Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3425: Everything is jealous

"Why is she here?"

When everyone saw that figure appeared, the first reaction was to think of many aspects.

Especially knowing the identity and meaning behind this representative, such as some great religions, the emperor's Taoism and the great family, is particularly sensitive.

"Isn't it the same as the rumors?"

"It's hard to say, but the Yue family will really agree?"

Someone's eyes flickered, but then there was a hint of contemplation.

In Dongzhou, the Yue family represents something almost no one will refute.

Not to mention Huoyun Mountain, Tianya Dadaogu, these great teachers, in front of the Yue family, they can only surrender. Even those imperial family traditions and great emperor aristocratic families, the Yue family may not be looking directly at them.

What are the backgrounds and gaps? In front of an ancient family that has been inherited for millions of years and has always stood in the dominance of Dongzhou, what about the emperor?

But the person who appeared before him was one of the most likely heirs of the Yue Family.

"This one from the Yue family has appeared! There is a good show to watch!"

Gu Lie chuckled. Unlike the others, he knew that Li Ye and Yue's family had a really close relationship.

Of course, how exactly Li Ye met this peerless goddess of the Yue family, he was full of doubts. But it won't prevent him from gloating!

Even Gu Tian didn't say much after his expression changed slightly.

Li Ye and Yuelianye, many people at Xianlingtai had seen a close relationship.

But compared to that time, Yuelianye's words coldly as soon as he appeared, immediately made Xiao Danjun his face sinking!

"You don't have to give his face!"

She didn't care about everyone's gaze at all, as soon as Yuelianye appeared, she showed her huge aura as the second proud of the emperor list! Not only that, everyone is even more afraid of the Yue family behind her!

That is the ancient emperor family in Dongzhou second only to the Ye family!

No one knew why Yuelianye appeared, but Li Ye was not surprised.

Even if he hadn't told her that he would come today, but the invisible blood resonance between the two can be said that as long as Li Ye is willing, it only takes a thought to let her know what happened here.

The connection between the blood family and the dependent family is definitely beyond the contract recognized by the world, an older and more domineering connection.

Of course, it is not absolutely ignoring space and time, just like when he was still in the lower nine realms, he couldn't perceive the moon love leaf brought to the upper three realms by the moon family.

"What does the fairy mean?"

Xiao Danjun can be regarded as a very conscientious hero in the city. Although he was slapped on the spot, his face changed slightly at this time, and he did not get angry afterwards.

But a pair of eyes flashed with terrible sharpness!

Others may still fear the second on the emperor list, the future heir of the Yue family! But who is his Xiao Danjun?

Dan Di in the future! The only disciple of the current generation of Dan Di Jiu Jue old man!

In addition, he already has the ability to refine the imperial grade golden core, in these three realms and nine regions, he is definitely the number one person!

If it hadn't been for worrying that he and Master wanted to take advantage of the Yue Family's power, he would never be so calm.

Everyone's expressions are subtle.

The marriage between Jiujue Mountain and the Yue family is no longer a secret. Although it hasn't really been decided yet, in the eyes of many people, this marriage of powerful alliances is a logical one.

It's just that there was an accident in the middle, and that person was Li Ye!

Their eyes fell on Li Ye, and all of them were there.

Feng Shengjun frowned slightly, and just about to express something, he suddenly trembled, and glanced at Emperor Tianyue with a slight astonishment.

The change in his eyes was hidden from others, but Fairy Lihuo saw it.

"It seems that the Yue family is not all fools."

As for how she thought about it, naturally no one knew.

Under the gaze of everyone, Yuelianye appeared next to Li Ye. Although he didn't say anything, everyone's eyes once again bloomed with brilliant light!

"Puff, this kid, really?"

Although Shi Aotian had guessed it a long time ago, Yuelianye hadn't been so obvious last time on the Fairy Spirit Stage.

Although there are some trends, at least everyone is more dubious.

But now, even idiots can see that the appearance of the impeccable goddess of the Yue family here is not as simple as passing by, it is clearly to support someone.

"This is too... Isn't the Yue family saying anything?"

Many people have their eyes protruding, especially those of the great religions, even the so-called Tianjiao of the Emperor's family, the eyes are red, if they are not restrained, they will get angry if they are not.

Even some people who were fortunate enough to set foot on the fairy tale before, and were somewhat psychologically prepared in advance, are now breathing slightly.

"What does the Yue family mean this time?"

Yi Longtian sullen his face, and the dragon sword on one side shook his head, "No matter what the attitude of the Yue family is, it seems that the proud girl of heaven in Dongzhou really expresses her attitude."

Compared with Yi Longtian, Dragon Sword is obviously deeper in the city. But deep in the eyes, there was a touch of surprise and jealousy!



Almost at that moment, the genius among the younger generation of Dongzhou looked at that man with jealousy and resentment.

If the eyes can kill people, then Li Ye will definitely be cut through thousands of swords and die without a whole body.

It's a pity that Li Ye smiled at those eyes.

It even felt a little ridiculous.

"If it were me in my last life, I would probably be the same as them, jealous, envy and a bit of resentment."

Although it felt ridiculous, Li Ye also knew that it was human nature.

The group of Yi Longtian resented envy. On the Gu family, Gu Lie was half envious. He couldn't help but whispered loudly, "This kid is really out of **** luck, how come this guy likes the Yue family? he?"

This time, even Gu Tian didn't refute his brother, and took a deep breath. He had been wrong with Li Ye from the beginning, but he himself could not think of any reason.

But now, he suddenly understood!

"Jealousy is an original sin."

He sighed deeply, don't know why, now he suddenly let go.

In the final analysis, the reason why he kept seeing Li Ye displeased was the trace of jealousy in his heart!

Because he was not the one who brought the ancient house back from the cliff! It's Li Ye!

For an ancient sky who was proud of even his eyes above the top, it was like a thorn, and he couldn't let go.

But now, he suddenly figured it out.

As if perceiving the changes in Gu Tian, ​​Gu Lie and Gu Sanmei glanced at each other, and they both breathed a sigh of relief, a glimmer of fortune flashed in their eyes.

They know Li Ye's character too well, at least since his performance after coming to Dongzhou!

The ancient family, because of Gu Tian's personal reasons, can't go to the opposite of Li Ye.

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