Five o'clock in the afternoon, dusk...

The students from Class A of the first year dragged their exhausted bodies and moved to the shared camp with difficulty.


Who knows what I've been through..."(Shang Ming)

"Isn’t Nangong still feeling chaotic enough? Being in the Golem Forest was bad enough...."(Kirishima)

"As a result, a heavy rain hit us!!! Covered in mud! Uh ah ah ah!!!!!"(Ashido)......

Tsuchiya Kawako, who arrived at the camp early and controlled the puppets from here, had mixed feelings in his heart when he saw the ignorant state of his classmates....

‘You children, because of the poor visibility in the forest, are completely unaware of the seriousness of the problem....’

Tiryu Kawako looked at Nangong Yue who was snoring on the lounge chair under the umbrella, wearing sunglasses, and expressed that he was tired....

"What do you mean three hours?!!!"

When they almost reached the center of the open space, Kirishima Eijiro screamed to the sky in grief and anger, and then fell directly to the ground, looking like he was exhausted.

Not only Kirishima, but other students were in similar condition, but because of Kirishima On behalf of them, Shima expressed their common sentiments and was too lazy to speak.

When he heard Kirishima's complaint, Doryukawako, who was distracted, also retracted his thoughts and joked back.

"It means, we only need this little time, sorry~" (Tuliu)

"......"(The students were so tired that they lost their voices...)

"alright...Go get the salute out of the car, put it in the room, go to the cafeteria to eat, and then quickly take a shower and go to bed.

Camping officially starts tomorrow"......

At night, in a different space, Nangong Yue was in a training ground, using energy packs that were not used in the Dragon Kingdom to repeatedly nourish this new body and further consolidate his realm.

At four o'clock in the morning, Nangong Yue opened his eyes...


Energy packs, did you use five?...Fortunately, the basic realm of the physical body has been stabilized.

Although the realm of the spiritual body has not improved much, it has still improved, which is better than a good thing.

So over there in the Dragon Kingdom?...Professor David, do you still need me to handle it personally?..."

After confirming the charging status of the 'Directed World Teleportation', the next moment, Nangong Yue came to the Kingdom of Dragon, a top-secret reception room.

On the three sofas, sat respectively the Shiganmu Yuduo who had returned to his original form, the clone from Space No. 10, and the gloomy-looking Professor David.

"Acridine~ Isn’t this the true body! Is it finally time to brainwash this guy?

Also, congratulations on the breakthrough~"

Sensing the arrival of the true body, No. 10 faced the newly appeared portal, pointed his right thumb at the autistic David Hilde, and asked frivolously.

Nangong Yue did not reply first, but He teleported to the remaining sofa and sat down. He raised his head slightly, closed his eyes, and looked out to the world....

"My body has broken through to the level of annihilation, which also means that there is not much time left to stay in this world."


"......"(No. 10)

Shigangmu Yuduo was the first to come to his senses and asked in disbelief:

"what is going on?!"

Nangong Yue opened his eyes and looked at AllForOne with a rare serious look....

"That's right...I am a person from another world and a homeless person.

After all, my original world was destroyed by one blow because the overlord civilization in the universe provoked super-standard life outside the world....

It just so happened that I was able to escape because I read a lot of spell information from the area where the world-destroying monster was.

Sneaking into this world is just to collect information on magic techniques, and to use it as a training ground.

Now my physical breakthrough has basically touched the bottom line of this world.

I can already vaguely feel the lock of the world's will.

But fortunately, the upper limit of tolerance of individuals in this world is the pinnacle of the level of annihilation, because I suppressed the state of the spirit body and did not exclude me.

So, Uncle Deadwood! I need a local strong man to break through to the fifth level! Attract the attention of the will of the world to me so that I can stay in this world longer."


Let me just say, it’s impossible for a monster like you to pop up in the world for no reason.

You know, I have a personality that searches for information. I know very well who are the strong people in the world.

Only you, Nangong Yue, seem to appear out of thin air!...

But why choose me?"

Surprised by Shi Bingmu Yuduo's question, Nangong Yue looked at him with black lines on his head....

"You have an idea of what level you are at.

When I first came to this world, I immediately searched for all the powerful people on this planet.

I found that almost everyone only mastered one technique!

The reason why it is powerful is simply that the upper limit and versatility have been developed.

Only you can take away the dead wood! With the ability to 'deprive and bestow', it is quite powerful in terms of richness of means, upper limit of output, and scalability!

The most important thing is that your thoughts are similar to mine. To put it simply, we are both complete 'pleasure offenders'!

Therefore, as a companion, you are the most suitable"



Uh hahahaha!!!!!

Is there such a wonderful thing?!

Nangong! thanks for your trust! It's great to meet you!!!

Your purpose is to let me help you take care of this world after you leave it!!! very good! I agreed!!!

Don’t worry! After I successfully break through, I will definitely bring the largest riot to this world!!!

This is also your purpose! Use this to collect all the personalities in the world!!!

Well! as you wish! I will do my best!!!

Uh hahahaha!!!!!......"

After Shibangmu Yuduo calmed down, he looked at the clone in space No. 10,

"On the 10th, I went back to Neon in the past few days.

I have to be fully prepared for this breakthrough battle, and I have to try to develop new personality combinations.

Then, the Dragon Kingdom side will be left to you first.

If those losers below ask, just say that I went into seclusion."

After saying that, Shigamu Yuduo turned into something like black mist, and a dark portal swallowed him up, and disappeared in the reception room in the blink of an eye.

After Shigamuyu was taken away, so did clone No. 10. He stood up, nodded to Nangong Yue's body, and then teleported away to deal with documents (activating 'Double’)...

Now, in this living room, only David Hilde, who has not been brainwashed, and Nangong Yue's true form are left.

Looking at Professor David who fell silent again after his expression changed several times, Nangong Yue sat on the sofa opposite him, took out a cup of coffee and took a sip....

"So...Professor David, Yagi Toshinori’s best friend, say something~"

After dozens of seconds of silence, Professor David finally spoke.

"I have nothing to say to outsiders like you who want to disrupt the world, and AllForOne who help you do so.

If you don't control me, I will never work for you!

What more do you want?! The unusual neon sky phenomenon this morning was probably your fault!

You already have this level of power, why don't you let those weak ordinary people go?!!!"

Looking at Professor David who was so excited that his whole body was full of blood, Nangong Yue took a calm sip of coffee and replied to him calmly and frivolously,

"people? no no no...Those are not the people~

To me, they are just numbers. At best, they are databases that have not been read by me.

What I have to do is let all the databases open the locks themselves and let me read them at will.

By the time I'd finished reading and writing them down, they were useless.

As for things that are completely useless, I won’t bother with them any more. Then you can do whatever you want, and I won’t even care.

But if they gather together to resist me, hehehe...You also know the neon sky phenomenon...

In just one day, I can wipe out 99% of all life on this planet!!!

Well~ Even after doing this, I have no choice but to leave this world."

In response to Nangong Yue's speech, David was so angry that he was shaking all over, but he did not have the strength to resist at all.

Under Nangong Yue's calm gaze, Professor David struggled internally for nearly ten minutes, raised his head and looked firmly at the monster in front of him....

"I won't help you!!!"

Hearing David's reply, Nangong Yue sighed helplessly....

"Why...Sure enough, Uncle Yagi's best friend also has this virtue."


Nangong Yue snapped his fingers, and Professor David's expression instantly changed from firm to dull!

One minute later...

Professor David, expressionless, bowed to Nangong Yue.

"David Heald, at his master's command..."

Then, the brainwashed David stood in front of Nangong Yue, just like a robot waiting for orders.

Looking at Professor David in this state, Nangong Yue sighed....

"Why...David Hilde in this state only has the most basic scientific research ability.

He has lost his passion, but there is no possibility of any technological breakthrough....

Really...What a pity."

Then, Nangong Yue took David to the new brainless factory, found the doctor, and then ordered to David,

"David, you will follow this doctor's orders next."(Nangong)


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