Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3629: Break open the gate of the fairy palace


In front of a fairy palace, I saw a person standing with his hand holding his hand, shrouded in the light of three laws.

It is known as the first person in the young generation of Dongzhou, the emperor ranking first, and the unique favorite of the Ye Family in Dongzhou, Ye Tiandao.

This fairy palace is the largest one that everyone has seen after they set foot here.

It also has a stronger power to guard.

In addition to Ye Tiandao, several figures were seen.

More or less, all were hurt.

Their eyes were unwilling, one of them glanced at Ye Tiandao, "It seems that we can only give up this fairy palace."

The other two nodded. They were not injured by Ye Tiandao, but when they entered the fairy palace, they were blasted out by the guarding force inside.

Just when the three of them wanted to join forces to break the ban on the fairy palace, they didn't expect that Ye Tiandao would also like this fairy palace.

As a last resort, after the three of them hesitated, they decided to give up!

"This fairy palace is the largest in a 10,000-mile radius, and the aura revealed in it is several times stronger than those temples and galleries I have seen before! It must have been left behind by an extremely powerful school!"

"Forget it, this fairy palace doesn't say whether I can enter or not, even if I enter, I don't necessarily find the ancient emperor classics."

Having said that, the three of them still did not leave.

Rather, he wanted to see if Ye Tiandao, the number one contemporary man, had the ability to break into it.

At the same time, the three of them have different minds, and they are all thinking about fishing in troubled waters. After all, in front of Xianyuan, the adventure is also worthwhile.

Ye Tiandao didn't know how they were thinking.

However, he was indifferent at all, but the whole person, raising his hand into a halberd, directly slashed on the guardian outside the fairy palace.


With the fairy palace as the center, the radius of one hundred meters is like a magnitude twelve earthquake, shaking fiercely.

You know, in this world, everyone is less than ten times stronger, and Ye Tiandao can only gather a divine halberd lightly, causing it to be ten times more powerful than the three of them just tried their best. How not? Make them frightened.

"Son of Heaven, he is indeed well-deserved. Even if you and I join forces, it may not be possible to threaten him."

The three of them are naturally not unknown generations. One of them was born in the Sanqing Hall. Although not the Son of the Sanqing Hall, he is also a true disciple who ranks in the top ten in the Sanqing Hall.

With a cultivation base, no less than the ordinary master saint son, the saint emperor who died in his hands, no less than ten people!

The other two are not low-level teachers, one is the second true biography of Qiankun Sect, and the other is Wuxingu Shengzi!

The Qiankun Gate is the Taoist school of the Emperor, and the Second True Legend is the emperor who is second only to the Qiankun Gate. Even in the Qiankun Gate, his status is not low.

The Son of Wuxingu doesn't even need to explain, the Son of Dajiao should not be underestimated.

Each of the three has high self-esteem.

I have tried each other before, and the second true biography of Qiankunmen has the highest strength. Although the other two are inferior, they are not too far apart.

This allowed them to join forces to break the ban outside the fairy palace first, and after entering, they all had their own skills.

But now, when Ye Tiandao came, they could only sigh and stand aside.


There was no change in the entire fairy palace. Although Ye Tiandao's blow was huge, it was obviously unsuccessful.

"Ye Tiandao, this immortal palace is protected by a very strong ancient formation. The three of us joined forces just now, and we could barely break a crack, but it was quickly restored as before."

Wuxingu Shengzi couldn't help but speak, although the possibility of Ye Tiandao's appearance and let them get the fairy fate inside is very small, but if they can't even enter, talk about fairy fate.

Therefore, even if they know that the opportunity is small, if they use the hands of Ye Tiandao to directly blast open the gate of the fairy palace, they will have the same opportunity to enter!

At least Ye Tiandao eats meat, and they also grab a mouthful of soup to drink.

"District formation, just want to block my avenue?"

Ye Tiandao snorted coldly, and the three laws turned into sword intent, directly slashed in the air!

This sword was plain and unremarkable, but it made the Wuxingu Shengzi triumphant, because they clearly felt that if this sword came towards them, they might only have a chance to survive by using the most critical means of life-saving!

And this is just Ye Tiandao getting serious with a sword!

"The first person of our time, well-deserved reputation!"

The three looked at each other, all with wry smiles.

At this moment, their mood is extremely complicated and even more contradictory.

I hope that Ye Tiandao will blast open the gate of the fairy palace, but he is worried that Ye Tiandao will monopolize the fairy fate after opening the gate, and even change hands to kill the three of them!

At least, if they were Ye Tiandao, even if they were just some leftovers, they would not leave it to anyone.

"If the fairy palace is opened, the three of you and I must join hands. If we are still making small calculations, with our strength, there is no way to survive in front of Ye Tiandao!"

Wuxingu Shengzi has the highest cultivation level, and he is faintly led by the three.

After the other two hesitated, they nodded slightly. They are not fools either. If the three of them fight on their own, it would be okay for Ye Tiandao not to appear, but now if they are still different, they are undoubtedly looking for death.

"Okay, just as you say! But the ugly thing is at the forefront. The three of you and I are teaming up to deal with Ye Tiandao. Once the fairy relationship appears, you will have your own ability, and no one will blame anyone when the time comes."

The other two were naturally not good at it. They looked at each other and nodded, one of them said.

Wuxingu Shengzi naturally understood their concerns. Obviously, they were afraid of being used as a piece of chess fodder by him, and he would get all the benefits.

The three of them are in a tacit understanding. Although they are secretly forming an alliance, they seem to be afraid of each other, and they are in a posture that they may have to do something at any time.

And Ye Tiandao is naturally conceited, he hasn't met an opponent since his debut.

The only thing that made him a little wary was Kong Huan alone.

No one knew the result of the battle between the two of them. However, it was Ye Tiandao who was slightly better than him, but in the end Kong Huan still escaped in a cool manner, not doing his best at all.

Although Ye Tiandao had reservations, Kong Huan was the only person he could suppress with no certainty.

In addition, Li Ye, Yuelian Ye, and even other Emperor Bang Tianjiao are just a joke in his eyes.


The gate of the fairy palace shook slightly.

Ye Tiandao condenses a sword intent, which can be divided into the sun and the moon, breaking mountains and rivers!

No matter how powerful the guardian formation is, no one has been in charge for millions of years, and there is no one to replenish the loss, now it is just a surviving formation.

"Drive me!"


Once again, Ye Tiandao's eyes flashed with divine light, turning into a ray of invincible will!

At that moment, the pressure of terror was even far above the holy king! It is even comparable to Shi Qingtian and Ye Huangji, the two invincible sages!


A crack appeared directly at the gate of the fairy palace!

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