Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3369: My name is flying

"Sorry the younger generation can't guess what the seniors think."

No matter which part of him is known, the middle-aged person in front of him is absolutely inextricably linked to him.

As for whether it is an enemy or a friend, it depends on the next step.

"You are smart and cunning."

The middle-aged man smiled slightly.

"Senior is absurd."

Li Ye said not salty nor lightly, and his mind was still turning quickly.


There is no doubt that he should still be in Dongzhou now!

Even if the person in front of you has the means to reach the sky, it is impossible to force him away after thousands of miles!

You know, the three realms and nine realms, the upper three realms are the center of heaven and earth! How strong are the space barriers!

If it is the next nine domains, any Martial Emperor can break the void and travel the world!

However, in the Upper Three Realms, Emperor Wu made a full blow before he could break the void in front of him. If you want to travel through the broken void, at least you need to be a strong man!

Crucially, the Holy Emperor would never do that! Because it consumes too much!

With that time, you can completely refine a flying magic weapon and just shuttle away!

"If you want to shoot directly through the void, at least the power of the three reincarnations, and if you want to take me away, the six powers of the reincarnation can't do it! Even the nine supreme realms can't be silent. Not discovered by me."

The emperor?

There is no doubt that the middle-aged man in front of you is definitely a great emperor!

Or, more terrible?

"I am not the emperor."

I still saw through Li Ye's thoughts at a glance, this feeling is not good.

"Then senior?"

Li Ye asked cautiously, he always felt that the person in front of him had a special look at him. Of course it's not that special, but more like looking at an old friend.

Hell old friend, he doesn't remember meeting him.

"My name has not been heard for countless years, but you can call me Feiyang."


Obviously this is a title, or honorific.


Li Ye suddenly felt a little lost, because he always felt that from where he had heard this title.

Flying? And there are such terrorist methods?

Plus now he is in Dongzhou...


Then he shuddered!

The face is incredible!

Because he finally remembered!

Where did he hear this title!

"Fly...Flying Heavenly Emperor?"

Feiyang Emperor!

Damn it, the whole Dongzhou, who dares to call himself such an arrogant name, seems to be the only one, right?


This is the emperor of heaven!

Above the emperor, is the emperor of heaven! Dominate the existence of heaven and earth!

If we say that the emperor is the **** in the eyes of the world! Then the emperor is the **** among the gods! It's not an exaggeration to be a **** king!

"It seems that people still remember these years."

Li Yening could hear the denial from the other party, and it would not be like this.

Feiyang Emperor! He actually met directly with the rumored Emperor Feiyang!

Millions of years! One of the most legendary peaks!

Li Ye couldn't help smiling wryly.

"This junior is really honored."

No, the one in front of you, but the emperor of one party! It has been in the top ten for nearly a million years!

If we say that one hundred thousand years ago, it was the world of the Jinghong Empress! So 200,000 years ago, it was the one in front of you, dominating the heavens! Invincible in the world!

"Dao Xin is not bad."

Li Ye took a deep breath before slowly calming his mind. Seeing this scene, Feiyang Tiandi nodded slightly in approval.

If it were an ordinary person, it would have been a pleasant surprise to be praised by an emperor in person.

However, Li Ye showed a touch of contemplation.

Because he thought of another key place.

Feiyang Tiandi, the big boss in front of him, has another identity! Because of that identity, Li Ye felt a little bitter.

Dongzhou Yejia!

One Five Emperors!

The most famous one!

It is the Flying Emperor in front of you!

And the relationship between him and Dongzhou Ye Family is even more complicated.

Coupled with the fact that Feiyang Heavenly Emperor brought him here directly, he couldn't help but make guesses in his heart.



Obviously, as Emperor Feiyang, he didn't bother with this at all.

"Don't worry, I will not interfere with the entanglement between you and the Ye family."

Just as Li Ye was weighing it in his heart, he heard the Emperor Feiyang say lightly.

Don't interfere? Li Yeke didn't believe it at all. If you didn't interfere, why did you suddenly bring him here?

Seeing Li Ye's unbelief, Emperor Feiyang didn't explain much, but changed the topic.

"Emperor Danwu did not leave any inheritance in his lifetime."

In a word, the pressure on Li Ye suddenly increased!

Fortunately, Li Ye has also seen big scenes, even the Emperor of Heaven! It's really urgent, he also has the opportunity to fight.

"Don't worry, although Emperor Danwu did not leave a legacy, the identity of the descendant of Emperor Danwu in your body is not false."


Li Ye was slightly puzzled, he naturally knew that Emperor Feiyang was not talking about him. After all, in his capacity, it is indeed possible to have friendship with Emperor Danwu.

But the latter sentence confuses him.

"This style is really like his usual practice."

This sentence made Li Ye even more confused. It’s just that Emperor Feiyang didn’t explain it at all, and the topic changed, “Since you have the inheritance of the Great Pill Wu, then the Twin Pill should be in your hands.”


The ultimate pursuit of Emperor Danwu in his life!

Live another life in disguise!

In the entire Three Realms and Nine Realms, whether it is Supreme or Ant, the ultimate pursuit is longevity!

However, even the emperor has a lifespan limit, and once exhausted, he can only fall into reincarnation.

But twins! It must be said that Emperor Danwu is a peerless wizard for millions of years! Actually thought of this kind of trick to hide from the sky!

Although it is not a real longevity, it is enough to make people live again!

For those peak powers, it is equal to another opportunity for hundreds of thousands of years.

"Senior, want twin pill?"

Li Ye frowned slightly, he only had two twin pills, one was given to the Empress Jinghong, and there was indeed one twin pills on his body.

Although this twin birth pill is of unparalleled value, if you can use this as an opportunity to make friends with Emperor Feiyang?

While weighing the pros and cons, the Emperor Feiyang suddenly laughed.

The next moment, when Li Ye came back to his senses, he found that he was still in his pill shop.

Even Wuchai in front of him didn't realize that he had left before.

"How long have I been away just now?"

Li Ye frowned slightly.

"Huh? Young Master just lost his mind for a while and didn't leave." Although Bai Wuhua was a little strange, he didn't think much.

Just a moment?

Li Ye couldn't help but smile, the method of the Emperor of Heaven was indeed unpredictable! And this is not like the ancient stone emperor, because the immortal city caused the realm to fall, this is the real emperor!

Even among them, the way of space and time is involved?

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