Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3350: This jumping mind

Feeling that he could control his body again, Li Ye's face was covered with weird colors!

Because just after he came back, he faintly noticed that there was something more in his mind!

I can't see the way clearly, but a touch of intuition makes him understand!

Time and space!

"Is this a blessing in disguise?"

He has a weird look. You must know that these two powers are almost a taboo that even the existence of the Great Emperor can hardly touch! Although the Heavenly Dream Sage said it was vague, as if he had deliberately said it, Li Ye could hear something from it.

Isn't it that simple for sister Tianmeng who is a saint to have a look of envy?

So the question is, now he actually got it?

"No, although there are a few more things, but still unable to practice."

Although after the initial surprise, he found that although there was more artistic conception of time and space in his mind, the feeling was like...

"Yes, it's like a kid in a kindergarten, just stuffing dozens of books that universities and even graduate students can understand in his mind."

This metaphor made him dumbfounded. It was clear that there was Baoshan in the sky, but he could only stare at it and couldn't use it.

"This feeling sucks!"

Just imagine, if he suddenly found out that he had won a Mark Six lottery in his previous life, he became rich overnight! Enemy rich! Then when he ecstatically wanted to go to the pinnacle of his life, marry Bai Fumei, and become the winner of his life, he was told that although he had won the Mark Six lottery, the money in it was frozen, and he couldn't use it at all.

Well, it's probably this kind of feeling like a beep.

"Forget it, although it's useless for the time being, it's better than nothing at all. Moreover, it seems that this time a blessing in disguise is not considered a blessing in disguise. The weird time and still space just now seems to have little effect on me."

When he recovered, he had already returned to Xianlingtai.

Opposite him, Yue Tianqi still had a solemn expression, and his whole body was as if the two were about to fight just now, without any change at all.


This unreal illusion immediately attracted his attention.

"Could it? In that space just now, only my mind was not imprisoned?"

If so, that would be interesting!

Obviously everything is as he expected!

There is not much change in Yue Tianqi, even his eyes and breath are as if nothing had happened just now!

But Li Ye clearly remembered what he had encountered before!

Even he himself didn't pay attention. At that moment, his eyes turned into a blood red, and there was a faint portrait like a clock!

Bear the brunt!

Qi Yuetian has raised his fighting spirit to the highest level!

But when he was about to take a shot, suddenly he couldn't move, and even his mind seemed to be frozen!

You know, he is a strong man in the Xiaocheng realm of the Heavenly Dao! Even just the last step, you can push your road into the realm of Dacheng!

But without any signs, the whole body was frozen! That is a mysterious power that even his soul cannot get rid of.

In the next moment, Yue Tianqi found that everything was back to normal, but the feeling just now made his entire back wet with cold sweat!

"That kind of power just now!"

Even the oldest beings of the Yue Family, Yue Tianqi did not feel this kind of powerlessness from them!

But the person in front of him made him feel for the first time that life and death cannot be controlled by him!

But when he looked at his opponent in amazement, he was completely stunned.

"What happened just now?"

Li Ye looked blank, and Yue Tianqi was even more blank.

Isn't it him? Yuetianqi was half-believing in his heart, but he quickly believed it!

"Yeah, what if he gets the inheritance of Emperor Danwu! My Yue family is definitely not inferior to Emperor Danwu, even better than the background. My Yue family has given birth to four great emperors over millions of years! That power just now, could it be? A certain senior expert is watching and warning me?"

Soon, Yue Tianqi had cold sweat on his forehead.

A senior man hiding in the dark?

Moreover, he hadn't left a trace and stopped him?

Thinking of his current opponent, Yuetian Qi narrowed his eyes!

He thought of a possibility!

One sounds ridiculous but the only possibility to explain what has happened recently!

"Emperor Danwu!"

He took a deep breath!

Yes, only Emperor Danwu! The most mysterious legend in the rumors for millions of years! Only he can be so calm and not show up at all and control everything!

Even he thinks more!

"It turns out that the Lin family surrendered so easily, not because the dignified family was afraid of a junior, but because they realized that Emperor Danwu was in Dongzhou City!"

He even thought about why Li Ye could stir the situation in Dongzhou in less than half a year!

Even the great family dared to provoke them without fear of being killed!

All this is because of his backing!

The more Yuetian Qi thinks about it, the more it feels closer to the truth!

At the same time, he found that his original high fighting spirit was like a dam that had never been mentioned, which could no longer be maintained.

It is not that he is timid, but since he has risen to the level of Emperor Danwu, it is not a situation he can control.

He was not afraid of Emperor Danwu's move, because he knew very well that he existed at that level and would not easily interfere with the world. Even if they act face-to-face regardless of their status, those great emperor families in Dongzhou can't just ignore it.

At least his Yue family didn't want to mess with Emperor Danwu, but there was absolutely no fear.

As a result, Yue Tianqi suddenly gathered his breath.

"Stop fighting, stop fighting."

When everyone saw it, they were completely confused.

What's the situation, why did the two of them look like enemies just now, why don't they fight now?

The key is that Yuetianqi voluntarily gives up.

"Brother Tianqi, why are you?"

Hua Yunxiong hurriedly said, knowing that it is Yuetianqi that might overwhelm Li Ye! Give them a chance to save the face of the major forces in Dongzhou City!

If Yuetianqi had given up, wouldn't it be said that this time he took the initiative to convene the Xianlingtai gathering, will completely become a laughing stock?

Let Li Ye step on the body of a group of heirs of the great religion, the emperor's Taoism and the heirs of the great emperor's family, to reach the top?

At the thought of this result, their faces turned black!

"I want to fight and fight, do you have an opinion?"

Yuetian Qi's eyes were cold, and Hua Yunxiong, who was overwhelmed by the chill, hesitated.

Although he was also on the emperor list, he was just the Tianjiao at the end of the emperor list, and he was far behind Yue Tianqi.

Although he was angry in his heart, Hua Yunxiong still barely showed an ugly smile on the surface, "What is this brother Tianqi, but this kid is going to be unfavorable to Sister Zihan, and the kid is just a little worried."

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