Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3390: Two great alchemy giants

Xiao Danjun, in the eyes of countless people in Dongzhou, the future is most likely to be the next successor to the old Jiu Jue!

The future Dandi!

However, his ambition is more than that!

Even his master, the old man of the Pill Emperor Jiu Jue never knew what he was the most satisfied successor in his life, but he was planning something in his heart.

Yuejia is the first step in his plan! It is also a key link that can never be replaced and destroyed.

Countless eyes fell on Jiujue Mountain.

"Now, just look at the rumors, whether the descendant of Emperor Danwu will actually appear!"

Some strong holy emperor muttered to himself.

Here today, the leaders of all parties gather.

If it was a pill fight between ordinary alchemists, it would naturally not be possible to cause such a big wave. However, this time, both sides of the pill fight had special identities.

"Little Danjun looks like a lot of money."

"After all, he is the only disciple of the old man of Jiu Jue. The rumors have already been true. The only thing that is missing may be some heat."

"Yes, in time, I will naturally be able to add another Dan Emperor to Dongzhou!"

Many people agreed, but some of the strong on Jiu Jue Mountain smiled.

Especially the younger generation of Jiujieshan disciples, Xiao Danjun has always been a kind of high mountain looking up in their eyes, and can only be worshipped from afar.

It is the pride of Jiujie Mountain!

"Senior Brother Xiao Danjun will definitely be able to defeat that Li Ye this time, to truly let the world see that under Emperor Dan, only Senior Brother is the strongest alchemist!"

A female disciple of Jiujue Mountain showed a nymphomaniac expression on her face. You must know that in Jiujue Mountain, no girl disciples secretly adore Xiao Danjun. It's a pity that with the identity of Xiao Danjun, they can only sigh secretly in their hearts.

If it is not for the saint of the Emperor's Taoism, how can the princess of the great family be worthy of today's Xiao Danjun?

"Senior Sister, although Senior Brother is powerful, it is rumored that the kid named Li Ye is not easy. Does Senior Brother really have a complete chance of winning?"

A young disciple beside him couldn’t help asking. At the same time, mixed with envy and jealousy, he looked at the figure who stood proudly in the sky and became the focus of the world’s attention. He secretly asked when he could stand there. The height is really no regrets in this life.

It is a pity that the entire Jiujue Mountain, no matter it is anyone, has become a foil because of the existence of Xiao Danjun, and will never be able to stand out from the strong aura of that person.

Compared with the female disciples who committed the **** in Jiujue Mountain, other male disciples have a love-hate relationship with Xiao Danjun.

On the one hand, because of Xiao Danjun's relationship, the entire Jiujue Mountain can now be described as a higher level!

There is an old man with Jiu Jue sitting in town, and there is also Xiao Danjun as his heir. Who is unknown in the entire Dongzhou? Who is disrespectful?

But because of Xiao Danjun, everyone in Jiujue Mountain has always been shrouded in his peerless edge, doing nothing!

Not to mention transcendence, even if they tried hard to catch up, they were desperate to find that as Xiao Danjun cultivated for a long time, they could not even touch the shadow.

"Huh, brother can't lose!"

"Yes, how could Brother Li Ye be like that!"

Several female disciples of Jiu Jue Mountain with delicate faces all snorted coldly, and suddenly the other male disciples on the side looked helpless, looked at each other and shook their heads.

Although they also worship Xiao Danjun, but they are not so blind.

It's just that this time Dandou, they also didn't want to see Xiao Danjun any accident!

I am not necessarily all glorious, but I will definitely lose all.

On Jiujue Mountain, countless people are determined to win this pill battle!

Especially the older generation of alchemists, their eyes exude a hot look!

"Master hasn't come out of retreat for thousands of years, and the world has gradually forgotten the influence of my Jiujue Mountain."

"This time it's time to let the people of the world know that I, Jiujue Mountain, is still the number one alchemy of the East Continent!"

A triumphant look appeared on the faces of several Old Pill Kings.

In the entire Dongzhou, besides the Danzu from the ancient family and the Dandi from the Yue family who didn't know where he went missing, there were only Jiujue Mountain and the old man Jiujue sitting in town!

This is much harder than those of the emperor's Taoism and the great family!

However, although they were proud, they still glanced slightly at the old way of the Shangqing Palace, and the glamorous fairy Lihuo who stepped on Xiayun.

Shangqing Palace!

Nantian Fire Hall!

If it is said that within the scope of Dongzhou, Jiujue Mountain is a major alchemy master that commands countless alchemists.

Then these two sects are enough to stom the feet in the entire Shensheng Prefecture, the alchemy realm, and they are enough to make countless alchemists bow their heads to the alchemy giants!

Compared with the two, the biggest difference is the background!

It is like the Qilian Sword Palace, as the imperial family tradition that has just risen for tens of thousands of years, it still needs to converge in the face of those emperor gates and great families that have passed on for millions of years!

"Fairy Lihuo, haven't seen him for many years, his demeanor remains the same, he is so polite."

Dao Qingfeng smiled slightly, don't look at him practicing the pill for a lifetime, but his cultivation base makes people afraid to look down upon. The aura that was revealed at random caused many Saint Emperor powerhouses around to be shocked!

Three Ways of Reincarnation!

Vaguely, behind his head, three rounds of bright moon appeared!

"A strong cultivation base, the Shangqing Palace is indeed worthy of a million-year-old giant alchemy sect. The cultivation base of this Qingfeng Dao long, even in the emperor's Taoism, is enough to rank as an ancestor!"

"I heard that this Qingfeng Dao leader is only an Iron Core elder in the Shangqing Palace."

Someone whispered, and after hearing this, everyone looked incredible.

"Iron Core? I remember the elders of the Shangqing Palace. From top to bottom, they are Jin Core, Silver Core, Iron Core, and the lowest ordinary elder!"

Another strong holy emperor took a breath!

The powerful three reincarnation mirrors are actually just iron pill-level elders. One can imagine how terrifying the Shangqing Palace's background is.

However, another older holy emperor shook his head, "The level of the Shangqing Palace is not entirely dependent on the level of cultivation, more importantly, it is the level of alchemy! But to become an iron pill-level elder, at least the holy emperor level is required. The above cultivation bases at the same time possess at least the status of Nine Duan Dan King."

After hearing this, everyone showed a surprised expression.

The two disciples behind the Qingfeng Dao Master, a man and a woman, naturally heard the discussion from everyone, and they were all arrogant.

It was Qingfeng Daochang himself, but there was only a smile on his face, but his eyes were fixed on Fairy Lihuo.

In the Upper Three Realms, the giant pill sect that can be compared with the Shang Qing Palace, that is, the mysterious Medicine Gate, and the Southern Heaven Fire Hall!

Fairy Lihuo smiled and covered her mouth with a chuckle, "Qingfeng, the last time I saw you, I was just an ordinary alchemist in Shangqing Palace, I didn't expect to become an Iron Core elder."

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