"I won’t comment on your thoughts first, but let me tell you a story~ Anyway, there is still plenty of time~"

He looked up at Shota Aizawa and Nobuno Fusaki,

"You two had better listen too....Teacher Xiangze, don’t sleep!!!

After listening, you'd better go back and think about it yourself."

Nangong Yue stood up, pulled out a chair, sat down facing the three of them, and began to narrate...

"The protagonist of this story is very similar to Yutai. His name is Shimura Arcutaro."

"?!!!"(Phase Rule)

"Teacher Xiangze, don't get excited, just listen to me."(Nangong)

After Aizawa Shota calmed down, Nangong Yue continued to speak....

"A boy named Arcotaro Shimura has a mother who is a professional hero.

Not only that, his mother was extremely powerful and could be said to be one of the strongest heroes at the time!

Because of this, the young Akitaro was always proud of his mother.

But the good times didn't last long. During a war to destroy Neon's strongest underground force at the time, his mother was killed by the enemy's leader.

��In this way, the young Akitaro lost his most admired mother.

Then, just like you, because of the excessive mental shock, his views on 'heroes' were reversed, and he completely rejected 'heroes', even to the point of hating him!

Later, Arc Tailang grew up, got married, started a business, and had two children, a happy family.

However, because he was 'violated' by the hero, and he was the head of the family, the whole family, including his wife, father-in-law and mother-in-law, tried their best to cooperate with him.

Just for the sake of it: Never let your children become heroes!!!"


Looking at the reactions of the three of them, Nangong Yue took a sip of juice and continued...

"You know, children in this era~

As long as the family is still intact, who doesn't aspire to be a hero? Especially boys!

Arc Taro's daughter is okay. Under the subtle influence of his wife over the past few years, she has no idea of becoming a hero. She just aspires to be an ordinary good wife and mother.

But his son is more stubborn and has a strong yearning for heroes from beginning to end!

Although he is a gentle child, he is extremely stubborn, or has firm beliefs. Even when he was five years old, he has not yet awakened his personality, and he has always unswervingly wanted to be a hero!"

"But! If you haven’t awakened your personality at the age of five, you will basically be personalityless for the rest of your life!!!

Even if the child understands this, won't he give up?!!!"

Hearing this, Nobuno Fusaki couldn't help but question, and couldn't help but admire this tenacious child.

But admiration is one thing, support is another, especially Aizawa Shota, who can't look down on others. In order to 'not May be a teacher who tries his best to do useless work

"In this regard, this arc Tailang did nothing wrong.

After all, without personality, it is basically impossible to become a hero in Neon. No matter how powerful he is, it will be difficult for him to reach the sky.

Because all professional heroes have a 'personality'.

He has no personality and is an outlier among this group of people.

As long as you are an alien, you will definitely be rejected by most people."

Nangong Yue also agrees with Aizawa Shota's judgment, but his story is not finished yet.

Because, this child is a special individual!!!

"That's right, isn't it?...So keep listening.

One day, Akitaro's son and daughter took advantage of him not being at home at work. The sister and her younger brother, who yearned to be a hero, found a hidden photo of Akitaro.

Yes, that's a photo of Arcutaro and his mother!

In the yellowed photo, his mother was wearing a professional hero's combat uniform, squatting down and holding Arcotaro in her arms.

In the photo, the young Arcotaro is smiling so happily.

After his younger brother saw the photo and received the evidence that"there was a hero in his family," he became more determined to become a hero.

And his young sister also used this to encourage him.

After that, the two of them put the photos back in the drawer hastily and went out to play separately.

Originally, both of them had nothing to do. After all, they were children and could not pay attention to so many details.

Just after Arcotaro came back, he was astute and discovered that the photos of him and his mother had obviously been manipulated, so he became furious!

He first arrested his sister for accountability. However, facing his furious father, his sister, who was driven out of her mind by fear, subconsciously confessed her brother.

As a result, the younger brother was inevitably beaten severely by his father!

Even, do you know what Arc Taro said? This is the definition of a hero that he has summarized over the years’!"

Facing Nangong Yue's questions, the three of them had different expressions, and they were all silent....

"Arcotaro slapped his five-year-old son to the ground hard, and then slapped him one after another....

‘She is not your grandma!!!

She is just a bad woman who abandoned her children!

Let me tell you what a real hero is!

They are people who will hurt their own families for outsiders!!! '

Arc Taro said so, and at the same time he gave his son a hard slap...." silence...only silence...

In the view of Aizawa Shota and Fuzaki Nobuno, if they were Arcutaro, although they would not be so violent, they would still stop their children from becoming heroes.

After all, if he has not awakened by the age of five, he is more than 90% destined to have no personality!

As for the young Yu Tai, he has a strong sense of empathy, especially for the saying,"A hero is someone who will hurt his family for the sake of outsiders."

After the two professional heroes came to their senses, they looked at Nangong Yue with some confusion....

"I'm very confused why I want to talk about this scene, right?

Hahahaha....This is the trigger for the ending of the story!

Just after Arcotaro impulsively beat his son, he locked him in the yard.

As for the parents, they all went to the study room to discuss.

After calming down, Akitaro also knew that he should not hurt the child.

After all, his original intention was to create a happy family.

But, it's too late!

As for why...

That night, the child in the corner of the yard was denied time and time again due to the tremendous pressure he had been experiencing and the adults' rejection of his dreams.

Under years of pressure and sudden strong mental stimulation, this five-year-old boy's personality awakened!!!

Moreover, it is not an ordinary garbage personality, but an extremely powerful destructive personality!!!

It's not over yet! Precisely because he awakened at the age of five, this child's personality went berserk!

That night, due to his son's violent behavior, the entire family was accidentally killed by the five-year-old boy.

No! There are exceptions! The boy's sister, grandparents, and mother were indeed killed by mistake.

But Arcataro was different. When he saw his family being killed, his reason was driven away by anger and he chose to attack his own children.

The result was obvious. He was killed by his own son with clear murderous intention!"

"......"(Phase Rule)

"Hello!!! It’s too early to expose children to these!!!"(Songqi)

Looking at Izuku Gouda who was completely stunned on the spot, Nobuno Fousaki asked Nangong Yue angrily.

To this, Nangong Yue did not reply, but asked a question...

"Aren't you curious who the last child is?"(Nangong)

"???"(Xiang Ze, Song Qi)

Looking at the two people with confused faces and the naughty kid who still hadn’t recovered, Nangong Yue laughed happily....

"huh huh huh huh....

Huh hahahaha!!!!!

Let me introduce you! The child who kills his father at the end of the story is named Shimura Kai!

Personality: Collapse!!!"


At this point, Nangong Yue, who followed his inner pleasure, couldn't help but open his hands and looked up at the sky intoxicated....

"Huh hahahaha!!!!

That's right! He is now the dead man! The leader of Neon's most powerful underground force!!!

Huh hahahahaha!!!!

What a dramatic unfolding!!!

The descendants of the once most powerful hero are only one generation apart! From the strongest hero to the strongest enemy!!!

And all this! Just because of a middleman who excludes heroes!!!"

Suddenly! Nangong Yue, whose eyes were filled with blood, lowered his head and stared at the two professional heroes who were so oppressed by his own pressure that they could not move at all!

"And what’s even more interesting is! Do you know who the heroine who died in the battle was?

Ha ha ha ha ha.....

She is All Might's master!!!

Since I discovered all this half a year ago, I have never told Uncle Yagi!"

Suddenly! There seems to be a thread in Nangong Yue's body.���Broken!

And Nangong Yue, who noticed this, became even more excited!

"Looking forward to it!!!

What will happen?! When All Might knew that he was the culprit that he was deliberately trying to deal with! He is actually his master’s grandson!!!

I’m really looking forward to it!!!

Can he withstand such a cruel test?!

Can he accept this desperate reversal?!

Can he bear all this, continue to carry out his will as a 'hero', and continue to maintain his everlasting smile?!!!

I’m really looking forward to it!!!



(Clone recycling!!!)"......

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