Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3376: What happened?



Don't know how high the sky is?

"What a Li Ye! King Li Dan!"

Everyone felt that this time, Xiao Danjun would definitely be furious.

However, everyone is not clear. After learning the news, Xiao Danjun just laughed casually. It looks more like I knew it would be the result.

"It seems that this Li Ye is as arrogant as Brother Hua Yunxiong said."

Jiujue Mountain, the place where the old people of the first generation of Dandi Nine Jues prove the way.

It used to be just an inconspicuous small alchemy sect, even in Dongzhou, there is no mention of third-rate sects.

The entire sect, the strongest cultivation base, was just a few peak martial emperors back then.

This class of sects can be described as arrogant in the entire Upper Three Realms, and can only rely on those powerful sects as a support.

Until the appearance of the old man of Jiujue, in just ten thousand years, the entire Jiujue Mountain became one of the best alchemy sects in Dongzhou!

Even the Emperor's Taoism and the great family have a good relationship with Jiujie Mountain.

As the only disciple of the Jiujue old man, Xiao Danjun is the proud genius among the younger generation of Dongzhou.

"Little Danjun, Li Ye doesn't put you in his eyes this time."

Washington, the great family!

It is one of the ten families dominated by Dongzhou City today.

But even in Washington, it is mainly to win over Jiujie Mountain. Hua Yunxiong, as the leader of the younger generation of Washington, knows the weight behind Xiao Danjun.

The Jiujue old man has not been out of the mountain for tens of thousands of years, and the entire Jiujue Mountain is now dominated by Xiao Danjun.

As long as you have a good relationship with the future Dan Emperor, for a great family like Washington, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

"It's okay, this pill fight is not something you can refuse if you want to."

A sneer appeared on Xiao Danjun's face, pill fighting and fighting, for millions of years, unless it is for special reasons, few people will directly refuse in front of the people of the world.

After all, this was a public engagement made by Xiao Danjun. Once he refused, Li Ye's hard-to-reach reputation during this period of time in Dongzhou would disappear for an instant.

"Little Danjun is sure?"

Hua Yunxiong also smiled, he naturally knew the truth.

Not to mention that Li Ye came here for the first time, he has no foundation in Dongzhou.

Even if it was him, as a descendant of the Great Emperor's family, if someone directly challenged him publicly, he couldn't refuse. Once refused, the entire Washington will be discredited, and he will be completely deprived of his status as the heir to Washington, and he will be reduced to a marginal figure in Washington.

"This battle will be an opportunity for me to confirm the last step of my Dan Dao. No one can stop it."

Xiao Danjun did not answer directly, but his strong self-confidence was revealed from him.

He is the disciple of the Jiujue old man! The descendant of Emperor Dan!

The future master of the entire Jiujie Mountain!

A generation of Dandi who will be above all beings and equal to the Great Emperor.

He didn't mind the rumors about Li Ye from the outside world.

"I'm naturally convinced by Xiao Danjun's methods, but there are indeed a few brushes on the alchemy path, Xiao Danjun still has to be careful."

There is no direct grudge between Washington and Li Ye. But there is no doubt that Li Ye is not an object that Washington can woo. In this case, stifling threats in the cradle is naturally a method used by such forces as Washington.

However, Washington did not come forward directly.

Lin's family is a lesson from the past, so Jiujie Mountain has naturally become the first choice in Washington and even some people.

"I heard that he refined the Longevity Pill that Emperor Danwu became famous at that time. I hope he will not disappoint me too much."

Arrogant? Arrogant? arrogant? In the face of absolute strength, everything is a joke.

Seeing Xiao Danjun so confident, Hua Yunxiong naturally settled in his heart.

However, he was still a little uneasy.

Although Xiao Danjun's ability is unknown to everyone in the entire East Continent, there have even been several quasi-dan emperors in the top ten of the alchemy list. They have clearly stated that the only difference between Xiao Danjun and theirs is only for alchemy. The fire is still a little bit short.

Such evaluations can be described as quite appalling!

After all, those quasi Dan Emperors are at least seniors who have been famous for tens of thousands of years. For a junior to give such an evaluation, he has almost recognized that he will be the most powerful contender for the next generation of Dan Emperors.


"Hopefully, this battle can frustrate that kid's edge."

Xiao Danjun is an old man who learned from Jiujue, and no one would doubt the abilities of the old man.

But Li Ye's inheritance is even more terrifying than Jiujie Mountain!

Emperor Danwu!

Known for millions of years, outside of the Medicine King Palace, the first person in the alchemy!

The disciples taught by such legends, no one can estimate how many methods and cards they will have.



"Fatty Wu?"

"King Li Dan still remembers me, it makes me flattered!"

Fatty Wu, Li Ye was very impressed by this person at the time when he was under the fairy spirit stage.

After all, the Nine Dynasties Sect was also quite a powerful imperial Taoism back then, but it fell behind. Now Fatty Wu, as the heir of the Ninth-Generation Sect, although he can't bear to look straight at his cultivation base, he can be regarded as the heir of the emperor's Taoism.

Of course, Li Ye still shook his head a little.

The upper emperor! Fatty Wu is a cultivator, it is extremely rare to put it in the ordinary school, and he can barely be regarded as a genius. But compared to the descendants of the emperor's Taoism, this level of cultivation is not enough.

In fact, Fatty Wu himself was a little surprised. Under the fairy spirit stage, he had guessed at most six or seven points, but he didn't expect that he had actually guessed it right.

"Do you want to ask Dan?"

Now, as Li Ye's reputation grows stronger, many people naturally want to ask for the medicine.

However, most of those people are disciples of ordinary casual cultivators and ordinary sects, and there is no need for Li Ye to take action at all, and they can refine the medicine they need without cracking.

"No, no, I am here today, not for the pill."

Seeing the doubt in Li Ye's eyes, Fatty Wu smiled. Although he was a bit bleak as a descendant of the emperor, he did not fall to that point.

"I heard that King Li Dan rejected Xiao Danjun's pill fight?"

"Are you here for this?"

Li Ye was a little surprised, but Fatty Wu flashed a different color in his eyes, and then said, "King Li Dan knows that Jiujue Mountain has already been in contact with the Yue family, and Jiujue Mountain has made a condition. It is impossible for the Yue family to refuse."


Li Ye frowned.

"Speak straight."

"The second in the emperor list today, the fairy Lianye of the Yue family, but there are countless emperors of the emperor's Taoism lineage, and the descendants of the great family are all eyeing! Among them, the young master of Jiujue Mountain, Xiao Danjun!"

As soon as this remark came out, a cold light flashed across Li Ye's eyes!

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