Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3448: Behind the scenes

"Six Swordsman!"

I don't know who exhaled in a low voice subconsciously, for an instant, everyone almost forgot to breathe.

Even the two holy monarchs of the ancient family have solemn expressions!

Among the five sages that appeared, the other four are all old friends, and they have been fighting with each other for tens of thousands of years or even longer!

But the last one!

Among the crowd, Dragon Sword looked proud!

Six Sword Saint! It is his mentor!

"Dragon Sword, your master is also ready to intervene?"

The Yi Longtian on one side was a little surprised, but this time, a holy monarch came to Huoyun Mountain! Although he is a master, he is also an ancient strong man in Huoyun Mountain.

And Washington! Xiao family! Plus the Jiujue Mountain that was swept away by Li Ye before!

Many people tasted it carefully, and their expressions became weird.

"It seems that this time, these forces are preparing to join forces and will kill Li Ye this son in the cradle!"

There is no shortage of smart people in the world, not to mention that the situation is so obvious now!

The five sages who came, don't talk about Jiujue Mountain, Washington also had a conflict with Li Ye before!

The Xiao family may not reveal anything, but with the current momentum of Li Ye's strong rise, it is obvious that certain great emperor families feel threatened!

"Five holy monarchs! Counting the even more terrifying Helan family! Li Ye seems to be doomed today!"

Someone weighed the strengths of both sides, shaking their heads and sighing.

What if there is an ancient family to help out!

On the ancient side, there are also two sages! And at a glance, it is clear that there is not much lifespan, it is not a last resort, and it will not work hard.

And Li Ye himself, alone!


At this time, someone recovered!

"After all, the background is too shallow, but too sharp."

"Mu Xiu Yu Lin Feng will destroy it!"

When everyone looked at Li Ye, some felt it was a pity, and some sneered.

In the current situation, there is no doubt that these family sects who have joined forces, even if they are approved, Li Ye does not have much confidence to contend!

How evil is it, so what if it goes against the sky!

Several sages join forces, even if the emperor comes, they must temporarily avoid the edge!

"Well, the young master is in danger!"

Bai Wucha and the others, who were arranged to hide in the formation by Li Ye, looked anxious at this moment!

They are not stupid either, this time it is clear that these people are here to suppress Li Ye!

Different from before, but made up my mind!

Otherwise, it is impossible for the five major forces to join forces and come to the five saints!

"Bride, what should I do?"

"This matter is a little overwhelming. You and I know the young master's ability. If he wants to leave, he should still have about 70% chance. But if..."

The following words were not said, but everyone can imagine it!


Li Ye does not seem to be as arrogant and arrogant as those great teaching geniuses on the surface, but he also has his own arrogance in his bones!

If he left today, he might be able to save his life, but he would completely become the object of Dongzhou's ridicule.

"Look at the young master's choice, you can leave the green hills without worrying about not having firewood!"

Even Hundred Wucha felt that even if he fled in embarrassment today, it was stronger than the fate that came here.

It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years!

Let alone these cultivators, even if they are a hundred years or a thousand years old, with the peerless demeanor that Li Ye now shows, within a thousand years, they will inevitably stand at the top of this world!

They are anxious, the five holy monarchs who faintly teamed up actually don't look indifferent, but they always lock Li Ye!

Want to go? It also depends on whether they give a chance!

And since they did not hesitate to appear here, it was naturally impossible to give Li Ye any chance to escape.

Not to mention, there is Helan Tianlang guarding the sky!

"No chance!"

"This is an all-round rhythm that wants to die!"

Watching this scene, many people are chilling!

The five forces have joined forces, and two of them are the Great Family!

This kind of handwriting is not something ordinary people can plan.

Even if it's Huoyun Mountain, Six Sword Sage, which one is not rebellious?

Who can let them join hands?

And is it teaming up to deal with a junior?

Some people are curious, but some people who can really see a higher meaning are trembling in their hearts!

Because they could see whose arm came from today's killing game!

"Helan Tianlang, this kind of lineup is worthy of me, Li."

Even when Li Ye was in such a dangerous situation, he didn't change his face, but instead laughed mockingly.

He naturally saw that all this, including the five major forces, must be pushed behind!

Helan Tianlang bears the brunt of those who are qualified to promote it!

Divine Crown of Eight Kings: "..."

There is no answer, maybe it is the default.

The Helan family now has a kind of jealousy towards Li Ye! Of course, Helan Tianlang would not admit it himself, but he also acquiesced to this speculation.

Everyone took a breath!

Some people marveled at Helan Tianlang's thunderous means, and some people sighed that Li Ye had grown to such a point in just six months!

Let people like Helan Tianlang feel threatened! Do you even hesitate to push the five major forces to join forces to strike a Li Ye?

Suddenly, they thought of the two-and-a-half rumors of the so-called Dongzhou that were the least to provoke.

At the beginning, many people sneered at it, but now they find that reality is far more exaggerated than rumors.

"Li Ye, you are not easy to practice. If you are willing to bow down and claim your court today, you can spare your life."

That sage in Washington, straight to the point.

Everyone was in an uproar!

Li Ye didn't have to be surprised. From the moment he saw Helan Tianlang appear, he knew that he had truly threatened the greatest opponent of Emperor Hengtian hundreds of thousands of years ago.

If you change anyone, you may be extremely proud! Or regret it greatly. But for him, since he killed the first clone of Helan Tianlang, he knew that such a day would come.

"What a great prestige, for a junior, you actually need a few of you to take action!"

This time, the ancient family was determined to save Li Ye's life.

Although the two ancient family sages were suppressed in their aura, after all, they were on the same level as each other, and they snorted coldly, showing their attitude.

It's just that it is impossible to reverse the situation no matter how you look at the two against the five.

And, the most important point!

"Gujia, really want to intervene?"

Six Swords Sage sneered. Among the several Sages, they respected him in terms of cultivation!

Even if the other sages are all old monsters who have lived for countless tens of thousands of years, in this world, the strong are respected, and the strength of the six swords sages is even more than half the other sages!

Does the Gu family really want to spare everything?

If they can persuade the ancient family to give up, they will naturally not mind. In other words, the two sages of the ancient family really have to work hard, and it is not the result they want to see.

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