Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3446: Ancient Formation Road

Ghost fire! Among the innate fire of heaven and earth, it is also famous!

Of course, unlike other congenital fires, the ghost fire is more of a kind of death and fear!

"I didn't expect to see the ghost fire in this world!"

"Be careful, don't be touched by this thing, this is the fire of death from Jiuyou Hell, let alone us, even if the holy monarch touches it, he will peel off if he doesn't die."

Everyone was jealous, but Li Ye only flashed a hint of surprise.

Afterwards, there seemed to be a kind of light flashing in the depths of the eyes.

Others would be afraid of the fire of Jiuyou, but they did not have any deterrent to him.

As for the jealous reaction of the holy emperor, he was not surprised.

"The death fire from Jiuyou, this appearance is full of momentum."

Indeed, he is full of momentum, even if Helan Tianlang doesn't do anything, he can make him run wild in the entire Three Realms with a terrifying cyan look!

Not to mention, he himself, anyone who knows his origin, even those holy monarchs, absolutely don't want to provoke him!

"It seems that this time Helan Tianlang came in person!"

"Li Ye, this son, has actually grown to this point!"

Many people have complex expressions. In just six months, for their existence, even a hundred years are just a snap. But in such a short time, Li Ye almost surprised them one by one.

Many people, even now some still can't return to their senses.

How come such a perverted kid appeared in just half a year.

The people of the ancient family have also arrived, and no one will be as stable as Mount Tai after such a big thing has happened.

"What does Helan Tianlang mean?"

Gu Lie frowned. The power of the ancient family is not weak, even if the Danzu of the ancient family is about to be unable to hold it, the foundation is still there. But facing the invincible evildoer Helan Tianlang, he was still a little frightened.

This is not only the case of the ancient family, but also the great teachers of various parties, and several great families.

Helan's house? Do not! What they are really afraid of is Helan Tianlang!

"The invincible evildoer hundreds of thousands of years ago! This time, Li Ye is going to be in trouble!"

Although many people are unwilling to admit it, just like the news brought by Shi Aotian's wry smile, Li Ye now has a position to hold weight in Dongzhou.

The ordinary holy emperor did not dare to take Li Ye at all!

Even the supreme holy emperor, Li Ye did not slaughter a few! For those who exist, which one has not lived for tens of thousands of years, but doesn't want to provoke such a evildoer.

Li Ye didn't say a word, the Eight Kings Divine Mian was clearly directed at him.

And this time, he could feel that aura in it was much stronger than Helan Tianlang's clone.

"Is the deity here?"

After all, it was the invincible evildoer who surpassed an era hundreds of thousands of years ago, and it was the only genius who dared to challenge the Great Emperor Hengtian head-on.

Hidden in dust for hundreds of thousands of years, and now born, even those imperial family traditions and great emperor families are retreating.

"Little Lord!"

Bai Wuhua and others were unable to withstand the huge pressure brought by the Eight Kings Divine Crown. After all, even the strongest cultivation base, he was only in the pinnacle Martial Emperor realm.

In the eyes of ordinary people, he is indeed a super master, but in the eyes of the real strong, he is at most slightly stronger than the ants.

With a light wave, Bai Wuchuan and others were directly sent back to the pill shop. With the formation under Li Yebu, the entire pill shop looks ordinary, but it is really about to encounter a powerful enemy, even if it is a holy monarch. When it comes, it is impossible to easily break it in a short time.

"Unexpectedly, Li Ye has such a profound knowledge of formations, and even the old man can't understand the several formations around here."

On the void, an old man said with a hint of surprise.

A lot of people around were so shocked that they looked at them.

"Master Ci Yin!"

"You are the master of the Dao of Dongzhou Formation, can't you see through these formations?"

Someone couldn’t help asking, this old man’s origins are not simple, he is also an absolute powerhouse in the formation. The entire East Continent may be overlooked by countless people on the cultivation base, but above the formation is enough for those emperors. Taoism and the great family treat each other with courtesy.

There was even a supreme holy emperor who drew a sigh of relief, "With your ability, can you not break these formations?"

No wonder they didn't believe it. After all, Master Ci Yin's cultivation level is indeed not high, that is, the peak martial emperor realm, but even the holy monarch in Dongzhou will not easily provoke him.

The Master Ci Yin smiled bitterly, and after a while, he finally sighed, "Some of the formations of the pharaohs still have some clues, but there is a formation that the old man has never seen before, and it has an ancient style."

Ancient wind!

Everyone took a breath!

Not a fool knows what these words mean!

"What do you mean, this son is actually involved in the ancient formations?"

"Impossible! The Array Dao inheritance has long been lost for nine out of ten, even if some are left, it is less than one!"

"It's unbelievable indeed. If it is something from the Ancient Formation Dao, it is not that simple to crack!"

Even if they didn't believe it, Master Ci Yin was an absolute powerhouse, and even if he wasn't sure about it, they could only doubt it.

But Master Ci Yin then laughed and said, "It's not as exaggerated as you think. The several formations laid out here are subtle, and even the old man's eyes are bright when he sees it. But the heat is still a bit worse. If you let the old man personally Arrangement, let’s say nothing else, the holy monarch hasn’t been able to break it for three days and nights since he came.

When he said so, everyone was relieved.

Yes, even Dongzhou's well-known Zhendao experts sigh. How much is it going to be evil?

Instead, as soon as the explanation is now, everyone can barely accept it.

Regardless of everyone's reaction, at this time Li Ye placed Bai Wuhua and the others in the formation, but there was less worry about the future.

There was no movement on the Eight Kings Divine Crown.

It seemed that he didn't care about Li Ye escorting everyone into the formation, or he didn't care at all.

"Li Ye, what I said at the beginning is still valid today."

Finally, in the Divine Crown of the Eight Kings, a majestic and cruel voice came.

Helan Tianlang!

Even if no one has ever seen Helan's natural face, but as the voice with the supreme majesty and domineering came out, everyone was shocked.

Li Ye naturally understood what the other party was referring to, but after hearing the words, he shook his head and smiled, "Helan Tianlang, do you think it makes sense to say this now?"

Helan Tianlang's two clones were killed by him one after another!

Nowadays, he still has the heart to solicit Li Ye, and if those geniuses are sure to be convinced. But want to subdue him Li Ye? Obviously thinking too naively.

"You are an individual talent, and I also appreciate talent, but it is a pity."

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