Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3478: Washington, can't move?

Washington, indeed, is not in Li Ye's eyes.

Even if it is the great family, Washington has just risen in these hundreds of thousands of years. There are even rumors that the great emperor in Washington is close to the limit, and the time is short.

Such an emperor family's threat to Li Ye is not too high.

"Yes, not to mention the present, even before, a mere Washington is not too threatening to you. But..."

Shi Aotian frowned slightly. The reason why Washington was able to stand in Dongzhou City was not only because of the great family.

Although there are not many Dongzhou Dimen Taoist traditions and great emperor families, they have gone down for millions of years, even if some of them have disappeared in the long river of history. However, there are still some ancient emperor family traditions and great emperor families that still exist today.

Those ancient sects may not be as beautiful as the newly emerging imperial sects like Qilian Sword Palace.

But even the Shi family behind Shi Aotian didn't dare to despise it if he really wanted to talk about the background and the degree of horror.

Naturally, he will not despise, but he will not be jealous.

Gu Lie also nodded when he heard the words, and his image of being a foolish man was slightly reduced, "Brother Aotian should refer to the one in Washington, right?"

that one!

Shi Aotian nodded slightly, which aroused Li Ye's curiosity.

"You may not know that, in fact, it is not the Huaqing emperor that really makes people jealous in Washington, but another in Washington."

Talking about that person, even Shi Aotian couldn't help showing a touch of fear.

There are not many in Dongzhou that can make him show such an expression.

"Indeed, Washington must not underestimate the one who is still there. You know, that one has a lot to do with that side."

Whether it is Shi Aotian or Gu Lie, they both have a look of jealousy, so that the descendants of the two great emperor families can do this, and Li Ye is more curious now.

"Oh? There are people in Washington who are more terrifying than Emperor Huaqing?"

Emperor Huaqing, it is the foundation for Huafu to become the great family! It's just that the Great Emperor Huaqing has been in retreat for 100,000 years, and there has been a lot of news from the outside world.

Even the emperor can't live forever, but unfortunately, no one in Washington dare to provoke. Even the ancient family, as the end of the ancient family Danzu is approaching, there are people who are ready to move.

Thinking about it at this moment, Li Ye did find that he seemed to have overlooked something.

"It's not terrible, it's just that few people are willing to offend that one for some small things."

Gu Lie's expression was three-point sigh, seven-point dignified.

Without waiting for Li Ye to ask, he explained, "Speaking of which, the Emperor Huaqing has indeed made great contributions to the fact that Washington can have today. But when it comes to the fact that Washington can enter Dongzhou City, it is one of the top ten people, but the other The relationship is very deep."

"Holy King Tinglan!"

Shi Aotian's tone was somewhat disapproving. It was a bit inconsistent with the words of fear of the two before, but Li Ye realized that it was indeed because of this person that they two would persuade him not to easily offend Washington.

Saint Tinglan!

Li Ye frowned slightly, a holy monarch was indeed standing at the pinnacle of the Three Realms.

Even a holy monarch is enough to make a sect suddenly leap into the ranks of great religions.

But now that he is, Shengjun is really a threat to him?

Had it not been clear to him that the two in front of him couldn't be joking with him, he would have laughed.

"What's special about this Saint Tinglan?"

Even Six Sword Saints and the other four joined forces to besiege him, and they couldn't kill him! There is a sage in a small area, Li Ye thinks that even those ancient sages are born, it is impossible to cause too much threat to him.

The two looked at each other, and they knew why Li Ye was puzzled.

After all, Li Ye didn't know much about some ancient rumors about Dongzhou.

They were different. The two were born in the great emperor's family. Those rumors, it can even be said that since they have memories, they have been deeply rooted.

"Holy Monarch Tinglan, in fact, his cultivation base is not too strong among the holy monarchs."

Shi Aotian explained slightly, "However, it is not him who is really afraid of him, but because of him."

It sounds inconsistent, and Li Ye is not in a hurry.

The two of them came today, seemingly just to intervene at will, but it can be seen that it should be the two big families behind them who want to reveal something to him through their mouths.

But now, he needs to know.

"What's the origin?"

A holy monarch, it is impossible for them to attach so much importance. That's it for the ancient family, the ancient emperor gate of the Shi family waiting for the three emperors, even the holy monarch might be able to make them give enough respect.

But to say fear, nonsense.

The only explanation is that this Saint Tinglan has an unusual origin.

"Looks like you guessed it, it's indeed an extraordinary origin."

"Interesting, is it the illegitimate child of a certain emperor? Or is it a more special way?"

Li Ye smiled slightly, but Shi Aotian and Gu Lie almost didn't choke to death by saliva!

The emperor's bastard? Thanks to Li Ye's idea!

But thinking about it carefully, they couldn't help but smile. If it were really the illegitimate son of the Great Emperor, it would indeed make countless people extremely jealous!

Even if they came from the great family, they are descendants. But there is still a huge gap with the emperor's own son!

It can be said that these imperial family traditions and great emperor families are all descendants of those great emperors or disciples!

Although he was born very tall, in the final analysis, after too many generations, if he is really the son of the emperor, even if such a person is useless, as long as the emperor is still a day, he can almost walk across the Three Realms!

"This is not so exaggerated. But it does matter."


Originally Li Ye just made a small joke at random, but at this moment, he realized that it seemed to be really interesting.

"Which emperor?"

At this moment, he also frowned slightly.

Although the emperor Ordinary really disregarded his status and shot him, he also had the means to deal with it. But as a last resort, he still doesn't want to face directly with characters such as the Great Emperor.

No matter what the emperor is, it will be very troublesome to make a move! At least not that he can easily solve it now.

"Not the emperor."

Shi Aotian shook his head.

"Isn't it the emperor?" There was an accident on Li Ye's face, but then suddenly he raised his brows, and a bright light flashed in his mind, but he felt a little weird.

The Great, he still understands. But if it were that kind of possibility, it would be really incredible!

After all, if it is so, it is not just that Washington is not easy to use on the surface. More importantly, many things will become a little complicated for him.

"It's the emperor!"

Shi Aotian smiled bitterly, if it were just the emperor, he would not have come so solemnly in person.

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