Nangong Yue was very tired at this time. The construction of the different space took longer than expected. This was also the first time he had worked for such a long time.

Moreover, without any preparation before starting, he started to work at a high load without saying a word. It continued like this day and night for nearly two hundred hours (macro time). In addition, his thinking speeded up by about ten thousand times....

Therefore, now Nangong Yue just wants to have a good sleep.

Although the energy circuits in the soul seemed to be hidden, in fact, this dense network of circuits was still very early in cooling down. Now Nangong Yue truly realized what"the fatigue that penetrates into the soul" is.

Immediately, Nangong Yue, who wanted to immediately enter the newly created different space to sleep, calmly looked at the body lying on the recliner

"this time...I really want to continue sleepwalking....Creating a different space for the first time, the mental burden accumulated over two hundred years, even if there are many techniques to relieve the fatigue of the spirit body, I have to sleep for a while."

After saying that, he quickly gathered up his last energy, opened a dark space crack behind him, and then fell in. The crack quickly closed, as if nothing had happened in front of him.

The two women were a little confused by the scene in front of them. Without thinking, the two clearly heard a snoring sound before the crack closed. They didn't wonder why the spirit body could still snore.

After a few seconds, the two women came back to their senses and looked at the man on the recliner. The figure's expression couldn't help but bring a hint of sympathy.

Seeing Nangong Yue's body also starting to snore, the two looked at each other, and then silently found their positions to practice.

In fact, this was before Nangong Yue's main consciousness entered the body, because the spirit. The physical exhaustion caused the main consciousness to naturally enter a deep sleep.

When Nangong Yue returns from deep sleep to shallow sleep, which is the mental state when dreaming, his main consciousness will be able to control it when he 'wakes up'. This body.

With the strength of his spiritual body, even if he is extremely exhausted, there is actually no burden if he just controls such a body.......

Two days later in the morning, Nangong Yue walked to the yard to feel the spirit's mental state. It seemed that he had almost recovered, so he might as well wait.

After these two days, although I feel equally weak, it is far better than the moment I just completed the different space.

At that time, Nangong Yue felt that his soul might break apart at any time. In addition to endless sleepiness, there was also unspeakable severe pain.

Fortunately, after he finished casting the spell, the severe pain that literally originated from his soul was quickly relieved, and then the trapped thoughts took over.

Fortunately, before he fell asleep completely, he successfully separated a ray of spirit and took over his body.

Otherwise, what will happen to the body without its soul? Needless to say, it will definitely be scrapped in a few days.

When Nangong Yue felt that his soul had almost recovered, he directly used Heavenly Movement. A dark space crack opened in front of him, his eyes were closed tightly, and a seemingly full-looking spirit slowly floated out.

He took out a recliner from the storage space again, lay down on it skillfully, and slowly closed his eyes.

Then, the spirit body in mid-air slowly floated towards the body, and the moment it touched the body, it directly overlapped with the body.

However, because Nangong Yue had not yet fully woken up, slight snoring could be heard again from the black-haired boy on the recliner.

About ten minutes later, Nangong Yue sat up on the recliner with a look of helplessness on his face, and carefully imprinted the few spells he had learned much slower than expected during this period into the depths of his soul.

"this...There are only a few spells. Sure enough, the previous state similar to that of a servant was far less efficient than the current body state....

However, I can still accept it. These techniques are very useful, and they can be regarded as must-learn techniques...."

Thinking of this, Nangong Yue no longer cared about the weakness he had felt for the past ten days. He opened a dark space crack with a slight stiffness, stepped in, and stepped out again. He was already on the rooftop where he usually stayed..

Satisfied with his achievements over the past few days, Nangong Yue, who was in a happy mood, walked slowly to the classroom.

Entering the classroom, he found his seat where he had been away for many days and sat down. He said hello to the pink-haired lolita, turned to look at the sky, turned on his clairvoyance to gather information, and prepared to start today's practice.

Feeling the breeze surrounding Saya Gaocheng, Nangong Yue expressed her great relief. Sure enough, genius is to make people worry-free. She has already begun to learn the skills. She immediately decided to pick a few practical skills and hand them to Gaocheng after school in the afternoon. Shaye, let her play by herself.

As for Busujima Yaozi, Nangong Yue doesn't plan to observe now. He wants to see if she can give him a surprise.

The day was spent with Nangong Yue refining compressed energy and tempering his body. In the blink of an eye, it was time for school to end again. Nangong Yue and Gao Cheng Saya came to the rooftop in a familiar way, habitually waiting for the arrival of Busushima Yako.

He glanced at a certain son of destiny who was peeking at him from the corner of the rooftop opposite, and didn't care. Just watch it if you wanted to. Anyway, the boy opposite's leisurely days were few, but Nangong Yue still secretly thought about his previous carelessness. Be alert.

It might be okay now, but if he makes a similar mistake again, there's no telling what the consequences will be.

Not long after, Busujima Yaozi was in place. Under the curiosity and surprise of the two women and a black-haired boy in the distance, Nangong Yue opened a crack in the dark space that was taller than a person, and then took the lead and walked in.

Sister Yu and Loli, who had never seen the world, came to their senses and stepped into the crack with a hint of nervousness. Then the space crack disappeared like closing a zipper.

In the different space created by Nangong Yue with great effort, the two students turned into cats and looked around. After a while, they lost interest and turned back to Nangong Yue for confirmation.

"Is this what Nangong has been preparing for eight days?! What a boring scene~~~"(pink)

"Alien space, it’s such an incredible thing, no one can catch you now, right?"(purple)

"Well...There is nothing I can do about being bored. After all, it is very troublesome to build a different space that is just for me outside the world.

Isn’t this just done? No decoration has been done at all~

Also, Busujima-senpai, what you praise is a bit subtle."

"Is it okay to go anywhere through this place?"(purple)

"Of course, this is an incredible technique. The name of the technique is"Tian Shi". After entering this space, as long as the coordinates are determined, the door can be opened at the specified coordinates, which is the crack you saw before.

What's even better is that the energy consumed by opening the door is the same every time, but the farther the distance, the more mental energy is consumed.

Also, this space door is only for"Tian Shi", that is to say, this crack can only be used to enter and exit this alien space.

But you have also seen the state of my spirit body. For now, there is no need to worry about mental power~

Well, from today on, your training ground will be this alien space. The energy concentration here is higher than the outside world. Quite a few, relatively speaking a lot simpler.

Not much more to say, let’s get started. I still need to get some things to decorate here.

After all, such a large space cannot be wasted."

After saying that, Nangong Yue opened a crack and looked out. It was the yard of Nangong's family.

At this time, the yard of Nangong's family was full of debris, and all kinds of materials were piled at least five meters high. If you look carefully, you can see that they are all piled up. It was used for house construction and decoration.

Because opening the crack connected the outside world and another space, the conditions for the transformation were met. Nangong Yue began to quickly move the things piled in his yard.

After five minutes, the crack closed. , Nangong Yue used dozens of hands to start building the house.

Because he did not expect to have water or electricity, the structure of the house was extremely simple. There was only a bed, matching desks and chairs, and a desk that was much larger than the desk. It was an empty platform.

In less than an hour, a simple cabin was built, with a real deck chair leaning against the door.

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