Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3345: Everyone is stunned

Yes, almost everyone on the fairy stage saw Li Ye's chilly expression but did not stop it.

It is because they think of a recent rumor from the outside world!

Regarding Li Ye, there is also between Lin's family and Lin's princess.

To say that there are only a few people who are burning with anger!

Such as Hua Yunxiong! It's binocular breathing fire at this moment!

Although Gu Tian frowned, there was a slight gloom, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Compared with women, the interests of the ancient family are naturally a little bit higher in his mind.

This is a big mistake, and it is clear. It's just that in his heart, he obviously didn't like Li Ye.

It can even be said, with a slight disgust.

"Li Ye!"

Yuetian Qi's eyes condensed, and the surging weather swarmed!

Although the match was a bit at a loss just now, it is obviously not that simple to say that the two will have a victory!

"She is your woman?"

Li Ye glanced at Yue Tianqi. After stepping on Dongzhou, it can be said that the contemporary arrogant of the Yue family in front of him, how much can make him shine.

As for the other so-called geniuses, Hua Yunxiong, who is better than the emperor's list, is nothing in his eyes.

This is the state after his primordial spirit is extremely weak due to the fire of chaos. If the fire of chaos is eliminated, he is now enough to challenge the emperor!

Yue Tianqi's expression froze. Although he did like the princess of Lin's family, there was no contact between the two. Moreover, the Lin Family and Yue Family are not the same camp.

"I, Li Ye, rarely shoot at women, but it doesn't mean I can't kill people!"

The last two words instantly turned into a murderous intent!

Everyone on the entire fairy platform shivered, as if shrouded in a chill! That kind of killing intent, even those preachers of the Great Sect, was horrified to discover one by one. Faced with such a degree of will suppression, they don't even fight back, and even faintly, even Dao Xin began to crack!

A kind of lovelessness, as if the thought of suicide immediately arises in their hearts.

Fortunately, those who can stand here are all the top geniuses in Dongzhou. After the initial moment of loss, they quickly clung to their minds in horror, and at the same time they were completely wet with cold sweat behind them!

"What a terrible killing intent! This kid has actually mastered such a great way!"

"Damn, this kid's avenue is actually'kill'. If this avenue is placed in the hands of a great emperor, even if it is just a ray of will release, it will be enough to instantly make a supreme holy emperor kill himself. !"

All of them showed horror on their faces. The so-called Tianjiao who had been dismissive of Li Ye before, staring at Li Ye at this moment was like looking at a devil.

Even Hua Yunxiong, Yi Longtian, Long Jian and others were deeply affected!

At this moment, I could see the level of everyone's cultivation. After Hua Yunxiong was slightly lost, he immediately woke up!

However, Yilongtian and Dragon Sword stopped for about a breath. As for the others, as powerful as Sword Sovereign Tsing Yi, it took two or three breaths before they were finally shocked.

Looking carefully, everyone at the moment turned pale, and even deep in their eyes was wrapped in a deep fear!


Just now, there were almost a few preachers with a slightly weaker cultivation base. They couldn't resist Li Ye's terrible killing intent, so he touched his neck with his own hands!

"It's terrible! I almost wanted to blew my soul just now!"

A preacher of the Great Sect was pale, and an irreparable crack appeared in Dao Xin!

It can be said that unless Li Ye died one day, or he killed Li Ye himself! Otherwise, a demon will appear throughout his life! Don't talk about fighting against Li Ye, even if you hear Li Ye's name, there will be a kind of fear in my heart!

Even in the end, at a critical moment, the demons broke out! Completely fall under the catastrophe, flying ash and annihilation!

"He is the devil!"

The few preachers of the Great Sect who had a heart demon in their hearts looked ashamed. They didn't know how, once such a heart demon was born, it would be the kind of catastrophe that monks least want to see!

It can be said that even if Li Ye does not kill them, a time bomb has been planted in their bodies!

It may happen suddenly, if they don't find a chance to eliminate it, even if they get a great opportunity in the future and become a great emperor, they will inevitably be completely wiped out under this kind of demons!

You know, the heart demon will become more and more terrifying as the cultivator's cultivation base becomes higher and higher!

That monstrous killing intent disappeared in a flash. Li Yeke didn't know that just in that moment, he almost ruined several disciples who had been cultivated with great difficulty.

His eyes made Lin Zihan tremble all over, and even the trace of confidence just now gradually became pale and colorless.

"You, you can't kill me!"

Lin Zihan finally couldn't bear this gaze, Yinya trembled slightly, and for the first time his domineering aura became less certain.

In the eyes, a touch of horror undisguised appeared.

The only one who answered her was Li Ye's light gaze, and it was this gaze that made Lin Zihan tremble all over, a mouthful of blood spurted out of the cherry's mouth, and the whole person almost fell off the fairy platform!


The gazes are almost unbelievable!

That's the princess of Lin's family!

The daughter of the dignified great family!

Even Hua Yunxiong, Yuetianqi and others were shocked!

They didn't expect that Li Ye actually did it!

Although it didn't seem to be a real killer, this behavior has completely blanked everyone's mind.

As for Sword Sovereign Tsing Yi, Lin Yidao and others suddenly thought of a question!

"Wait, isn't this kid forcing Lin Zihan to give in?"

Yes, this question popped up in many people's minds!

Everyone thinks that Li Ye is a lascivious, who has fallen in love with the princess of Lin's family and wants to intimidate Lin's family!

Including several ancestors of the Lin family, they all subconsciously think so!

But now, what is this?

Lin Zihan is even more blinded!

Yes, she was blinded!

"I rarely kill a woman, but it doesn't mean I can't kill. Remember, there is no next time!"

Li Ye doesn't care about Lin Zihan's death, he cares more about Lin's fulfillment of his promise!

Of course, if Lin's family is playing tricks, then he has no scruples.

At least today, on the fairy tale stage, the three most special identities among the younger generation of the Lin family will personally abolish the gate of the Lin family!

Of course, that kind of result would make it more difficult for him to get the other half of his plan. So as a last resort, he would not do this.

Finally, Yuetianqi was the first to recover!

With a look of surprise and uncertainty, her figure appeared next to Lin Zihan, and a fragrant pill was inserted into her mouth.

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