Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3421: Glazed gold core

"Li Ye! You didn't die!"

I don't know who screamed, and even the entire Jiujue Mountain was wiped out just now. If the sage of the wind and the fairy Lihuo hadn't taken the shot, I really didn't know how many people would die.

And everyone can see that the power that almost destroys everything is transformed from the robbery cloud, and the target is the semi-finished golden core.

Li Ye and Bai Wuhua were both by Jin Dan's side, and no one would have thought that they would survive!

Not only is Li Ye not dead! Alive without cracks.

It's just that at the moment, there is no crack, but it is covered with blood and his face is pale.

Although he survived, it was indeed a life of nine deaths just now, and he almost stepped into the ghost gate with one foot.

"A mere pill, wanting my life is far from enough."

The person who blurted out just now was Hua Yunxiong. After the Xianlingtai was crushed strongly by Li Ye before, the future heir of Washington had naturally hated Li Ye.

Seeing that Li Ye was still alive, he was naturally disappointed.

Everyone changed their expressions because of Dan Jie.

If ordinary pill calamity is fine, any holy emperor present can easily break it up.

But the Dan Jie of that level just now didn't even dare to touch the Sage Sage of Wind directly, and finally after joining hands with Fairy Lihuo, he barely got out.

Li Ye directly faced the last wave of Dan Jie's destruction!

"Is it some kind of resurrection?"

Many strong people will prepare for the resurrection method.

After all, at their level of cultivation, with a life span of tens of thousands of years, no one wants an accident to happen.

Although it is not a means of resurrection that can really be resurrected, many strong people who can save a trace of remnant soul have the hope of rebirth.

This was also their subconscious guess when they saw that Li Ye was still alive.

"No, it's not a means of resurrection!"

Just when everyone was suspicious, Sage Monarch Storm shook his head slightly.

Everyone was strange, and Fairy Lihuo smiled slightly, "It's really not a means of resurrection."

Both sages denied it, and although everyone was puzzled, they would not doubt it.

It is not so easy to hide from the eyes and ears of the holy emperor, and several veteran supreme holy emperors are also thinking of something at this moment. One of them whispered, "It is not like a resurrection method. There is no remnant soul on this child. breath."

When he said this, everyone suddenly realized.

Naturally, some ancient traditions have their own means of resurrection. Some of the peak powers are just in case, and they have to prepare one or two back players at all costs.

But no matter what kind of resurrection method is used, once it is successfully resurrected, it will be extremely weak. No matter how strong he was in his lifetime, once he used his backhand to resurrect, he couldn't be like Li Ye in front of him. The aura on his body not only didn't weaken, but was faintly stronger than just now.

"This kid is a monster."

When Shi Aotian saw that Li Ye was not dead, he was relieved and smiled helplessly.

Speaking of which, he can be regarded as the best among the Dongzhou Tianjiao, and he can count all the hands that can press him.

But with the appearance of Li Ye, he found that even the few people who were on the top of the emperor's list before, looked weak in front of Li Ye.

"Perhaps, there is really only that person."

Shi Aotian also let out a long sigh when he thought of that person.

His ambition is not big, but it does not mean that he has no ambition.

But that person, he asked himself, unless he encounters an adventure or inherits the ancient mystery, he can only look up far away.

As for the ancient mystery, Shi Aotian laughed at himself.

For millions of years, those ancient mysteries have either been raided by the predecessors or have not been discovered.

Even if he discovered it, he smiled bitterly when he thought of what happened ten thousand years ago.

"Unless it is the secret realm at the level of Gu Tianting, to me, it can't change any meaning."

Ancient Heavenly Court, even in ancient times, it was flourishing for a while!

Although there are not many rumors left, even those few words can let future generations know that the ancient heavenly court in its heyday is far from the 30% of the ancient heavenly court even if the sum of all the great emperor families and the imperial family in Dongzhou today. !

It sounds exaggerated, but when he thought of the fragments of the ancient heavens he found when he thought of those things that the Shi family had obtained, Shi Aotian dispelled that idea.

In his cognition, perhaps now it is really comparable to the ancient heavens back then, that is, the two holy places of mankind.

Wushen Mountain! Medicine King Palace!

Li Ye didn't know what everyone was thinking.

At this time, his eyes fell on the golden core in his hand.

Said it was a golden pill, but it was somewhat different from the Nine Jue Transformation Pill that Xiao Danjun refined just now.

The whole body of colored glaze, you can even see the evolution of the road above!

"Is this a golden core?"

I don't know why, Li Ye always feels that there is absolutely a problem with the last moment of Dan Jie.

Of course, this is not the time to investigate the changes in the pill, the glazed golden pill in his hand, vaguely, has its own spirituality.

Since just now, I have always wanted to struggle to escape from his hands!

Yes, a pill! Want to escape from his hands!

It sounds absurd, but Li Ye is not surprised.

It is rumored that the emperor grade golden core itself is psychic, but the glazed golden core in front of him is more spiritual than the ordinary emperor grade golden core.

Everyone was also attracted by this glazed golden pill.

And the expression is getting weird.

Li Ye is not dead, and Wuchai is still alive!

Then in this pill battle, who wins and who loses?

"Good boy, life is really hard!"

Suddenly, everyone heard a slightly surprised voice.

Shi Feng Shengjun's expression changed, his gaze flickered, and then he bowed and saluted the figure on the void.

Everyone originally didn't know who came, but when they saw the actions of the sage of the wind, their expressions changed greatly!

The dignified sage would actually be so in awe of people.

As long as you are not a fool, you can guess the identity of the visitor in an instant!

In the entire Three Realms and Nine Regions, the only two existences that can be treated like this by the saints are those who have their own emperor titles!

Before everyone guessed who it was, he heard Fairy Lihuo smile, "Emperor Tianyue Dan."

Emperor Tianyue!

Everyone trembled!

Li Ye raised his head slightly, his face didn't show much surprise.

It seemed to have known that Emperor Tianyue Dan would show up.

The expression didn't have the awe of the people, but rather a smile instead of a smile, "If the senior had secretly made a move just now, even if the junior's life could be saved, it would have to pay a little price."

Everyone didn't understand this, but after hearing the words, Emperor Tianyue Dan was slightly taken aback, and then smiled noncommittal without denying it.

Obviously, at the last moment, Emperor Tianyue Dan still slightly assisted.

Otherwise, even if Li Ye can carry it down, the flawlessness behind him will be more fortunate.

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