Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3522: Shengjun personally greeted

Gu Lie did not believe that Li Ye would really be with Jiujue Mountain, and Washington would never die.

Almost no one in Dongzhou believed it!

Even in their opinion, Li Ye's revenge and venting are enough!

Even if it is taking advantage of the situation!

The Great Teacher Huoyun Mountain fell completely, and the inheritance would soon be broken, and it would no longer exist.

This level of Li Wei is enough to make Li Ye a hot potato that no one dares to provoke in Dongzhou!

There is even more support from the Yue Family, Gu Family, Shi Family and other great families!

At this level, how can anyone in Dongzhou continue to challenge Li Ye regardless of life and death?

Of course, the fact that there is no on the surface does not mean that everyone secretly gives up.

"No matter how good he is, he doesn't dare to take the Great Family!"

"After all, Washington DC is still a great family! The Washington DC is still alive! It's not comparable to the declining great family like the Qionghai Lan family!"

There are different opinions, and naturally they think that Li Ye should be out of anger, and he will stop there.

As for being strong on the surface, it's just an attitude to show the world!

However, everyone was indeed shocked!

Three saints have fallen!

You know, ten thousand years will not necessarily fall to a saint! That wait for existence, mostly after the time limit is reached, sitting in a fairy tale.

As for being beheaded, at least for a million years, very few! Very rarely!

At the same time, there is a shocking event!

Instantly dilute the deterrence and shock that Li Ye brought to countless people in Dongzhou.

"No. 1 on the emperor's list! It's out!"

With a bang, the whole Dongzhou was in an uproar!

Compared with the fall of the holy monarch, it is not much more to do!

Because that person is out!

"Hiss! It really happened before that place opened!"

"He has left the customs, it seems that Dongzhou is not at peace again!"

"No. 1 on the emperor list! This monster doesn't know what his cultivation level is now."

For a time, countless people turned their eyes to that place!

Dongzhou Yejia!

Ye Yanghan woke up slightly from entering concentration, but a wry smile appeared.

In the whole Ye family, there were not many people with expressions similar to him, especially the top ones. After learning the news, there were sighs, unwillingness, and bitterness.

No matter how hard they try their best, no matter how arrogant they are.

In front of that person, they will always be just a foil.

Perhaps it is their sorrow.

However, for the Dongzhou Ye Family, it was the opening of a flourishing age!

First in the Dongzhou Emperor Ranking!

Ye Tiandao!


It's not that the Ye Family didn't know everything that happened outside, but there were not many people who really cared.

Only those who knew something, such as Yaozu, showed some strangeness.

"This kid is finally out."

Ye Family, even the ancestors of the saints now have high hopes for Ye Tiandao. Ye Huangji even shot himself personally so that the entire world would not collapse.

Several other saints and ancestors also joined forces.

This didn't make the impact of Ye Tiandao's exit exceed too much.

I saw a divine light soaring into the sky, condensing the child, like a real dragon born, a **** descending from the sky!

Even Ye Huangji couldn't help changing his color slightly when he saw this power, and then he was even more happy!

"I have met several ancestors."

In the divine light, a handsome young man walked out, as if he was carrying a kind of fairy aura, not like a person in the mortal world. However, if you look carefully, you can perceive the domineering implied in it!

Like an emperor in the world, overlooking the common people.

Several sage ancestors couldn't help but move, but Ye Huang was extremely unaffected.

From this point, it can be seen that Ye Huangji, who is also a holy monarch, has clearly stood at a higher level.

Ye Tiandao!

Dongzhou's unique incumbent evildoer!

The invincible genius of the Ye Family who has been known to be in the top three with talent for millions of years!

He is the chosen son who entered the imperial realm at the age of ten!

The countless arrogances of Dongzhou, in front of him, can only be overshadowed!

Because of him, the king is in the world, the emperor's ranking first! Suppress everyone!

"Within a hundred years, the emperor realm is hopeful."

Seeing Ye Tiandao, Ye Huangji couldn't help but sigh.

One hundred thousand years ago, he was just like Ye Tiandao in front of him. It is also the first in the emperor list! Unparalleled in the world!

But in the end, he still didn't take that step, regretting for a lifetime.

But now, Ye Tiandao is even more terrifying than he was back then. Not only is he condensing his own avenue at least a hundred years earlier than him, but at the same time a Dao heart is faintly surrounded by invincible luck!

Suddenly, another figure flashed in Ye Huangji's mind.

The same youth and vigor, the same sharpness!

How similar it was back then!


"Find me?"

Li Ye raised his head slightly, with a touch of complexity on his elegant middle-aged face.

When the two met for the first time, he didn't put Li Ye in his eyes, and even said that Li Ye could hardly become a master.

But now, naked face slaps, even if you are a holy monarch, some old faces are slightly red.

The sage of the wind came personally, it was indeed enough to give Li Ye face.

The dignified holy monarch personally invited, even if it is the emperor's arrogant, those emperors of the emperor's Taoist line cannot have this kind of treatment.

But Li Ye can afford this kind of treatment!

Because he is Li Ye!

It is even the alchemist known as the first person under the Pill Emperor!

Now, there are three holy monarch heads hanging on the beam at the door of his little pill shop!

In the whole Dongzhou, who would dare to say that Li Ye could not afford this kind of treatment?

The Yue family would look for him, and Li Ye was not surprised.

Surprisingly, it was not Yuelianye who came forward, but Sage Sovereign Haifeng came in person.

This is intriguing, a strange thing flashed in Li Ye's mind, but it didn't show it.

Yue Family, after all, for the sake of Yue Lianye and Emperor Tianyue Dan, it was not his enemy. However, some things really violate his bottom line, and he will not be polite!

As for the people who wanted to see him, Li Ye was also somewhat unexpected.

The Yue Family, the four emperors of one family, have existed in Dongzhou for millions of years.

When you step into the Yue Family, you can feel a pair of eyes, either curious, jealous, or extremely complicated.

Regarding Li Ye's name, even the younger generations of the Yue family can be said to be thunderous.

Obviously the same generation as them, even Li Ye is younger than them!

But they were still enjoying the glory of the great emperor's family, and Li Ye was already faintly like a big emperor, and was greeted like the guests of the whole Yue family.

Among them, Qi Yuetian is included!

The gaze he looked at Li Ye was the most complicated!

Once standing on the fairy platform, he also challenged Li Ye! I don't even think that there is a gap between myself and Li Ye!

But now, Li Ye has already asked Shengjun to greet him personally!

Seeing Li Ye and Sage Sage Storm stepping on the Moon God Mountain, Yue Tianqi didn't know what he felt at that moment, and smiled bitterly on his face.

The person who saw him was no one else, but Emperor Tianyue Dan. But there was another person present. Li Ye was not stupid. From the moment he met, he guessed the other person's thoughts.

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