Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3464: Voice of death

"After all, it's just a mortal fetus. It's hard to become a powerful weapon."

A deep murmur came from the mouth of the figure. There is only one person in this world who can sit in the crown of the Eight Kings!

It's a pity that Helan Tianlang at this time obviously had some weird states. On his body, there were already cracks, but no blood flowed out.

He raised his palm slightly, and a looming black flame appeared on it, but it was this flame, as if something extremely poisonous, was constantly eroding his physical body.

Outside, everyone was silent.

Although this sword opened up the world, even the sun, moon and stars were covered, and the world changed its color.

But in the end it didn't wait to split all the defenses of the Eight Kings God Crown, and it fell short!

"What a pity! If the power is stronger! Maybe!"

A holy emperor blurted out, then shook his head and laughed.

More powerful? The terrifying power that was revealed at that moment just now was something they had never seen before!

"That sword just now is even three points better than the Tao of Six Swords that the Lord of Six Swords has cultivated for thousands of years! Li Ye, this son, is it really his destiny?"

"Too powerful! The birth of such evildoers, I really don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse for the Three Realms and Nine Regions."

Many powerhouses only slightly exhaled the foul breath in their chests at this moment, but the expressions on their faces were terrified and bitter.

As for the many geniuses who have followed the elders of the division, they all face dead.

In the face of these two perverts, what qualifications do they have to call them geniuses?

Compared with ants, maybe they are just a little stronger.

"Being in the same era with these two people is nothing short of torture!"

"Yeah, forget about Helan Tianlang, he almost stood at the same height with Emperor Hengtian back then. Li Ye, this person, nothing, nothing else, from now on, it's a big deal to see him and take a detour!"

There was a great teacher genius looking discouraged, and at this moment, the elders around him not only did not scold and anger, but he sighed with relief, with a look of relief, "You don't have to be so discouraged, this kind of unparalleled enchanting talent , It’s rare to see a person for hundreds of thousands of years! Even in this era, it must be more than just to take that step!"

There are also other strong men who nodded when they heard the words, "Yes, this kind of character, the emperor may not have any challenge to him at all."

Having said that, the Dao Xin of many great teaching geniuses has been shaken.

If things go on like this, let alone the improvement of the cultivation level in the future, there may even be demons and the fall of genius.

But those older generations of powerhouses are not too much to say anything, these Dao Heart rifts can only be repaired and broken through by themselves! Outsiders have no means to interfere.

And most importantly, even these Dao Heart cracks and impacts can't be adjusted. No matter how talented it is, it will be difficult to reach the pinnacle. It is not worth the sect's effort to cultivate.

Of course, there are also a handful of geniuses who have cracks in their Dao Xin, but instead of extinguishing their fighting spirit, deep in their hearts, their fighting spirit is even stronger!

Even if they can't compare with Li Ye and other evildoers, but they are still alive, they also have the opportunity to hit the peak!

At least Li Ye and even Helan Tianlang do not set foot on the top in a day, and even if the hope of others is slim, there is still a chance for them.

Everyone thought that Li Ye would naturally not guess. At this time, he also slowly spit out a **** muddy gas.

A sword just now almost exhausted his body's strength, even if he was close to a golden body, his recovery ability was not bad, it could not be eased by just a few breaths.

"The eight kings, the defensive ability is really abnormal!"

With that sword, he was confident that even if the holy monarch came, he could kill it with a single sword!

But the consumption is huge! This is why when he was joined by the four holy monarchs before, he only used the bleeding pupil illusion technique to set up the entire illusion killing formation with the heaven and the earth as the formation.

Otherwise, that sword cut out! At least one person can be killed! Even two saints!

The Eight Kings Divine Crown, which only had the last layer of defense, finally reacted.

However, I saw the entire Eight Kings Divine Crown, slowly changing, and at the same time an even more ancient vicissitudes of life came out from it.

"This breath!"

Li Ye's expression condensed, this is definitely not a treasure that the Helan family can create!

At this time, Li Ye finally concluded that the Eight Kings Divine Crown must be a treasure from the ancients and even more ancient times!

I just don't know how Helan's family got it.

At the same time, a terrible shadow emerged from it.

Although not the deity!

But seeing that figure appeared, everyone felt a sense of suffocation!

Even the two holy monarchs and elders of the ancient family were shocked and solemn at this moment!

"This is the unparalleled pride of the Helan family!?"

Deep in their hearts, an indelible kind of helplessness and bitterness, just the incarnation of their will, is so powerful that even the saints are moved!

What would it be like if the deity made it himself?

Li Ye is also waiting!

Even though he has always been fighting high from start to finish, he has never underestimated any of his opponents! What's more, this one in front of me can even be said that for millions of years, except for the great Emperor Hengtian of the year, he can hardly find anyone who can easily suppress him before stepping into the emperor realm.

"Li Ye, you are a bit surprised by your strength. If you can block this trick, then you will be saved today."

On that terrible phantom, bursts of thunderous sounds came from the road!

Many people who were shocked started groaning. It was because of the innumerable surroundings and the weird people, the people who might be anxious at any time due to the void storm that swept them all, now they are all affected by it, and their minds are more It is like a scene of **** of death.

"The Voice of the Avenue! Death Will! Helan Tianlang also controls part of the Avenue of Death?!"

Someone spit out, Death Avenue! The Great Dao of All Heavens can be regarded as an extremely high will of Dao!

Not only Li Ye, but also Helan Tianlang understood part of the will of the Dao.

Words and deeds all represent the envelope of supreme death, the cultivation base is a little weaker, even just hearing the sound, the whole person instantly loses the breath of life, even the soul disappears without a trace!

In an instant, more than a dozen people fell from the void, and then were swallowed by the surrounding void storm.

One move determines the outcome!

Everyone's hearts twitched fiercely! There is no doubt that Helan Tianlang is like an ancient king, looking down on the sky and the earth.

And he also has the qualification to look down on the common people!

Even if the emperor came in person, he would treat a peerless figure like Helan Tianlang with courtesy.

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