Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3347: Still have to fight

However, many people are still a little slower, their bodies flicker, and pieces of defensive artifacts are instantly shattered! Some people even spurted blood again and again, turning their whole people into blood.


At this moment, even Gu Lie couldn't help cursing inwardly!

As for the others, it is estimated that the eighteenth generations of Li Ye's ancestors have already been rounded!

Below the fairy stage, a group of people are still discussing! How sacred are those two breaths just now!

Suddenly, I don't know who exclaimed!

"Xianlingtai exploded!"


Everyone hadn't reacted yet, and even cursed which idiot had a convulsion! Xianlingtai exploded? Why don't you say that your family's ancestor's grave was blown up? That is an ancient miracle that has stood firm for millions of years!

But at that moment, before everyone's cursing, they saw two bright lights on the fairy platform almost blinding their dogs.

"Two great fireworks!"

Fatty Wu muttered to himself, but his feet were not slow!

It was even faster than the reaction of those self-proclaimed genius disciples!

Oil the soles of your feet! How does the whole person look like a fat man! It's slippery than a loach! Faster than lightning!

It just turned into a light in an instant!

The exclamation just now came from his handwriting! Oh no, it's the mouth!

For millions of years, even the emperor has not caused any damage on the fairy platform, but today it directly shakes the entire East Continent!

"Emperor explosion!"

"Two shares, wait, this is the emperor explosion? Who is so interested?"

Many powerful beings have opened their eyes, and even if it is a collision of this magnitude, they are a little bit scared!

The key is that this collision is no weaker than the one that just appeared not long ago!

"What the **** is going on recently? It's just not long ago, and someone can't help but jump out and move their muscles and bones?"

Some powerhouses frowned, knowing that it is rare for a collision of this scale to occur in ten thousand years, let alone in less than half a month, it actually appeared twice at once!

"The younger generation of that family actually used the emperor soldiers!"

As for those extremely ancient existences, Qingmeng was disturbed. Although one by one is enclosed in the sarcophagus, it does not mean that they cannot perceive the changes in the outside world.

However, unless their clan or sect suffered the disaster of destruction, or a strong man with an emperor soldier, or even the emperor personally came to the door, otherwise they would not be able to fully recover from the inside.

Just kidding, these people are already close to Shouyuan withered! It's not bad to be able to barely stay alive, but as a last resort, who would crawl out of the dark sarcophagus that was enough to barely sustain their lives.

Just when countless people in Dongzhou City were shocked.

On the fairy platform, two figures appeared from the sky above the fairy platform, which seemed almost undamaged.

"Huh? It's really like a rumor."

Li Ye glanced at the immortal platform that had not changed, knowing that the moment just now was almost equivalent to the destruction caused by the collision of two great emperors personally!

In this way, there was no trace left on the fairy platform.

Obviously this fairy tale is absolutely extraordinary!

On the other side, Yuetianqi's face was slightly pale! Playing the Emperor Burst with his cultivation base will not completely exhaust his strength, but he still needs a little breath!

The point is that when he saw that Li Ye didn't change his face, his expression finally flashed in disbelief.

"How many times can I come to Emperor Blast, how many times do you think I can stop me?"

Li Ye smiled but didn't smile. Just now, Yue Tianqi wouldn't be so embarrassed, but at a critical moment, he was distracted and protected Lin Zihan behind him.

At this moment, Lin Zihan's face has faded, and all her pride and self-esteem are gone!

In front of the emperor explosion, whether she is a princess from the great emperor's family or an ordinary mortal woman, it makes no difference!

Only turned into green smoke and completely disappeared from this world.

Had it not been for Yuetianqi to protect her, she would have died away at this moment!

A wry smile flashed slightly across Yue Tianqi's expression, yes, he could indeed have the power to fight. But he was not sure how many times Li Ye could come again! If you come twice, let alone protect Lin Zihan, even he himself is in danger.

"You are indeed very strong, and even the Emperor Danwu behind you is enough to make the Lin family scrupulous about you! But you really think that after you kill her, the Lin family will give up?"

At this time, Yue Tianqi was not a fool, if anyone still said that Li Ye would turn his face with Lin's family just to get Lin Zihan, he would be the first to slap and slap!

Even if he is not that kind of agency calculation, the city is very deep, but he is not a fool!

What Li Ye clearly wanted was other things from Lin's family!

Not Lin Zihan!

Suddenly, he laughed at himself, and sighed in his heart, the so-called fanatic of the authorities, "How can the descendant of Emperor Danwu be a lunatic who acts crazy for women."

To save others by oneself, if it were for him, he would never offend a great family for a woman! Even if behind him is the ancient family of Dongzhou who has stood firm for millions of years and has given birth to four great emperors!

"So what? If Lin Jia repents, I don't mind letting Lin know the consequences of repentance."

If it were before, such remarks would definitely make people sneer and even laugh.

Including Yuetianqi, they would all have a look of contempt, only when Li Ye was a foolish but fortunate idiot who had come to Emperor Danwu's clergy.

But now, he has fallen into deep thought.

The strength shown by Li Ye has already made him feel the pressure!

Yes, I originally learned that I was squeezed from the fourth seat of the Emperor Ranking, and Yue Tian Qi was furious!

Except for those three people and the old stuff from Helan's house, Yue Tianqi never thought that anyone could surpass him!

But now, he is not so confident!

Even if Li Ye can suppress him, he is relying on the emperor! But he also knows that even if he holds the imperial soldier at the same time, he can barely protect himself at best!

He had only seen this feeling once!

It was exactly that time when he faced that he was only ranked fourth on the emperor list, without complaint.

"But today, I can't ignore it."

Yuetian Qi was helpless, even if he wanted to get rid of it, he would be hard to get off!

In case Lin Zihan died in Li Ye's hands after he let go, of course the Lin family would put the monstrous anger on Li Ye, the culprit. But he can't be spared either, although he is not afraid of Lin's revenge, but in the end it is very troublesome!

Especially, it's the critical moment once again in a hundred years!

He doesn't want to be out of line.

"In that case..."

Li Ye also knew that the Yue Tianqi in front of him was undoubtedly the only obstacle to those who wanted to take the Lin family today!

On the other side, the group of people who took a breather from the fairy tale stage almost cried!

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