Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3365: Openly dig a wall

Dongzhou No. 1 Pill Shop!

Nowadays, it seems to be a place like the whole city of Dongzhou.

Even if his identity is not high enough, he is not qualified to step into this once inconspicuous small shop that only sells pills.

And all this is just because of the appearance of a person.

The Great Family!

Dimen orthodoxy!

Those great teachers who were once aloof!

Regardless of whether he is an enemy or a friend of Li Ye's appearance in his heart, on the surface now, they are all giving gifts.

"Isn't that the elder member of Da Yue Luo Sect?"

"Oh my god, that is the soul-smelting real person of Qingxinzong!"

"People from the Bai family are here too!"

How many pairs of eyes are paying attention.

With the immortal spirit stage, Li Ye forces all geniuses, and now he is not only because of his identity as a descendant of Emperor Danwu, but more, someone has already recognized his identity as the fourth arrogant of the emperor.

However, it is not the emperor list that makes everyone cautious!

Eleventh on the Dan List!

"Tsk tsk, it is worthy of being the eleven big man on the Dan List, and he is still so young. If this is hundreds of thousands of years later, he may become the next Dan Emperor!"

A holy emperor stroked his long beard and felt it.

"Yeah, so young, to be ranked eleventh on the Dan List, it is not an exaggeration to be regarded as a peerless talent."

"The top ten of the pill list has not changed for tens of thousands of years. In addition to the three pill emperors, the other seven people are also known as the half-step pill emperor, the realm of the quasi pill emperor, any one person, is a party at every turn, The giant alchemy that sits on the side."

"It is true, and those people have been famous for tens of thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years."

A group of people sighed.

One of them suddenly thought of something, his face was slightly weird, and said, "Speaking of which, it was originally 11th on the Dan List, but that one."

When he said this, the expressions of those who were sighing were stiff.

At first, the old holy emperor had a weird expression, and a person next to him slightly lowered his voice, "Pill List is now the twelve little Danjun! He is that person's closed disciple! Although this time he did not go to Xianlingtai, But this matter shouldn't be taken so easily, right?"

Everyone was silent.

Xiao Danjun!

The eleventh on the Dan List!

Known as a thousand years, the most likely to step into the top ten Dan list! For 100,000 years, Dongzhou has the best chance to become the supreme darling of the next Dan Emperor!

No one doubted this before Li Ye appeared!

Even those old nine-duan pill kings or those so-called alchemy rookies were eclipsed in front of Xiao Danjun.

Until the appearance of one person.

Jiujue old man!

One of the three emperors of Dongzhou!

A peerless figure standing above the common people!

How can his disciples be so easy to suppress?

Before, no one suppressed Xiao Danjun, but now?

"Hey, after Xianlingtai, except for those three, no one should dare to take action to suppress our descendant of the Great Pill Wu, but there is a good show on the path of pill."

Someone smiled, and the others nodded.

At this moment, a pair of eyes suddenly looked in a certain direction.

At the same time, there was a continuous inhalation sound.

Only one young man appeared at the door of the pill shop.

Looks like there is no breath on the body, just like a mortal. But all those who saw him were shocked!

As if to feel the terrifying intent of that peerless sword!

"Isn't this the rare swordman of the Helan family?"

Someone recognized the young man's identity and exclaimed.

Rare Knife! Although the genius of the Helan family is not so famous, but coming from the great family, it has explained everything!

"This guy is a sword repair genius. I heard that Lin Yidao once confidently wanted to challenge him and prove that he was the pinnacle of sword repair among the younger generation, but he didn't even catch a knife in his hand!"

"The old man has also heard a little about this. Lin Yidao practiced it as a superior sword technique, called the Crazy Demon Sword. But compared to the Helan family's background, it is still much worse."

"This son is not well-known in the Helan family, but it is rumored that he has been immersed in the sea of ​​swords since he was a child, and he has entered the realm of swordsmanship. Compared with some veteran sword repairmen who have lived for tens of thousands of years, he has to enter the woods. . How could he appear here?"

Seeing the young man, some people couldn't help thinking.

It was impossible for the Lin family to seek help from the Helan family to keep the world away. Now seeing the rare swordsman of the Helan family appear, they can't help but think about it.

"Could it be that Li Ye came to suppress?"

"Impossible. Although this young master of rare swords is not weak, he still wants to challenge King Li Yedan, who is now ranked fourth on the emperor list. He is still a lot worse. Perhaps he came to represent the Helan family."

When everyone speculated, Lord Handao didn't hesitate and stepped directly into the pill shop.

There is no monstrous sword intent to release. At his realm, even if he doesn't get a sword, just the sword intent is enough to make the ordinary strong to fall apart and die without a place to bury him.

At first, Lin Yidao challenged him with confidence, but he didn't make a single shot and directly caused Lin Yidao to retreat.

"King Li Yedan, in Helanhan."

It's a pity that Li Ye didn't show up, but Bai Lao had a calm face.

After living for tens of thousands of years, he naturally understood the Helan family.

Seeing Young Master Han Dao coming, his heart felt bad.

But now Li Ye is not what he used to be, he doesn't worry that the opponent will fight hard.

"The old man has seen Young Master Rare Blade. My young master has not returned. If there is something wrong, you can tell him clearly."

Li Ye didn't come out, but instead let others come, which caused a slight anger flashed in the heart of Young Master Handao.

But seeing the old man in front of him, he quickly swept away.

"It turns out to be Senior Pill King Hundred-Flawless."

When Hundred Wushou became famous, the son of Handao had not yet been born. Although he was arrogant, facing the old Nine Duan Pill King, he still slightly converged.

However, he quickly sneered, "Senior Hundred Wuhua is a great figure in the alchemy world. It is simply too cheap to nest in this kind of place."

In his opinion, King Jiuduan Dan is enough to be the worship of a great family like the Helan family!

He condescended to be under the hands of a young man, which he couldn't understand.

Even if he wants to surrender to others, in his opinion, only Helan Tianlang has this qualification!

As for Lee Ye?

He sneered!

Hearing this, Bai Wuhua frowned, but didn't get angry, just shook his head slightly. The so-called differences are not conspiring.

"Senior is an expert. If there is a need, my Helan family can provide seniors with all the conditions!"

Seeing that Bai Wucha is indifferent, Young Sword Master said in a deep voice.

King Jiuduan Dan, even the Helan family would not turn away, and he was absolutely welcome.

As for this kind of blatant digging of the wall, he didn't feel ashamed at all, but in his opinion, he was giving Wuchu a chance! Let him have the opportunity to climb the dragon and attach the phoenix!

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