Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3475: Xiao family hidden world

"Seven Holy Emperors!"

"Too much deception! It is so deceitful! Does his Li Ye really dare to disregard the morality of the world and do whatever he wants?"

In a short period of time, seven holy emperors in Dongzhou fell sadly, and even their heads were chopped off after death, and they are now hanging in front of someone's pill shop!

what is this?

This is a naked provocation!

It's a war book!

"Can't let him continue like this! Otherwise, the entire Dongzhou will treat us as a joke!"

Washington, the ancient family of the great emperor in Dongzhou.

But now, it seems to be a joke!

The two elders of the holy emperor were beheaded in the outside world without knowing it! Even before the news of Washington itself, it has become a joke in the eyes of countless people!

The heads are hung there, how many pairs of eyes are watching?

The whole Washington is shrouded in a layer of clouds.

At this moment, in Washington, there are several heavyweight visitors.

"Brother Tianyu, Li Ye, this son, has already done the first year of junior high. Now I don't know if Washington DC has any countermeasures?"

A head of fiery red hair, the whole body is as hot as the sun, even if the terrifying heat wave has subsided, a few people around will slightly frown.

Saint Red Flame! One of the few sages in Huoyun Mountain!

It's even the brother of the Flame Saint!

It can be said that Huoyun Mountain can have today, and it is inseparable from the appearance of these two sages.

But not long ago, the flame sage was seriously injured, and now he is still hiding in the secret realm of Huoyun Mountain to recuperate. This time, in just a few days at Huoyun Mountain, the three holy emperors fell!

Counting the five holy emperors who died in Li Ye's hands before!

Even Huo Yunshan, as a great teacher, is a bit angry, but his vitality is greatly injured!

Five holy emperors! Changed some second-rate sects, it can almost be said to be half disabled!

Shenghuang is not a Chinese cabbage! Even in the eyes of the real strong, it is only slightly stronger than the ant, but it also represents the mainstay of a force.

"The ancestor Hongyan is right. Li Ye is clearly ready to go to war with us. In that case, it is better to start first!"

Another negative voice came out, but from the shadow and darkness, a thin and dry old man emerged.

The strong cold breath was like a dead person, even Saint Hongyan raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Undercover! Sure enough, your old bone is still alive!"

Seeing this withered old man, Shengjun Tianyu and Shengjun Hongyan narrowed their eyes slightly at the same time!

Don't look at the withered old man in front of him as a dead person, and it seems that he might die at any time. But even if they had lived for thousands of years, they didn't dare to look down upon them.

Undercover! This code used to represent death and ecstasy in Dongzhou!

"Jie Jie Jie, even if you two are not dead, how could the old man let go of the world."

The secret holy monarch grinned and let out low and low laughs, and the hoarse voice was more like a kind of magic. People with an unstable Dao heart, even just hearing this voice, would be traumatized.

More serious, the entire soul is directly controlled by it.

The two sages looked at each other, and they could see the jealousy in each other's eyes!

"This old ghost is even more bizarre than before."

Shengjun Tianyu frowned slightly, but apparently they were not on the opposite side this time.

As for the grudges and grievances they once had, even in their realm, even if they are feuds of life and death, they are not incapable of letting go in the face of interests.

"Undercover, since you have appeared, it seems that it is true that you lost to the old man of Jiujie because of a bet and became the worship of Jiujue Mountain?"

Secret Saint!

This is the strong man who caused so many great teachers and even the emperor's Taoism to have an incomparable headache. Unlike any other holy monarch, this person has turned to be good at secretly assassinating. It can be said that it is to achieve the goal, and any method is not a problem!

Not to mention the lack of face, as long as the person he wants to kill, no one has left alive.

Of course, the great emperor and the holy monarch are not among them. After all, the secret holy monarch is not a fool when he reaches that realm. There is a number in his heart who can provoke and who can't provoke him.

"Jie Jie Jie, although the old ghost of Jiu Jue won disgracefully at the beginning, since the bet is lost, the old man will naturally not break the contract! But this time, it is considered that the old man has repaid the debt he owed."

No one knows what the old man Jiujue and the secret holy monarch bet on.

And the Secret Sage Sovereign naturally wouldn't open his mouth to explain, but seeing him appear, it made Tianyu Sage Sovereign and Hongyan Sage Sovereign be certain.

No matter how unscrupulous the secret holy monarch is, at least for now, they are in the same camp.

The goals are the same.

The people of the world naturally don't know how much pressure Li Ye's seemingly crazy warfare put the five forces on.

With everyone paying attention, the Xiao family seemed to have lost their voice.

There is no such violent anger as Washington, Huoyun Mountain and other forces.

Instead, it died down, and even suddenly became low-key.

Xiao family, ancestral land.

"Master! A arrogant and conceited junior, our Xiao family, have never been afraid of anyone!"

This is the forbidden area of ​​the Xiao family, even the Patriarch of the Xiao family today is not qualified to step into it!

There are only a handful of Xiao Clan who can appear here.

At this time, the saint who had besieged Li Ye before the Xiao family was puzzled with a trace of anger on his face.

And in front of him, a black sarcophagus existed in this world like Henggu. No one knows, even if no one in the entire Xiao family knows, there is this existence in the Xiao family secretly guarding the entire huge family.

The aging breath was difficult for even the saint to control.

This is why, the entire Xiao family listed this place as a forbidden place, and the Holy Emperor could not enter it.

Unless it is a holy monarch and a great emperor, the only fate for anyone stepping into this place is to be assimilated by this old aura, and the whole person and soul are completely dissipated from the world.

"Let everyone come back."

Ancient voices pierced through it, and the voice was dull but beyond doubt.

Even the holy monarch could not help but have an urge to bow down after hearing the words.

"Master, really?"

"I'm back, that person, not the Xiao family can provoke him."

"This, how is this possible! Master, the Xiao family is you!"

"They are all back. As long as the Xiao family is not provoking, at least the Xiao family can be kept alive."

If it were said that the people in the black sarcophagus made the Xiao family give up revenge, it has already shocked people beyond belief. So at this time, the saint of the Xiao family was completely stunned.

Keep the Xiao family alive?

He even wondered if he was deaf!

"How to choose depends on the Xiao family."

The next moment, the surrounding disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

After that, the Xiao family seemed to be in seclusion.

Outsiders simply cannot know what happened during that period.

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