Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3452: What a perverted body is this

Even though Li Ye showed disdain, the four sages at the same time unfolded the overwhelming and fierce pressure, which made his face slightly serious.

A holy monarch makes a move, and Li Ye is not worth it! There is even more than 90% chance of winning!

Even if the two sages join forces, he can move forward and retreat freely!

But in front of me, there are four sages!

One of them was once a powerful man who fought for the emperor's fate with Qilian Sword Emperor!

Under everyone's eyes, Li Ye must die!

There is no possibility of survival!

"Too self-conscious."

"Arrogant and conceited, maybe too young."

"Unfortunately, the heritage of a generation of legends may be cut off."

Some people sigh, but no one thinks that Li Ye will survive.

Even if Shi Aotian made a move to entangle a holy monarch, there are still four holy monarchs watching!

Counting Helan Tianlang, who hasn't done anything since he appeared, these scenes made everyone feel extremely depressed!

"This one from the Helan family, if you don't make a move, it's a sure-fire situation!"

If we say that the five major forces, the five holy monarchs joined forces to make everyone frightened and uneasy.

That Helan Tianlang persuaded the five major forces to join forces and promoted everything behind the scenes. As the initiator, it made a group of people even more afraid!

Even if it is the invincible existence of those great sects, they are firm in their minds, and as a last resort, they must not offend the evil spirit of the Helan family!

Even the ancestors of the emperor's Taoism and the great family have shown a touch of jealousy!

"Helan Tianlang, a generation of unparalleled talents, if it weren't for the birth of the Great Emperor Hengtian, perhaps that era really respected him and suppressed him!"

Deep in the void, an old voice sighed slightly.

The rise of the Helan family has become a foregone conclusion to many people.

Unless another invincible existence like the Great Emperor Hengtian was born, perhaps he could still compete.

"Even the junior of the Ye family is a little bit worse."

"It's a shame for Li Ye this son. If you give him a thousand years, no, maybe it only takes two to three hundred years. It's really hard to predict who the emperor of this generation will spend."

You know, their existence has even seen through the common people, it is difficult to have the so-called genius evildoer into their eyes.

There are only a few people on the emperor list, and they can still be recognized.

And what really made them all feel threatened, the only person in Dongzhou was the junior of the Ye family! But now, Helan Tianlang, a feudal genius who was hundreds of thousands of years ago, has been added!

As for Li Ye, in the eyes of these people, the heat is still a bit worse.

The four sages join forces to test pressure!

Even if it hasn't really taken a shot, the already suppressed void is distorted!

But even if they put pressure on them, Li Ye would not move like a mountain! The distorted void seemed to be non-existent, even under such pressure, even the imperial weapon would instantly shatter into mortal dust, but it just couldn't affect Li Ye a bit!

"Does this son have been refined into the golden body of the Great Emperor?"

Seeing this scene, everyone was in an uproar!

The Six Swordsman Saints are even more turbulent!

Originally, when the five great forces and the five sages joined forces, they were more or less hesitant in their hearts! The fame of a world may be ruined! But in the end we still joined forces!

In addition to benefits! More importantly, Li Ye has threatened their respective forces!

"If you don't get rid of this child, you will surely become a future trouble!"

Six Sword Saints are the most murderous among the four Saints!

Not for anything else, behind the other few is not a big teacher, or the Taoist Emperor!

And he is just alone! Even if the reputation is outside, it is not weaker than the average university! But after all, a lot of heritage is missing!

Once Li Ye is not eliminated today, it will be a big trouble for the Six Sword Saints!

The other three saints were silent, and also acquiesced to this!

Even if Jiujue Mountain, Xiao Family and Huoyun Mountain have that kind of confidence, but the thought of Li Ye's age can faintly make people like them feel threatened!

Give him time, no one knows how far he will grow!

More importantly!

Great Emperor Danwu!

The existence that has been second only to Emperor Hengtian for millions of years, and even more difficult to provoke than Emperor Hengtian, really needs to be alive?

Thinking of this, the killing intent in the hearts of the four Six Sword Saints once again deepened a bit!

Anyway, I have torn my face, if Li Ye is removed today, even if Emperor Danwu is furious! If the five major forces join forces, it doesn't necessarily happen. But if it fails today! Not to mention how the Helan family will choose, it is their five major forces, the biggest possibility is the dissolution of the alliance!

If you want to face the anger of Emperor Danwu, no one can bear it alone.

The minds of the four sages were shaken, but everyone was shocked by Li Ye's extremely powerful and almost invincible body!

"Mom, how does this kid practice? Is it a physical exercise?"

"Even the body refining technique cannot be so invincible! At least it is the magical body refining technique that has been lost in ancient times! Otherwise, even the Qingtian Shanggong who claims to be invincible in the three realms with body refining is impossible to cultivate such a wicked talent!"

Youth in the palace!

Everyone was shocked!

You know, the Three Realms and the Nine Realms, especially the Upper Three Realms, is considered by the world to be a lower-level cultivation method! Few sects dominated by body refining can rise or even pass on.

But there is one exception!

That is the upper palace of the youth!

Among the Three Realms, the only body refining sect that has been passed down for millions of years! The strength is definitely not weaker than any emperor door system, on the contrary, it can be faintly comparable to some of the top emperor doors!

"Cyan Body Shanggong! Even the people who came out over there practiced the only magical body refining technique handed down from the ancient times, the sapphire body, refined realm, that's nothing more!"

A certain holy emperor took a deep breath!

Even if Qingti Shanggong is far away from Dongzhou, its reputation is so big that no one in the Three Realms knows it.

Among them, the sapphire body is the unique magic of the upper palace of the sapphire body! Cultivate to the highest level, claiming to pick the stars by hand and split the sun and the moon!

What a powerful body is that?

But at this moment, Li Ye showed a body that was no weaker than the strongest person in the upper palace of the Qing body!

Even Six Sword Saint Monarch and the others became serious.

"Don't show mercy with your hands, this flesh body is comparable to a quasi-imperial weapon."

Six Sword Saints gave a long roar, and took the lead!

In the void, a sword light drew across, the majestic atmosphere, like splitting the stars of the Milky Way, dividing the sky and the earth.

When the sage makes a move, the world can't stop the power.

Although it is not the Great Dao of Heaven, but at their level, they can barely use a part of the power that the Great Emperor can use!

"Good job!"

Li Ye didn't startled and laughed, and behind him, there seemed to be a real dragon roaring, and it turned into a dragon python!

Everyone is shocked!

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