Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3437: Unexpected candidates for testing drugs

It's nice to say that you don't interfere, but this is equivalent to a tacit attitude.

Don't mention how ugly Xiao Danjun's face is.

Unexpectedly, Li Ye refused, "A disciple of the Yue family, I, Li Ye, don't dare to drive it casually. But if I choose the medicine personally, Li Ye may have a grudge in your heart."

Everyone sneered in their hearts, but it was tantamount to acquiescence to this.

Several veteran Pill Kings are noncommittal. Of course, finding someone to test the medicine is not easy to fool everyone.

But if they don't mind at all, naturally they can't talk about it.

"If this is the case, why don't I choose one person from Jiujue Mountain? I wonder what King Li Dan wants to do?"

Lang Lang, an old man in Jiujueshan, said.

"Yes, if it is the person who is selected by Jiujie Mountain to test the medicine, naturally everyone will not have any opinions."

"Indeed, the old man agrees more."

Several Dan kings all nodded, and they could still agree with this result.

Of course, some people frowned slightly, and the alchemist in Qinghong Palace hesitated a little, but didn't say much.

"How about King Li Dan?"

Xiao Danjun's expression remained unchanged, and it was naturally impossible for him to test the medicine.

But among the younger generation of Jiujieshan disciples, it is not difficult to find one.

Especially the Jiujue Mountain is famous for its alchemy in Dongzhou. Even ordinary disciples have not low alchemy, and it can be described as the most suitable person to test medicine.

In his opinion, if Li Ye refuses, it must be a guilty conscience. Even if he agreed, Xiao Danjun's eyes flashed coldly!

Regardless of Li Ye's answer or not, the initiative is in his hands.

"People from Jiujie Mountain?"

After Li Ye heard the words, he did not answer, but his eyes flashed with contempt.

The look in his eyes immediately made many people in Jiujueshan angry.

"Is also a person who is qualified to be a tester of Emperor Jindan?"

As soon as this statement was made, everyone was in an uproar!

Xiao Danjun even darkened, but there was a sneer in his heart.

The complexions of several Dan kings changed a little, and Li Ye's arrogance was beyond their imagination.

Some people couldn't help but snorted coldly, "King Li Dan, if it is what you said, who is qualified?"

"Huh, a good one is also qualified? Is King Li Dan too arrogant!"

"Jiujue Mountain is also a great alchemy sect. King Li Dan's words are indeed overdone."

There were mixed praises and criticisms, of course, more people thought that Li Ye was too crazy!

Not to mention that Li Ye hasn't really beaten Xiao Danjun now, so what if he wins!

Jiujue Mountain! That's Dandi!

Unless one day Li Ye hangs the old man of Jiujue with his alchemy, his remarks today are nothing more than an expression of a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers and arrogant and arrogant.

Even some strong people who are optimistic about Li Ye have changed their minds at this time.

Only Tianyue Pill Emperor did not respond, and Fairy Lihuo had her beautiful eyes flickering, revealing a smile that she had known for a long time.

"Li Ye! You are too arrogant!"

Xiao Danjun was also completely cold at this time.

"No one in sight?" After Li Ye heard the words, instead of refuting, he let out a deafening laugh.

Everyone frowned, no one knew Li Yehe's confidence.

Is it just the favor of Emperor Tianyue Dan?

But even if it was Emperor Tianyue Dan, everyone still couldn't guess at this moment what the thoughts of this invincible existence, who was above all in the ordinary day, were.

"Li Ye, don't think that Emperor Tianyue Dan approves of you, you can really be arrogant!"

"Hmph, young people are a little arrogant enough to not be a bad thing, but they have to be measured."

Many people are frowning.

Only Yuelianye's eyes seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

No one knew Li Ye's temperament better than her, and her gaze swept across the sneer and mocking Tsing Yi Jianjun and others.


Yes, in her eyes, the so-called genius evildoers of Dongzhou, even now, still look at Li Ye with a condescending attitude deep in their hearts.

And all their pride was so pale and ridiculous to her.

Without any words, Yuelianye just took a step, and the huge momentum instantly crushed everyone!

Second on the emperor list! In the whole Dongzhou, except for that person, Yuelianye was invincible.

Not to mention the younger generation of geniuses such as Qingyi Jianjun, even the older generation of powerful masters from various parties can not withstand this terrifying pressure.

Everyone's expressions are not very good-looking, so many strong people are suppressed by Yuelianye alone.

The faces of the older generation of strong men are not very good-looking, even the younger generation's geniuses flushed.

"Fairy is going to stand up for King Li Dan?"

The dragon sword smiled, but it was also a temptation.

In other words, the Yue Family is a behemoth of the Four Emperors. It is not good news for them to form a relationship with Li Ye.

Qingyi Jianjun and the others looked solemn, and they almost lost their helmets and abandoned armor when Li Ye pressed them on the fairy platform.

If even Yuelianye, who is second on the emperor list, is so strong now, and even teamed up with Li Ye, it would be hard for the entire Dongzhou to imagine who could stand it unless that person took the shot.

Although it was a temptation, Dragon Sword did not dare to careless!

Everyone is still vividly remembering the fate of Lan Mute just now!

The fairy of the Yue family is even more difficult to provoke than the rumors!

"If I say yes, what shall you do?"

A smile appeared, but Long Jian and others felt a chill.

Everyone did not expect that Yuelianye answered so indifferently, so without hesitation!

Even, there was no trace of fluctuation in her face at all, as if this was a matter of course.

Long Jian's face was ugly, and a touch of jealousy flashed in his heart!



It's not just him, these geniuses of Dajiao, these arrogances of the Emperor's Taoism, which one is not above the top.

But even for them, they were eclipsed in the face of Yuelianye, and felt unattainable!

Now, in their eyes, the arrogant girl of heaven, the incarnation of the goddess, has shown their favor and Li Ye!

Why not let them be envious and jealous?

Yi Longtian's expression became even more cold, "Li Ye, can't it be that you only have the ability to hide behind a woman?"

They dared not provoke Yuelianye, but they were even more unable to smooth the jealousy in their hearts!

Even Xiao Danjun no longer maintains his graceful demeanor at this moment, his face is gloomy and terrible.

Just when the atmosphere on both sides was full of gunpowder, someone broke this balance.

"Li Ye, I'm here to be a tester."

The sound was not loud, but everyone was surprised.

The expressions of several old men at Lin's house changed drastically, and one of them couldn't help exclaiming, "Miss!"

Lin Zihan! No one thought that at this time, Lin Zihan and the princess of the Lin family would actually offer to give Li Ye a test!

Including Li Ye himself, there was an accident in his eyes.

This is interesting.

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