
In the sky, Myrtle used a makeshift metal pallet to hold up his shaky body. Seeing that his last wave of offensive was broken, his face was extremely gloomy.

Even if he falls to the ground again, even if his original personality has been greatly strengthened, even if he is stronger than when he first fought against All Might, it will not help.

After all, All Might wouldn't give him time to control so much metal again!

But he had no choice. If he didn't fall to the ground again, he wouldn't be able to fight at all!

Suddenly, he noticed Professor David behind All Might, and felt a sense of peace in his heart. He quickly landed on the riddled tarmac, and quickly gained control of a large amount of metal.

"enemy! There is no way out for you!!!"

Looking at the metal man half kneeling on the ground, breathing heavily, All Might gave him an ultimatum, and then sprinted towards him!

"I haven't given up yet!!!"

Facing All Might who was rushing towards him, the metal man's body suddenly expanded, and then he punched him!!!


Because All Might didn't use his full strength, Mette's muscles were strengthened. Well, I actually got into a stalemate with him!

‘What?!!! '(Yagi)

‘Chance!!! '

Looking at the 0.2 seconds that All Might was dazed, Myrtle used his muscle-strengthened whip legs to hit All Might's abdomen hard!

This sudden change knocked All Might back twenty meters, and he half-knelt on the ground with a bruise protruding from his body.

"Muscle building?! And multiple personalities?! Could it be?!!!"(Yagi)

The moment he defeated All Might, Myrtle started constructing the metal tower again, and because of his enhanced personality, the construction speed this time was almost five times higher than before!!!

In the blink of an eye, another metal tower with a height of more than 20 meters appeared in front of everyone! And it was still climbing rapidly!

"That's right! Just when we were planning to snatch the device on my head, the adult contacted us! He said he was very willing to cooperate with us!!!

I asked him why and then...

‘I heard that All Might's best friend actively wanted to participate in evil deeds! Of course I have to do my part and give him a push.

It's a pity that when All Might found out, I didn't have the chance to see his painfully twisted expression~'

That's what the adult said!

That’s right!!! The person who fainted behind you took the initiative to contact us this time!

The purpose is to seize this device that is prohibited from further research!!!"

The explosive information stunned All Might, and the smile on his face disappeared, leaving only full of anger!

At the same time, Myrtle also successfully delayed for a few seconds to protect his metal tower. , has grown to more than forty meters!


The smile on your face finally disappeared~"

This time, a large number of metal spheres with a diameter of more than five meters hit All Might and the students behind him like a hail of bullets!!! A huge projectile from All Might!

"Drink ah ah ah!!!!!"


A large number of metal balls were instantly scattered and rushed towards Mertel in front.

With his body strengthened, he no longer worried about this level of attacks. He just made some metal whips , crossed in front of him to block most of it, and the rest was blocked by his hands!

At this time, this brand-new metal tower has reached a height of more than fifty meters!

"What's wrong?! All Might! The attack power has become weaker!!!

Shouldn't your angry blow shatter me as well?!!!

What is this now?!!!"

While continuing to build the metal tower, a large number of metal projectiles were still fired at the students, forcing All Might to defend with all his strength!!!

"Yes! Absolutely right!!!

You broke my cube and the tower before it! You are exhausted!!!!!

Huh hahahaha!!!

That's right! In order to smash such a loose tower, you need the help of those children!!!"

Once again, a large number of metal balls exploded towards the exhausted students, and a large number of metal whips were also created!

What's even more terrible is that this time, so many huge metal whips no longer attack at the same time!!!

A large number of whips with a diameter of more than three meters were lashed back and forth at the students who were trying their best to avoid them. All Might could do was put out the fire!

"What Shibeng Muxiao said is indeed the truth!!!

The enemy's wounded are always the most precious strategic materials on the battlefield!!!

So, All Might! The strongest hero in the world!!!

Let me see how long you can hold on!!!"

As time went by, the number of whips and projectiles increased, and the attack speed became faster and faster!

While trying his best to rescue, All Might regained his rationality and shouted to his classmates: ,

"Come behind me, everyone!!! I will make a way for you!!! boom! Bakugou! Can you get them safely to the surface?!"

Todoroki Todoroki and Bakugo Katsuki, who were trying their best to block the attack, looked at each other, conceived a landing plan, nodded to each other, and thought it was feasible, they both looked at All Might,

"no problem!!!"(Todoroki, Bakugo)

All Might nodded and smiled, turned around and aimed at the edge of the platform farthest from the metal man.

"Texas! Smash!!!"


In the blink of an eye, a fan-shaped open space was cleared in front of All Might's punch!!!"

"You go quickly!!!"��yes!!!"

In response to All Might's instructions, Kaminari Denki quickly picked up Erlang Xiangxiang and lifted Mineta Minoru with one hand;

Midoriya Izuku picked up the unconscious Uraraka Ochako and picked up the conscious Melissa;

Kirishima Eijiro carried the unconscious 'Professor David' on his back;

Bakugou Katsuki carried the Eight Million Hundred; together they rushed from the center of the rooftop to the edge of the open space!

"How can you get what you want?!!!"

Although All Might cleared the air to the ground in an instant, all the metal on the roof was controlled by Meter again!

The next moment, there were a large number of metal projectiles in the sky and metal whips on the ground. There were even metal spikes that suddenly emerged from the ground and attacked the students who were about to run away!

Although it was still difficult for All Might to face these hasty attacks, it was still more difficult than before. It was easier than the continuous long whip attacks before.

After resisting the attack from behind, All Might rushed in front of the students again and punched out again, clearing a large safe area!

Then, he grabbed Todoroki Todoroki and Bakugou Katsuki with both hands.

"Over to you!!!"

Then he threw the two of them out downstairs!!!

Just after being thrown off the edge of the rooftop platform, Bakugou Katsuki and Todoroki Todoroki looked at each other in mid-air and nodded to each other.

Facing All Might Te once again threw the people towards him, and Hong Jiao Dong created a round platform with a diameter of about ten meters in mid-air, catching the people thrown towards him, and then slowly turned the round platform to support these people on the platform. When everyone was falling, Todoroki Todoroki and Bakugo Katsuki leaned against the back of the round platform, and then used their respective propulsion methods downwards!

On the other hand, All Might confirmed that the students were temporarily safe. Turning around, he looked up and stared at the metal man with an extremely ugly face.

"Enemy...Now you really have no way to escape!!!"

After saying this, All Might immediately rushed towards the metal tower in front of him without giving Myrtle time to prepare, and at the same time blasted a shock wave from the front that was no weaker than before!

"Do you think I'm still the same person I was before?!!

Professor David's invention is really powerful! I can feel that my personality has been strengthened to the limit!!!

And the me now can definitely defeat the me ten minutes ago!!!"

While roaring, an even larger-scale attack than before was launched towards All Might with overwhelming force!!!

"Enemy! Just because you've become stronger doesn't mean I've become weaker!!!

Under normal conditions, I really can't exert my previous combat power."

Along the way, All Might destroyed many metal blocks again....

"But...The so-called hero...But there are people who can always go beyond their limits!!!

That's right! This is!! There is no end!!!!"


All Might once again shattered a wave of overwhelming metal rain!

Facing the berserker who was getting closer and closer to him, Myrtle's expression became more and more ferocious!

"Stop talking nonsense!!!

Can you exceed the limit at any time?! So what value does 'limit' have?!!!

Uh hahahaha!!!

OK!!! If you want to go crazy! I'll go crazy with you!!!!


Once again, in the sky above All Might, a large amount of metal quickly gathered into a metal cube that was even bigger than before!!!

However, as a price, a large number of blood vessels had exploded on the surface of the metal man's body, and the originally red blood vessels had exploded. There is also a streak of snow-white in the hair!

"Give me!!! Crush him!!!!!!"

The huge cube that was originally hanging a hundred meters above All Might's head fell to a position less than twenty meters away from All Might in the blink of an eye!

"Enemy! Don't underestimate heroes!!!

Detroit! Smash!!!"


All Might rushed into the air, and after a second of stalemate with the cube, the huge cube with a side length of more than 70 meters quickly cracked, and then shattered into a large amount of metal debris!

Breaking the metal cube Then, All Might stepped on the 'Moon Step' in mid-air and rushed towards the metal man who looked in disbelief!


"Plus! Ultra!!!" boom!!!!!!

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