Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3358: Upset

Everything that happened on the fairy tale stage swept across the entire Dongzhou almost at the fastest speed.

Countless people were stunned!

The first time they received the news, the emperor’s Taoist family and the great family, the first reaction was which stupid idiot actually found them?

Can this kind of unrealistic joke be made?

"Hanging the genius of the Great Teacher?"

The master of the Flame Gate opened his eyes wide, and then sneered. Their Flame Gate is also considered a great sect, and there are several supreme holy emperor ancestors sleeping and guarding them, and they are also considered a great sect in Dongzhou.

This time, there were a few disciples of the Flame Gate on the Immortal Spirit Terrace. Although the Flame Gate can only be regarded as a general sect in the eyes of those emperors, they have to say that for tens of thousands of years, under the Emperor Sect, the Flame Gate has occupied a place. !

"Sword Lord Tsing Yi was blown by a sword? Which idiot came out, don’t you know that Sword Lord Tsing Yi is the true disciple of Qilian Sword Palace? The one second only to the successor of Sword Emperor Qilian?"

Another great master teacher almost didn't laugh, that was Qilian Sword Palace!

The real imperial door orthodoxy!

Although it can't be compared with the ancient emperor gates that have been passed down for hundreds of thousands or even millions of years, the sword emperor Qilian is in his prime, and his influence is definitely not much worse than those of the old emperor gates!

Not to mention, Tsing Yi Jianjun has long been famous in Dongzhou! If it weren't for a more enchanting Young Emperor Qilian, it would be enough to be on the list of emperors!

A group of people do not believe this!

Even if Li Ye made such a big disturbance not long ago, for these hardened powerhouses, the only one or two acts against the sky were not enough for them to approve.

However, those rumors became more and more fascinating as they spread, and even to the back, even those emperor gates could not sit still.

"Not only Qingyi Jianjun? Even Huafu Tianjiao and Hua Yunxiong have lost?"

"Impossible! Hua Yunxiong is the emperor's arrogant! How can he be comparable to an ordinary genius! Not to mention that he is the descendant of the great emperor family's Huafu generation. He has a cultivation base, even if he meets the Supreme Holy Emperor. The power of war! It is difficult to threaten him unless the undead Supreme Sovereign is born!"

Everyone sighed, but more questioned.

Not even Washington believes this fact!

Although some people deliberately wanted to conceal this, it was too simple for those great teachers and even the emperor to know the truth.

After learning the truth, everyone was silent!

"What's this? Hua Yunxiong of Washington DC was so surprised by the defeat. If I let you know that even the fifth in the emperor's ranking, the Yue family who is currently known as the little overlord in Dongzhou City, could not win, how about you? Don't you want to doubt life?"

I don't know who came out, Yue Family Tianjiao, Dongzhou Xiaobawang Yue Tianqi also failed to suppress that person!

The whole Dongzhou City was silent.

Yes, complete silence!

doubt? No, in the eyes of those strong, rumors can't deceive them at all.


"That kid, what kind of monster is it?"

I don't know how many people, after a long period of silence, all of them ignited such a bit of bitterness.

How long is this?

Less than half a year!

Stir the situation!

"Gujia, this is luck!"

A great teacher finally sighed, unspeakable envy!

And knowing this, no one would ridicule and scold the great master teacher, because most people are in the same mood at the moment! Especially the head teachers and ancestors of those great teachers.

To know!

When everyone learned that Gu Jia had put down his body to make a young fellow, I don't know how many people laughed at Gu Jia and didn't even have a face!

What now?

"It's still the old planner of the ancient family!"

"The Gu family can get to this point, indeed, not just because a Danzu appeared back then. With this kind of vision, it seems that the Gu family is not exhausted."

The enemies of the ancient family are gritted their teeth, wishing that the ancient family is dead. But before the ancient family fell, they could only endure it! Secretly plan!

But seeing the ancient family is about to fall, even the ancient family's Dinghai divine needle ancient family Danzu is about to fall, but a Li Ye appeared!

If everyone was just because of Emperor Danwu behind Li Ye, now they have to face Li Ye!

"I just don't know what those big teachers, even the Washington Yue Family, are thinking now!"

"Haha, those great teachers? They don't dare to offend Emperor Danwu! Even if they are great teachers, they are still weaker in front of the emperor. It is Huafu and Yuejia that are worth looking forward to!"

Some people are very interested, but this is a big deal!

"Yes, Washington and the Yue family. Speaking of which, the Gu family has always had a good relationship with the Yue family. But this time, I don't know that the Yue family will have an explanatory reaction. It is indeed expected."

"Last time in Linlang Pavilion, the Yue family was behind it. But who could have imagined that this kid was so bold that even the little overlord of the Yue family slapped the face and changed to me. This thing will definitely not let go. ! It depends on how the ancient family makes a decision!"

Those ancient enemies who were still disappointed suddenly found inspiration.

You should know that the Danzu of the ancient family had already run out of oil a long time ago. It’s just that as a generation of Dandi, he had various means to change his fate to delay the limit, plus the care of the Yue family behind it. Only insisted on these tens of thousands of years.

But now, if the Yue family wants to touch Li Ye for this! How would the Gu family choose?

Is it because of a Li Ye to turn his face with Yue's family? Or at this critical moment, abandon Li Ye and look on the sidelines?

"Hmph, no matter what the ancient family chooses, their ancient family will definitely not be the final winner in this matter!"

"Yes, neither the Yue family nor the Danwu Great Emperor are easy to provoke. The ancient family, this is standing on the cusp of the storm."

As those people expected, there were differences of opinion within the ancient family at this moment.

Several elders, even the ancestors of the ancient family behind them, were alarmed.

At this time, it's the Gu family's main force to reject all opinions.

"My ancestors don't need to intervene in this matter, I believe that Little Friend Li Ye can handle it!"

There was a lot of opposition within the Gu family, but the Patriarch of the Gu family resisted the pressure. And some important news, he didn't even say it!

For example, even though Li Ye beat the little overlord of the Yue family, there is still a person in the Yue family who is even more special than the little overlord. No one can guess the relationship with Li Ye now!

After the three brothers and sisters Gu Lie came back, his first reaction after hearing about this incident was dumbfounded.

It is for this reason that he will resist the pressure! Otherwise, with the character of the old fox, the head of the ancient family, he might not be so firm.

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