(All members)

After hearing Nangong Yue's instructions, everyone was stunned!

‘Don't be stunned! Take action quickly!!!

Well~ If you are still fighting, just continue....’

Except for the few who were fighting, all the classmates and teachers, both in the forest and in the teaching building, all rolled up their trouser legs and took off their socks to check.

After the inspection, everyone looked at each other for a moment. Everyone felt a cool breeze blowing through them, and their whole bodies couldn't help but tremble!!!

At this time, Nangong Yue's words continued,

‘This is the ability of a certain high-ranking enemy official.

According to the information I collected on 'My Island', it's called Watagata's body and its dual nature.

It is said that he holds the position of 'yin' within the enemy organization and in the elite team of Fenglinhuoshan.

The original personality is 'transformation', and the activation condition is to ingest the blood of the transformed target.

This is serious enough. Her ability will cause a crisis of trust in us!!!

That's not all. The most important thing is the second ability. This is the enemy's leader behind the scenes. He took it from the previous generation of 'Yin' and gave her personality.

The personality 'Shadow' is able to control its own shadow, as well as the shadows connected to its own shadow.

At the same time, you can transform your body into a shadow and flow into the shadow to move.

The most terrible thing is that she can use her shadow to move in space!!!

For example, in the classroom where your tutoring group is located, she can instantly move from the shadow of one desk to the shadow of another desk, or to the shadow under your feet!!!

To be honest, I think her threat level is even far higher than that of the dead wooden hanging!!! ' fear...fear...Still fear!

Everyone felt as if Death's sickle was directly placed on their necks!

Because they know that everyone in the shared camp, except Nangong Yue, has walked through the gate of hell!!!

They were all like ghosts in hell, just one step away from stepping onto the ferry, and there was no turning back!!!

You know, if the poisonous needle used to cross me was, then everyone would die except Brad, who could control the blood!!!

What’s even more hateful is that everyone’s injuries are exactly the same! This is definitely intentional!!!

‘I thought about it for a long time and finally decided to tell you the truth.

It is better to start being suspicious of her companions now than to suffer a loss due to her 'transformation' in the future!

Let you always be aware of the shadows around you. It is better to live in fear than to really die from the 'shadow' in the future!!!

You all have the right to know, and you must also know the enemy's basic intelligence. '(Nangong)

‘...Thank you for reminding...’(Send Qi)

‘fine...correct! Teacher Sengqi and Teacher Xiangnori, your task is very heavy.

I can feel that I have not left my body, she is still in the forest.

Let me tell you how to identify her.

For the two of you who can use mental power, as long as you concentrate, you will be able to easily sense her and give early warning.

After Watouga transforms into a shadow, her mental fluctuations will be completely highlighted because her body has become void.

I guess she hasn't mastered the ability to hide mental fluctuations yet, so for now, you two can still be used as 'me-transfer detectors'. '(Nangong)

After saying that, Nangong Yue disconnected his spiritual connection.

Five hundred meters above the forest...

"Hahaha...Although most of you are now trapped in the fear of 'unknowable'.

But once you recall my words, you will notice the amazing message of 'deprivation' and 'endowment'.

People who long for power will never be able to resist the temptation brought by 'power' itself!

At that time, those who cannot resist the temptation will no longer be afraid of me, but will be eager to meet me....No...It’s the longing to meet the One!!!

When the time comes, cross me...You are the bridge that guides them!"

That's right, the main purpose of Nangong Yue's words this time is not to make them wary of crossing my body, but to secretly instigate rebellion!!!

No matter how hard the teachers ask the students to keep it secret, there will always be someone who can't help it. Spread the information.

And after the information spreads, there will always be people who choose to take risks!! After all, anyone with some knowledge in this world knows that today's heroic society is not an era of 'rights'. It's the time of 'boxing'!......

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