Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3520: Who dares to move Li Ye's things?

Several elders were silent, and some things were not so easy to let go.

The Xiao family would shake hands and make peace, which was also the result of Emperor Dongyue's appearance.

But Washington is different from the Xiao family!

In Washington's style, they also knew that they wanted to let go of their hatred and grievances, which was too vague.

On Jiujue Mountain, Gu Tian frowned, "On the side of Jiujue Mountain, it is quiet and weird. Some people have heard that Jiujue old man has left the customs, but they don't know what decision will be made."

Compared with Washington, in fact, there is only one person in Jiujue Mountain that really makes people jealous.

The old man of Jiujue, one of the three emperors of Dongzhou!

As long as he is still there, just as the ancient family was infinite, because of the existence of Danzu.

The current Jiujue Mountain lacks a bit of the heritage of the ancient family, but in terms of influence, it is even stronger than the average Dajiao.

"Emperor Dan is indeed a bit tricky, but Liang Jiujue Mountain dare not do anything."

"Yes, Huoyun Mountain has become a street mouse now. I heard that it has directly closed the gate of the mountain! It is said to have escaped from the world for 100,000 years!"

Talking about Huoyun Mountain, everyone still sighed.

After all, it was a big teacher, and it used to be a powerful force that even the ancients had to treat each other with courtesy.

But now it's down to say, although it hasn't been wiped out yet, everyone can see it, it's just a matter of time.

"Huoyun Mountain has had a lot of enemies over the years. There used to be two sages who were shocked. Now the flames and the red flames have fallen one after another. Even the ancestors have turned into dust. Only those people are left. Got the whole school?"

Gu Lie sneered, thinking that when the ancient family was at its worst, not to mention other great emperor families and the emperor's orthodoxy, even some great sects would take them down.

Among them is the shadow of Huoyun Mountain.

It's just that Dan Zu will not die for a day, and he still has some deterrent power.

Now seeing the end of Huoyun Mountain, Gu Lie naturally took a sigh of relief.

"Some people are not indifferent, but they just can't guess Li Dan's thoughts."

Suddenly, Gu Sanmei spoke on the side, which immediately aroused everyone's attention.

After thinking about it carefully, it suddenly became clear!

"It seems to be the case. Even if Huoyun Mountain closes the gate and can't escape from the world, it won't last long if there is a powerful person like the holy monarch."

"But I don’t know how King Li Dan will deal with Huoyun Mountain. Speaking of it, there is a large spiritual vein under Huoyun Mountain. In addition, Huoyun Mountain is originally a spiritual mountain, and the Fire Spirit Stone is a quasi-innate treasure. Whoever gets it? The entire Huoyun Mountain and underground spiritual veins are definitely a great opportunity!"

Greed is owned by everyone, and there are many smart people.

Can be really hands-on, but not.

Because, many people nowadays dare not shoot Huoyun Mountain! It's not that they really have good intentions, but they dare not!

At least before Li Ye didn't speak, no one dared to start!

That, but the school Li Ye wants to destroy!

They don’t matter if they are destroyed, but the countless fire spirit stones on the entire Huoyun Mountain and that large spiritual vein, who is not interested? Many people are obviously hesitating whether it is worthwhile to get involved with Li Ye.

"Huoyun Mountain is a hot potato, just watch the changes!"

The Patriarch of the Gu Clan kept his promises, and when he spoke, even if some people in the Gu Clan had some thoughts in their hearts, they would converge.

Compared with the relationship with Li Ye, they naturally distinguished which was more serious. Even if someone's brains get hot, the Gu family is not in their final say.

"Gu Lie, Xiaoyou Li, and King Li Dan, you should move around more often. That matter is up to you now."

The Patriarch of the Gu family, who was majestic to the entire Gu family, but in the face of Gu Lie, was obviously smiling.

Not only him, many people in the ancient family are looking forward to it!

That was the big event that really decided the fate of the ancient family!

Compared to this, even getting all the wealth and spiritual veins of Huoyun Mountain is not worth mentioning!

Ancient Danzu! I really can't stand it anymore!

The ancient family, now doing everything possible, wants to delay the day of Danzu's deadline! Even a hundred years, decades are good!

That way, with the ancient methods, Dan Zu could sleep in the sarcophagus for thousands or even tens of thousands of years.

There is a Dandi alive, that is a kind of shock!

Even if it never appeared, it was enough to keep the ancient family from falling for thousands of years.

Gu Lie also knew how important this matter was to his family. Obviously, the Gu family wanted to get a longevity pill from Li Ye's hands! But the entire Dongzhou knows that the only way to exchange for Emperor Jindan is in one way!


"Holy King's Head! What a holy King's head!"

"He doesn't put the world in his eyes! It's arrogant!"

"Who does he think he is? Great Emperor? Or Dan Emperor!? Too conceited!"

A strong breath, shining with divine light.

Some peerless arrogances and mastermind evildoers in Dongzhou are all faintly at this moment!

Li Ye, covering everyone's edge!

It even faintly covers the Tianjiao on the emperor list, which is the top three in the emperor list, and may not be affected by it.

But the rest of the people are a little bit angry now.

"Brother Young Emperor, your junior has suffered from this kid. Didn't Qilian Sword Palace ever say that?"

Among the people, they are all the genius-level figures of the Great Sect, and even the emperor of the Emperor Sect, there are many descendants of the Great Family.

However, there is only one person who truly leads the way and stands out.

Including Hua Yunxiong and other emperor ranking arrogances, they all looked overshadowed at the moment.

Because that person is the peerless sword repairman who is now ranked seventh on the emperor list, Young Emperor Qilian!

The second true disciple of Sword Emperor Qilian! It is also rumored that the first true disciple of the sword emperor Qilian, and the youngest emperor Qilian, who is his own son, is even more terrifying!

Among the many geniuses, there was only one person, with a pale face and a friendly expression, with a smile on his face. He did not have the arrogance of ordinary geniuses.

But everyone didn't dare to take it lightly, but each one was cautious.

Because he is the Emperor Qilian!

The entire Dongzhou is one of the top geniuses.

There are even rumors that Young Emperor Qi Lian has never made a full shot, and has always hidden some power. And that kind of power is prepared for the number one on the emperor list!

Regardless of the rumors, at least there are so many people present, even if they join hands, they are not necessarily Qilian Shaodi's opponent.

After being named, Jianjun Tsing Yi's face turned dark.

But he didn't say much.

On the contrary, it was Young Emperor Qilian, who chuckled and shook his head. "My junior's business is just normal discussions. If you lose, you can't blame others."

Everyone was disappointed, Hua Yunxiong twitched his mouth, and couldn't help saying, "Then look at that kid arrogantly proud?"

Washington is now on the cusp of the storm, and Li Ye clearly wants to have a break with Washington, which naturally makes him anxious.

"I can't talk about arrogance, but I heard that the fairy of the Yue family is closely related to him?"

Suddenly, Young Emperor Qi Lian said with a subtle expression.

Everyone hadn't reacted yet, Hua Yunxiong reacted at once! His eyes lit up!

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