Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3423: My face is coming up, naturally I have to take it twice

Of course, he won't break.

No one can predict those ideas that exist.

Even he, as a descendant of the Shi family, puts it bluntly over many arrogances among the younger generation. But in the eyes of those who truly dominate the common people, they are still too young.

Unless one day, he can step out of his own way!

It's a pity that that step, for millions of years, has blocked how many invincible Tianjiao and Tianzong talents.

Although he was confident but not conceited, if he could not take that step, he would still be far from the true peak of the world.

"Winning or losing does not make much sense to me."

Li Ye smiled, but Gu Lie and Shi Aotian obviously didn't believe it.

You can guess by looking at their eyes, but Li Ye disdain to explain.

There was a cold snort, and the tone was not very polite, "Li Ye, you are too arrogant, even if you get the inheritance of Emperor Danwu, but in this world, there will always be people outside the world, there are always people outside the world!"

When everyone saw it, Gu Lie's expression changed, a little anxious.

Shi Aotian smiled slightly, looking a little strange.

Because this obviously unkind tone came from Gu Tianzhi, the current heir of the ancient family.

Everyone knew that the Gu family had a good relationship with Li Ye, and Gu Lie had a close relationship with Li Ye. But now when everyone sees it, especially some of the great teachers who are sitting on the sidelines, their expressions show a hint of thought.

"Could it be that there is still a gap with this Li Ye?"

"This son is a descendant of the ancient family, not comparable to Gu Lie's and others."

Seeing the weird atmosphere between Gu Tian and Li Ye, this gave many people an opportunity to take advantage of.

Several powerful people in Lin's family are even brighter!

Li Ye has no foundation in Dongzhou!

If it weren't for everyone's fear of Emperor Danwu, it would have provoked many great teachers and even more terrifying forces. In addition, there are ancient families dealing with each other, even the great emperor family and the emperor's Taoist lineage have scruples.

But if there is still conflict between the Gu family and Li Ye?

"Gu Tiannai is a very proud person! Not comparable to his brainless brother."

"Hehe, more than that, it is rumored that Gu Tian has always had ideas for the princess of Lin's family. Although the two families have hatred, it is obvious that for a proud person like Gu Tian, ​​the hatred between the family is not enough to make him give up those ideas. !"

Everyone's eyes were subtle, and Lin Jia, Washington and his ilk sneered.

"Big Brother!"

Gu Lie looked surprised, and then he was a little worried. Gu Tian himself also recovered after speaking.

His expression flushed slightly, but he gave a cold snort without any explanation.

From beginning to end, he never looked pleasing to Li Ye. It was impulsive just now, but at this moment, it is difficult to ride a tiger. Even if he knows that he has no intention of saying anything today, it may cause a gap and even a conflict between the Gu family and Li Ye, but it is obviously impossible to make him subdue under the eyes of everyone.

And his such a strong attitude makes everyone even more imaginative.

"Gu Tian is right. There are people outside the world, and there are days outside the world. Too arrogant is tantamount to arrogance! This kind of person has appeared too many millions of years, but the final fate, tusk!"

Another sneer came out, and everyone looked at it, and his expression changed again.

"Blue speechless! Who are you talking about!"

Gu Lie is secretly angry!

However, I saw a handsome young man with mockery on his face. By his side, Princess Lin's princess was cold and frosty, but she still couldn't hide her peerless face.

When everyone saw it, they all showed a touch of banter!

Qionghailan's home! This is not a little school!

They are a family of upright emperors! Even if it is not as good as the families where the great emperors are still alive, no one dares to underestimate them.

Not to mention, the representative behind Lin's princess is Lin's, one of the ten great families in Dongzhou City!

The two appear together, and even the great teachers have to avoid their sharp edges.

"This is interesting, Lan Wuyan, this kid is the top of the younger generation in Qionghai, and he is also related to the Lin family by marriage."

"Hey, Lin's family and Li Ye's boy are already incompatible with fire and water. It seems that Qionghailan's family will also be involved this time."

"Who do you think I'm talking about? Gu Lie, you are also the son of the great emperor family anyway, but now you have to follow a casual cultivator, you really lose the face of the emperor!"

Lan Wuyan was not polite, let alone Gu Lie, even Gu Tian changed his face when he heard this!

This wasn't just a mockery of Li Ye and Gu Lie, even the Gu family was involved.

Although Gu Tian saw Li Ye not pleasing to his eyes, it did not mean that he could insult the Gu family.

"Lan Wuyan, how does my ancient family act, are you qualified to comment?"

"Hahaha! Gu Tian, ​​I originally took a high look at you. The other old immortals in the ancient family and your trash brother were begging for mercy, thinking you are somewhat arrogant, but I didn't expect it to be the same after all! Tsk tsk, it's really disappointing!"

Even when everyone heard it, their expressions changed.

But Lan Wuyan hasn't finished speaking, instead he sneered, "The ancient family has been passed down for millions of years, but it is now degenerate! I really don't know that the Danzu from your family knows that his descendants are now in such a low-pitched voice. I will be angrily in advance and return to the West! Hahahaha!"

With bursts of arrogant and uncontained laughs, the expressions on the upper and lower sides of the Gu family were all blue.

Even with that, Xiao Danjun looked at him.

Now that he is proud of the spring breeze, he naturally doesn't care about Li Ye.

At this moment, he even said slightly, "Brother Wuyan is too late. The relationship between the ancient family and King Li Dan is a cooperative relationship."

To other people, Lan Wushen can still be arrogant, but facing Xiao Danjun, he quickly receded, and then slightly showed a touch of jealousy and smiled awkwardly, "Lan also feels a little sorry."

Gu Lie was angry, but was held by Gu Tian.

"Big Brother!"

"To shut up!"

Gu Tian let out a low cry and took a deep breath.

Although Lan was speechless, he did not refute it. It's just that the unwillingness to see Li Ye in his heart is even worse.

The ancient family, how has it been so far!

Although the ancient family was not a master in Dongzhou, it was also a family of great emperors that all the great teachers looked up to.

Now, look at the smiles in the eyes of those big teachers.

Seeing the silence of the Gu family brothers, Lan Wuyan was even more proud.

Qionghai Lan's family had long revealed their ambitions. It's just that there has been no chance for these years, and he is not afraid of the ancients. In the final analysis, the ancient family has long since faded away, and the Qionghailan family are just two of them.

It's really hard to tell who will win.

This is also the biggest reason why Gu Tian is unwilling to fight.

Gujia, no confidence!

Li Ye shook his head slightly, he didn't care about the ancients. However, Lan Wuyan put his face in front of him. Wouldn't it be too wasteful if he didn't draw twice?

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