Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3409: Tiangong projection

"The legacy of the ancient heaven!"

Many people have a certain kind of greed in their eyes, especially those of the older generation, who understand that this seven-inch palace is a very powerful array weapon!

Sure enough, no matter how the Void Upper Pill Tribulation changes, its power is exaggerated every single time.

But it was still unable to break through that palace, and even in the end, countless Razers appeared in that black fire cloud!

"The most critical time!"

A holy emperor took a breath, and his whole body could not stop showing a trace of tremor and fear.

Yes, these mighty Dan Tribulations, those terrifying rays of destruction that turned into thunder snakes, any one of them can easily make him fly into ashes and annihilate, and never exceed his life!

Even the holy emperor is like this, let alone ordinary people.


Finally, the palace overhead was a bit unsupportable. Even if it had been bombarded like a thousand horses before, it was always towering and motionless, and at this time it was constantly blooming with colorful light.

"Is it reaching the limit?"

The expression on Xiao Danjun's face was calm, but his face became somewhat more solemn.

The Seven-Cun Temple is indeed the legacy of the ancient heavenly court, and it is also a treasure specially handed over to him by the old man Jiujue to save his life.

The use this time is the key to his success in refining the golden core.

After all, the pill calamity induced by Emperor Jindan was definitely not something he could forcefully break up now.

"Unfortunately, it was not the master who made the shot himself. If the master controls the Seven-inch Heavenly Palace, even if the power is doubled, it will not be able to shake the Seven-inch Heavenly Palace's defense."

Thunder snakes exploded on the huge palace almost without gaps! Just like the end of the day, in that scene, even characters like Sage Sage Feng felt a slight heart tremor.

Yes, this is the power to exterminate everything possessed by Heaven!

It is the highest avenue that countless Tianjiao and Invincible Supreme cannot match throughout the ages!

"If you can't stop this last wave, even if you succeed in condensing pills, you will fall short in the end!"

"Just look at this one last time. If it can be blocked, maybe we really want to witness the birth of a Dandi today!"

Countless people are watching this tense moment!

The palace is broken, the pill is broken!

If the palace is there, then Dancheng!

Xiao Danjun is also betting!

At the same time, the whole person madly moved toward the seven-piece array of Qicun Tiangong, inputting his original true essence!

Even at the back, his own true essence was no longer enough to maintain the defense of the heavenly palace, and he kept stuffing pills into his mouth!

Those are all pills that quickly replenish the true essence of the body, although swallowing so much at once will cause side effects. But at this time, Xiao Danjun naturally didn't account for gains and losses!

Just let him succeed! He can make up for that price!

He knows this point himself! Everyone also understands.


There was a clear voice from the heaven above, and everyone's expression changed!

"It's the limit! It's still a little short."

The eyes of the sage of the wind also showed a dignified look. Xiao Danjun is a junior that many ancestors of the Yue family, including him, have fancy, and it is one of the keys to whether the Yue family can continue to stand in Dongzhou in the future.

There is absolutely nothing to lose!

Obviously, when it's really close, Sage Sovereign Storm can make a move and directly break up the cloud of robbery!

If it was the Heavenly Tribulation caused by the Great Emperor, the Sage Lord of Wind would naturally not dare to die easily. But just because of the pill calamity caused by the golden core, he still has at least 60 to 70% certainty that he can break it up forcibly!

Xiao Danjun gritted his teeth!

Directly from his mouth, a big gulp of blood was sprayed toward the seven arrays!

"Little Danjun is going to fight hard!"

Seeing this scene, everyone gasped!

They naturally saw that Xiao Danjun's blood was the essence of his life! Regardless of this small mouth, it is enough to pay at least a hundred years of hard work! It even hurts Daogen!

"Success or failure in one fell swoop."

Qingfengdao has a heart, and he also mentioned it.

Everyone's eyes were on the tribulation cloud, and many people even prayed in their hearts. This tribulation cloud quickly dispersed, and the pill tribulation was over soon!

Emperor Pin Jindan! And it's the Nine Jue Transformation Pill!

If you witness this scene, for many people, it is also the capital to talk about in front of their children and grandchildren in the future.

Only Li Ye looked at the heavenly palace with interest.

Dan Jie is no stranger to him.

Even the terrible Pill Tribulation that made everyone gasp in front of him, in his opinion, was far less than the level he encountered when he was promoted to the Great Perfection of the Yuanshen.

At this point, the pill is as if they saw the death god, if they were to see the original soul he encountered at the beginning, would they be scared to incontinence? Not to mention, the source of chaos that even he can't handle!

That thing, just leaking a little bit of nail seam, is enough to destroy a small part of Dongzhou City!

What he cares more about is the so-called Seven-inch Heavenly Palace!

"Gu Tianting?"

He has also heard about the legend of ancient heaven.

Millions of years have passed since the Three Realms and Nine Regions were recorded.

But before that, an era older than the ancient times, and the period after the ancient times, few people knew. Even records are rare.

Among them, there are some legends, in that chaotic era, an extremely terrifying place was born!

Gu Tianting! According to legend, after the disappearance of the gods, the mysterious place that truly dominates the heavens and all realms!

"The things that have survived from the ancient heaven to the present are really unusual."

In his eyes, the seven arrays were actually not special after they were separated. Even, quite ordinary! But combined together, it can be transformed into the ancient heavenly palace, although it is just a projection, it can block the power of this level of pill calamity.

"Equivalent to the level of a middle-grade imperial soldier."

Seeing the tenacity of the projection of the palace, Li Ye gave a judgment in his heart.


At this moment, the palace finally couldn't bear it!

The colorful light on the surface, like crisp glass, has cracks!

Xiao Danjun's expression changed!

Once again gritted his teeth and spewed a bite of blood!

This time, for him, the cost has exceeded his original expectations! But now, he is too hard to get off!

If he can't stick to the past, everything he has given before! It will become a cloud of smoke!

More importantly, today, he must refine the Nine Jue Transformation Pill!

After receiving the pure power input from this sip of blood, the palace that was crumbling once again glowed with a brighter light!

But Xiao Danjun's whole body was even more pale, and it was obvious that he could not support it for long.

Haifeng Shengjun's eyes are serious, ready to take action to break the robbery cloud forcibly!

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