Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3504: Holy king for mercy

That's it for Hongyan Saint. Six Sword Saints were equally angry, but in the end he was black and didn't speak.

But the sage of Qionghailan's family laughed angrily!

"Good! Good! Good! Since the descendants of the Yue family spoke in person, there is no reason for this monarch not to agree!"

Qionghailan's home! Back then, that was also the family of the emperor who almost came to dominate Dongzhou City! Even if it is now declining, the dignity of the sage cannot be violated!

Many people also frowned slightly, although this time the Six Sword Saints and others took action against Li Yeluo and were criticized by others, but Yuelianye, a junior, provokes the Saints face to face, which is equivalent to insulting the dignity of the Saints!

Shengjun, don't be insulted!

"This monarch wants to personally learn today, the descendant of the Dongzhou Yue family, how good is it!"

Although he was angry, Lan Wuyan has lived for countless tens of thousands of years. Even if he is a holy monarch, he is not truly invincible in the world. There were some worries hidden in his heart, naturally he didn't dare to make a full shot.

In case it hurts the descendants of the Yue family, even if he is a holy monarch, whether he can leave Dongzhou City alive by then is still unknown.

"Fairy Yue Family challenges the sage of Qionghai Lan Family! This battle is absolutely wonderful!"

"The young people today are so terrible? First there was Li Ye, and now there is another fairy from the Moon Family. Are our older generations really old?"

Many strong people asked themselves, and some holy emperors smiled bitterly.

They are known as the pinnacle powerhouses in the world, but at this time, they are more like ant passers-by.

No matter it is Shengjun or Li Ye, they have the power to easily dominate their life and death.

Li Ye didn't stop him, even he was a little curious about how far Yuelianye had grown during the time he was separated from him.

The Saints of Six Swords and Saints of Hongyan did not stop them, and Lan Wuyan was willing to take the action personally, which saved them a lot of trouble.

At this moment, they all had a sneer in their hearts.

"Lan Wuyan is too confident!"

"Qionghai is certainly not a barren land, but it is far from the center of the Three Realms! The Lan family has been a dominant one in Qionghai over the years, but it is still too arrogant!"

Some people can't help but sigh, and naturally they can only criticize.

No matter how arrogant Qionghai Lan family is, the face of the great family cannot be trampled on by anyone!

Li Ye doesn't have to put them in his eyes, because he is enough to make any great teacher retreat!

Yuelianye is also fine, because she is the second-most peerless Tianjiao on the emperor list today, and even a contemporary descendant of the four-emperor Yue family!

But other people don't have the guts, so they can only secretly contempt.


Lan Wuyan hummed, suddenly the world turned into a cage, the cage of the holy monarch, even if the same holy monarch and strong people want to get out, it is not that simple.

He was originally good at Formation Dao enchantment, although he was ridiculed as a skin that only understood Formation Dao, but he was able to cultivate to the realm of Saint Sovereign in this way, naturally, he was unique.

"Little girl, I think you are not easy to practice. Today, I will let you know that there are people outside the world, and there is a truth outside the sky, and it will not hurt your life."

As soon as the cage of heaven and earth came out, Lan Wuyan was like a worldly expert, with his hands on his back, and the voice of the road was like educating his younger heir.

Indeed, he has this qualification!

As a holy monarch, even the emperor doesn’t necessarily know what a great way is better than him!

Although the sage can only borrow the avenue, at least the already deep laws of heaven and earth and some power in the avenue of heavens.

Even the other sages frowned slightly when he saw Lan Silently shot.

Although the enchantment formation is not considered superior in the eyes of the world, even if it is just a rough fur and martial arts, it has the power to destroy the world and destroy the earth.

Moreover, although the barrier is only a trivial part of the formation, it is really necessary to cultivate to the extreme, and it can even change the world!

Of course, that is just a legend, no one has reached that state for millions of years.

Even if Lan Wushen, who has won this way, has been immersed in the way of enchantment for one hundred thousand years, he can barely change the world around him!

It is far incomparable with the real creation of a world, creating a world.

As soon as the enchantment comes out, the outcome is divided!

He is not doing it, but with a ray of contentment in his eyes.

Among the holy monarchs, he is not the strongest, but he really wants to fight to the death, even if people like Ye Huangji and Shi Qingtian come, he is not without the power of a fight.

Sage Wind frowned slightly, but did not do anything.

Just when everyone was strange, they suddenly found that the expression of Lan Silent's face suddenly changed.


The surrounding world, as if it were real, had cracks!

At the same time, a pair of bare hands protruded directly from it, and the cage that was enough to confine the saint for a short time, but in front of the pair of catkins, it easily turned into countless fragments.

"Impossible! This monarch's holy monarch's cage! Even if Ye Huangji comes, it is impossible to break it so easily!"

Lan Wuyan's eyes widened, this is his greatest confidence! It is the root of his great way to become a sage!

"You, how did you do it?"

He couldn't believe it, but in fact, without even half a breath, the holy monarch's cage he thought was perfect was easily dissolved.

Yuelianye is like a fairy stepping into the world, with a light wave, turning the whole world into a starry sky, while the stars are like the smart elves in her hands.

However, Lan Wuyan was shocked!

The power contained in the stars is enough to shake the defense of the saint!

Sure enough, in an instant, dozens of stars turned into swords and shadows, and in an instant even the world and all things surrendered in front of them.

Lan Wuyan roared, ignoring the majesty of the sage, and directly broke through the void.


Dignified sage, at this moment, there is no idea of ​​resistance, only the idea of ​​running away!

As for all the arrogance and disdain just now, they all turned into dust.

"Lan is speechless, underestimating the enemy."

A sigh, followed by an angry roar from the void crack!

At the same time, an embarrassed figure fell from it, and a closer look was Lan Wuyan! The sage of Qionghailan family!

At this time, the whole body was stained with blood, and the holy monarch was no longer as ethereal as a fairy.

Blue speechless! Holy monarch strong!

It's so defeated!

And it was completely defeated!

In front of him, there are still hundreds of stars, as if they could swallow him and everything around him at any time.

"Ben, this monarch has eyes but doesn't know Mount Tai, and I hope the fairy will spare my life."

beg for mercy! A holy monarch, begging for mercy in front of everyone!

Everyone gasped!

Even Li Ye's face flashed with surprise.

Blue speechless! In his eyes, it's nothing more than a holy monarch! Even in his opinion, this person is not enough for the title of Saint King! However, it is only by relying on a powerful enchantment method that he has the name of a holy monarch!

But no matter what, even the weakest holy monarch can not be forced to beg for mercy by anyone!

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