Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3467: Want to go? too naive!

"King Li Dan, this world-shaking battle is enough to be famous all over the world, the Three Realms and Nine Realms!"

Many great religious forces have changed their attitudes 180 degrees at this moment.

Those elder holy emperors didn't even dare to hold that they were seniors, and there was no arrogant arrogance overlooking the people from above. Even from their demeanor and tone, Li Ye has become a real powerhouse that these people dare not look down upon after World War I today!

If it was said that before, it was the one behind Li Ye that many great religious forces were really afraid of.

So now, after this battle, it can't be said that these great teachers will be scared, but at least Li Ye's weight now is enough for these great teachers to weigh well.

If there is no huge benefit, is it worth offending such an invincible strong man who is likely to dominate an era in the future?

These great religions, some of them have stood for hundreds of thousands of years at least, and some of them are older than millions of years!

For countless thousands of years, but has always stood in the Three Realms and Nine Regions, even if there is ebb and flow, prosperity and decline, but has not been destroyed, you can see the survival of these forces!

"Yes, with King Li Dan's current cultivation base and strength, it is rare to have an opponent in the Three Realms!"

"It deserves to be the descendant chosen by Emperor Danwu, it is indeed the destiny!"

A group of junior geniuses around was stunned!

In their eyes, the once majestic elders, even the powerful masters at the first level, are so flattering and pleasing at this moment. If they hadn't said it with their own eyes, they would never believe it.

Sword Master Tsing Yi sighed and took a deep look at Li Ye.

The sword of Xianlingtai left a wound on his Dao heart. Now, as Li Ye goes higher and higher, he finds desperately, wanting to find opportunities from Li Ye, to make up for the lack of Dao Xin has almost become a luxury.

"Maybe, brother has a chance!"

In his mind, Emperor Qilian is definitely one of the best in Dongzhou.

Although the reputation is not obvious, even the ranking of the Emperor Ranking is not as good as Shi Aotian and others!

But only he knew how many secrets and methods his senior brother Qi Lian had hidden!

Keep flattering and flattering.

Li Ye's expression was calm. After changing to any great genius, no matter how deep the city is, he will inevitably get overwhelmed at this time. After all, these people used to be powerhouses standing on the heights of the Three Realms, not to mention being so flattering, even if they look squarely, they can surprise some junior geniuses.

But now, such a picture makes them jealous, but at the same time it is more of a kind of looking up.

"This is the change brought about by strength!"

Li Ye's heart was like a bright mirror for these great teachers' goodwill.

As long as he didn't fall from the peak for a day, these so-called big sects and even the imperial Taoism would guard themselves and would not easily come to provoke him.

But if one day, he falls from the altar, these complimenting powerhouses in front of him will become the most terrifying hunters! And he will become their prey.

The weak eat the strong! Henggu has not changed for millions of years!

Now, he is the strong! It can even easily dominate the life and death of these people!

That's why they compliment him! Awe him!

But one day, he can't do it, even weak! Then everything will be completely reversed.

Leaving aside those great teachers, Li Ye gave a cold glance!

Several of them trembled, but their expressions were slightly embarrassed.

"How many people don't think it is necessary to give me an explanation to Li, and it is not too late to leave?"

With this sound, the expressions of those figures sank, and one of them barely smiled and said, "King Li Dan, today you have established a unique style in the first battle. I don't know what else I need to explain?"

These few figures are not other people, they are the powerhouses of Jiujue Mountain, Xiao Family and Jiujue Mountain.

This time the five major forces joined forces, and the sage of Washington fleeed because of Shi Aotian and the two sages of the ancient family who were seriously injured, and the rest of the powers of Washington also left.

For the rest, the Six Sword Sovereign had already escaped with the sword, and only these three forces were left. He wanted to watch Li Ye fall in the hands of Helan Tianlang.

Who would have thought that the ending would be like this.

The one who spoke was an elder of the Xiao family and a holy emperor.

In the past, a junior, dared to be killed by him so early! But now, in the depths of the Xiao Family's holy emperor's eyes, there was a ray of fear, barely pretending to be courageous.

The dignified emperor, at this moment, is a little low-pitched, even people with a discerning eye can see that the Xiao family is scared after this time!

Five saints! Didn't let Li Ye this kid, the Xiao family didn't have much grudges with Li Ye, could it be this, let the great emperor of the Xiao family do it himself?

Not to mention whether Li Ye can really be killed! Even if Li Ye is dead! The Xiao family will also become a target of public criticism!

It can be said that the Xiao family’s heritage is close to a million years, and they are not all fools!

Only before, because Helan Tianlang secretly dominates, he was momentarily confused.

"Jiujue Mountain! The Xiao Family! Washington, plus Huoyun Mountain! If it weren’t for me, someone in Li had some skills, five sages! Hey! I don’t know how many of the Xiao family’s juniors can be in this The life left in the killing?"

As soon as these words came out, the expression of the saint emperor of the Xiao family changed drastically!

The rest of the people are also chilling behind their backs!

"King Li Dan! Are you threatening my Xiao family?"

Although the saint emperor of the Xiao family was afraid of Li Ye, he also revealed a trace of anger at this moment!

There is no doubt that Li Ye's seeming joke just now is obviously a threat!

Today’s hatred, with Li Ye’s character, it would be considered light to pay for it!

Five saints! This kind of handwriting, even if it is to deal with the emperor, is it just so?

"Hahaha! Five holy monarchs! Can be worthy of me, Li XX! But since you did the first year of junior high school, don't blame me for doing it once at fifteenth!"

If everyone had doubted whether Li Ye had the courage to tear his face with the Xiao family before, then at this moment, there is no doubt that Li Ye's courage is even crazier than they thought!


Everyone gasped!

"Li Ye, this son, is not satisfied with the immortality of the Lin family, and now even the Xiao family has to fight?"

Some people couldn't help it, even if Li Ye fought to become a **** today, the Xiao family was not an ordinary family after all, it was a great family!

"In fact, this time, the five major forces did not consider the consequences! But it is true that the five sages joined forces and did not let Li Ye's son fall, but now, there is a good show!"

There are even more people gloating at misfortunes, and the Xiao family also has enemies! It's just that those people are hiding in the dark.

"Li Ye! You are too presumptuous! Don't think that you are truly invincible! In the Three Realms, even though you are powerful, you are not yet ready to do whatever you want!"

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