Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3360: It's cheaper Helan

"Go to Helan's house!"

Although Lin Jia was angry, he did not lose his mind.

Today's Li Ye is not easy for Lin's family to do.

In other words, the Lin family had done it before, but he lost his wife and broke down.

"This time, Lin's family has learned well. But, will Helan's family really intervene?"

Things can't be kept from others, let alone Lin's family is not prepared to hide it at all!

A pair of eyes are staring.

For Lin's family to turn to Helan's for help, it will definitely affect the next situation.

"It is rumored that that kid also offended the Helan family, and seeing that Helan Tianlang had appeared in person before, you can see the clue."

"Helan Tianlang's clone was blown face-to-face by that kid! There can be no follow-up to this matter!"

"Hehe, Helan Tianlang, that was a tianjiao of the same age as Emperor Hengtian. Now that he was born, he heard that he has been suppressing the realm and wants to wait for the emperor's fate to be born."

For that feudal Tianjiao, even some of the older generation of supreme holy emperors, dare not have any dissatisfaction.

That is almost the enchanting evildoer of the first generation, unless it is a more against the sky, such as the Emperor Hengtian, otherwise, who can say that it can be suppressed?

Even the three evildoers in the top three of the emperor's list now have no voice.

"Helan Tianlang was born, if he didn't want to take action now, but some clones appeared, the emperor could not come out, no one could suppress him. Even the emperor would not necessarily press him."

"No, this kind of evildoer, once he gets the emperor's order to prove Dao success, he may even directly prove Dao Chengtian emperor! At that time, the Helan family will have the confidence to fight the Ye family!"

God! That is a more powerful realm than the emperor!

Helan Tianlang has already been more than 90% sure of the Dao Emperor Realm!

But he never took that step, for even stronger ambitions!

His goal is not an ordinary emperor!

It is the position of the heavenly emperor who is more powerful than the great emperor!

The day he wants to prove the Tao is the opening of the era of his oppressive life!

As for the so-called Tianjiao of the contemporary era, he has not paid attention to it at all! In his eyes, including the three people in the top three of the emperor list, they are not qualified to compete with him for the emperor's life!



A group of looming souls kept sending out resentments.

Since being forcibly drawn out of his soul by Li Ye, Lin Zihan has been in danger of losing his soul at any time.

You must know that unless it is directly condensed into the soul like the great emperor, once the soul is separated, it will dissipate in this world for a long time!

Now, Lin Zihan is like that.

"Li Ye! What do you want to do!"

She gritted her teeth, although only the soul is left, it is still beautiful and exciting.

Unfortunately, it had no effect on Li Ye at all.

Whether she threatened, begged for mercy, or even compromised, Li Ye remained indifferent.

"I said that what Lin's family owes me must be taken out."

"The little **** of the Yu family is dead!"

Lin Zihan was going crazy, everyone thought that Li Ye was for her. But now even a fool can see that Li Ye has no interest in her at all, making her conceited since she was a child almost can't believe this fact.

And the intriguing relationship between Fairy Lian Ye and Li Ye made Lin Zihan crazy!

As far as Dongzhou is concerned, who can make her feel ashamed, it is only those two people!

It just so happens that Fairy Lianye is one of them.

"Then exchange her soul for your soul."

"You can't be mad, as I said, she's gone!"

Although Lin Zihan had never seen Yu Xue at all, he also knew some news. Upon hearing it, he said helplessly.

The man is a knife and I am a fish, and now she and she deeply understand this truth.

"Oh, if that's the case, then you can follow her in the funeral."

Li Ye's reaction was beyond Lin Zihan's expectation. Such calmness made her feel even more panicked.

Moreover, Li Ye didn't even continue to question, as if he had made up his mind to let her be buried. How to keep her in a hurry?

"Li Ye! You can make any request, as long as I can meet it, I can promise you!"

Life is in the hands of others, Lin Zihan must agree to biting her silver teeth.

Even she was mentally prepared. Once Li Ye made an excessive request, as long as it didn't hurt her life and Daogen, she could temporarily agree!

As long as she can survive and have a little self-esteem, she can let go! Big deal, I will settle the accounts slowly later.

"Any request?"

When Li Ye heard this, he seemed to smile.


Lin Zihan blushed pretty, but she did it deliberately, even showing her alluring side.

At this point, she also gave up.

Even Fairy Lian Ye had an ambiguous relationship with the person in front of him, and the woman's unique jealousy unknowingly changed Lin Zihan's attitude.

"Unfortunately, you are worthless in my eyes."


Taking a deep breath, Lin Zihan tried to soften her face, even her voice was charming, "I can give you everything I have, including myself!"

Having said this, Lin Zihan's face flushed, half deliberately, half naturally.

Even she herself is a little confused about her current thoughts. She was so resistant at first, but now...

"Sorry, I'm not interested in you at all."

Li Ye stretched out his hand and grabbed Lin Zihan's soul in his hand. The look in his eyes was like a butcher looking at the pork in his hand.

"You! You bastard!"

"At the level of your spirit, it will start to dissipate in at most seven days, but you don't know if you are in the family again, it's worthy of them to take out what I need."

Although from beginning to end, he didn't propose what he wanted.

But he believed that Lin Jia had a good idea.

And indeed, the Lin family at this moment had indeed guessed what Li Ye was asking for.

"Unexpectedly, someone else knew about it."

An ancestor of Lin's family frowned, Yu Xue and Fu Bo had died a long time ago, but some things in Yu Xue's soul were retained by Lin's special methods.

Although the ancestors of the Yu family had long expected today's scene, the Yu family's bloodline had left behind to protect, but facing a great family like Lin's family, it was still slightly vulnerable.

At this moment, the half of the scroll that Li Ye wanted was in the hands of the ancestor of Lin's family.

"Ancestor, what about this?"

The Lin Family Patriarch stood aside, trembling.

The old man fell silent after hearing the words. In fact, the half-scrolled scroll didn't know much about Lin's family, only that there was a certain secret hidden in it. But now there is only half of it, but it has no effect.

"Didn't the Helan family want our sincerity, in that case." In the end, the old man from the Lin family showed a sneer.

Since Lin's family can't get the half of the broken scroll, it's better to contribute to the Helan family!

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