Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3381: Tengetsu Dan Emperor!

"Master went to Zuiyueju?"

Now the pill shop sent by the ancient family has become the most special place in Dongzhou City.

I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring.

Even if it's a fly, don't hide it from everyone.

But only, someone can avoid the attention of those eyes and freely enter and exit here.

"Went here."

Upon hearing this, Fairy Lianye showed a touch of clarity on her face, while her pretty face blushed slightly.

She is in the Yue family now, and she is indeed in a special status. Even compared to the most direct blood disciple like Yue Tianqi, they are more loved by certain ancestors of the Yue family.

However, she still lost some freedom. The so-called gains and losses have been realized since the day she was brought back to Yue's house.

"It seems that Zui Yueju is very special to the Yue family?"

Since Fatty Wu would take him to see this man, he naturally made sense. Moreover, it was vaguely revealed that the drunkard of Zui Yueju had an intricate relationship with the Yue family.

"Young master, that person is also a member of the Yue family, but he is a little special."


In fact, Li Ye had already vaguely guessed a little deep in his heart.

It was just that Li Ye didn't feel the breath of Yue Family from the drunk. You must know that the Yue family is a family of great emperors inherited from the ancient blood. As long as they are descendants of the Yue family, they will carry a trace of ancient blood on their body.

Most people can't feel this, but as other owners of the ancient bloodlines, they can clearly feel it.

Naturally, with the improvement of the cultivation base and the control of the bloodline, that breath can be perfectly controlled and converged in the end.

But even so, unless it is an existence above the emperor, it is impossible for him to perfectly converge his own blood.

At least, he didn't notice the ancient blood on the opponent.

"Perhaps Young Master has heard of Yue Family's background."

Fairy Lianye now, because of the blood connection with Li Ye, as long as he is not blocked in another world or some secret realm, he can break through the void and time in a short time and appear directly in front of him.

This kind of power, even Li Ye has only recently taken control.

Ancient Wan Clan!

The reason why the blood race was able to enter the top ten list, in addition to the abnormality that can integrate the blood of all the races, there is also some peculiar power that the blood race itself possesses.

This connection between the host and the dependents is one of them!

Of course, if you want to awaken this kind of power, at least you have to become the emperor. The reason why Li Ye could awaken in advance was also related to the power of the Five Elements he cultivated.

It's just that he is full of doubts about what connection is there.

"What is the background of the Yue family? According to rumors, the Yue family is a family of four emperors, and in the entire East Continent, it can be regarded as an ancient family second only to the Ye family."

One Four Emperors! What a terrible background!

It is worthy of being passed down for millions of years, and it has always occupied the uppermost position and power of Dongzhou City, no matter it is glorious or low.

"According to the rumors, in addition to the original emperor of the Yue family, the other three should be the Fei Xing emperor four million years ago, and the moon picking emperor one million years ago. The last one should be 600,000 years ago. Emperor Yangyue, who was once a period with Emperor Hengtian."

After all, it is a top-level family of great emperors for millions of years. The Yue family has indeed been prosperous over the years, and an emperor will be born almost every other time, revitalizing the entire family.

However, the four emperors of the Yue family are not four great emperors, but three great emperors and another one of the most special existence!

"The young master said that the four emperors of the Yue family, apart from the three great emperors, are actually the last one, but the most special one in the entire Yue family."

Having said this, Fairy Lian Ye smiled slightly, because she saw the suddenness on Li Ye's face and knew that he had already guessed the result.

"Emperor Tianyue Pill?"

Dongzhou now, there are a total of three Dandi still alive in the world!

In addition to the Danzu from the ancient family, it is the old man on Jiujue Mountain, known as the old man of Jiujue, and his disciple is the little Danjun who recently wanted to challenge him with a pill.

But the last Dandi, compared with the previous two, looked much lower-key.

It can even be said that it was so low-key that many people even forgot the existence of this person who should be extremely dazzling and standing on the pinnacle of the world.

"That person from Zuiyueju is actually him?"

Who could have imagined that among the three remaining emperors in Dongzhou, the most mysterious and lowest-profile one would actually be the drunk he had seen before?

"No wonder he noticed a familiar smell from him, that's how it is."

Li Ye thoughtfully, he didn't think about it at first, just because the whole Zuiyueju was covered by the strong aroma of wine. The deep smell of herbs on the ordinary alchemist's body was directly covered.

But at his level, even if he was covered, he still felt a little bit.

"It is the Emperor Tianyue Dan, but the current Emperor Tianyue Dan is somewhat..."

Fairy Love Leaf was half talking, with a strange expression.

Without her telling the reason, Li Ye frowned slightly. Because he was also aware of Zuiyueju...oh no, it should be called Tianyue Dandi itself, the aura seemed a bit strange.

Compared with the ancient family Danzu who closed the deadlock, sought to break through his shackles, and sought a new life, this Tianyue Dandi seemed to be at a very special level.

"He is seeking to cross the robbery?"

Suddenly, Li Ye's spirit flashed!

If we say, that strange feeling really needs a reason to explain!

Only crossing the robbery can make sense!

"No, it's different from ordinary robbery, it's more like the state of mind is reached, but your realm is still a step away?"

Thinking of this, Li Ye suddenly thought of an extremely incredible guess.

It's just this speculation, too incredible!

It's unbelievable that most people don't even say they can guess, or even think about it!

"Young Master should have discovered this too." Fairy Lianye pursed his lips and shook his head, "The Emperor Tianyue has already reached the peak of the alchemy path, and even the Danzu from the ancient family admitted himself. He is inferior to Emperor Tianyue on the path of alchemy."

Ancient Danzu!

Li Ye moved!

People who can become the emperor of Alchemy are all extraordinary geniuses who are rare in one era or even in several eras!

More importantly, if you want to become a Dan Emperor, you need to defeat at least one Dan Emperor yourself to get the recognition of the world!

This is why for millions of years, compared with the great emperor, the number of emperors is almost rare!

A pill emperor could admit that he was inferior, that the emperor Moon Pill's accomplishments on the path of pill that day can definitely be regarded as the highest among the emperors!

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