Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3340: Yue Family's Destiny

The Yue Family has been able to stand in the East Continent for so many years, and even with the exception of the Ye Family, no one can stand by it. Naturally, it has a profound background.

"This is the force of destiny! That kid, if he doesn't die, he must be seriously injured!"

Amidst Hua Yunxiong's laughter, he could hear a deep fear.

Although Washington is a family of the great emperor, compared with the Yue family, it is like a nouveau riche!

Millions of years ago, the Yue family had already ruled this world, but it was only hundreds of thousands of years ago that a great emperor was born in Washington.

Especially, no one knew where the blood of the Yue family came from, and even for countless years, no one knew how terrible the blood of the Yue family really broke out.

"The power of destiny, it is rumored that only the oldest bloodline contains this kind of power that transcends the way of heaven!"

"This is the reason why the Yue family can sit firmly on the three seats in Dongzhou City!"

Many preachers of the great religion may not yet know it, but the descendants of the great emperor's family like Shi Aotian, Hua Yunxiong, and Gu Tian know well.

All three of them have the power of destiny!

The so-called power of destiny is a kind of power that is beyond heaven and is incomparably magical.

Every kind of destiny is unpredictable, but for millions of years, generations of strong men have known one thing!

Once any kind of destiny is released, it is enough to make people leapfrog!

Moreover, it is not an ordinary leapfrog battle!


Yes, they can only envy now!

Including Shi Aotian, can only sigh in his heart.

His Shi family is actually not bad. Why can't he get to the next level for so many years? This lies in this. Because the Shi family’s bloodline is also extremely old, but compared to the bloodline of the previous three families, it seems a little insufficient.


A black hole appeared on the fairy platform.

Immediately after two figures appeared from it, one of them smashed everything under his feet in the void, and even the violent aura that penetrated through him made all the creatures in the area like they were squeezed by tens of thousands of forces!

Fortunately, although most people vomit blood one after another, they are not life-threatening.

At this moment, the group of people on the fairy tale stage are embarrassed.

Except for a very small number of people, each of the Eight Immortals crossed the sea to show their magical powers, with divine lights flashing on their bodies, and powerful shields from various body protection instruments.

But one by one was still broken in an instant, and the weaker ones, such as Lin Yidao, were only the bottom of the many geniuses. They went black and fainted.

"Yuetianqi still lost?"

Hua Yunxiong's expression is ugly!

Because of that step by step, the person with a green expression is not who Yuetianqi is. It seems that even if it releases the unique power of the Yue family, it still does not have the upper hand!

Of course, Li Ye's appearance was a little embarrassed, but he was much better than him.

At this moment, a group of people seemed to be caught in their necks, and they didn't come out for a long time.

Just now, I was still talking about how powerful the Yue family's destiny was, and Li Ye would be seriously injured even if he didn't die. Now, seeing Yue Tianqi being forced to retreat again and again, this kind of face-to-face slap, not to mention how sour.

"how is this possible?"

Shi Aotian also looked horrified!

"The destiny of the Yue family can reverse the starry sky! There, even the great emperor, it may not be in a short period of time, so how can the kid Yue Tianqi blessed by the destiny?"

I don't know who said something, but because of this, everyone was speechless!

"how did you do that?"

Finally, Yue Tianqi stopped his figure, his face was quite ugly, and there was a touch of surprise in the depths.

No one knows what happened just now, but he!

Just under his destiny starry sky, he actually felt an unprecedented feeling, it was that feeling that made him underestimate the enemy, was smashed into the destiny starry sky, and received a slight backlash.

Most of his injuries were caused by backlash.

At this time, Li Ye frowned slightly.

"The starry sky just now..."

That kind of feeling actually made the blood in his body feel a touch of kindness. No, it should be said to be a strange familiarity! Obviously so unfamiliar, his blood boiled for an instant.

"Could it be that the blood of the Yue family has a connection with my blood?"

If he had been in Jiangnan Road, as an ordinary cultivator, he would never have such absurd guesses.

But as he walked all the way to the center of this world and came to the upper three realms, he felt more and more things, like a thick fog, the more you think that you are close to the truth, but in the end you find that the mystery in front of you has not been solved. Instead, more and more.

"You can't stop me."

Depressing his doubts, Li Ye was somewhat interested, about the Yue family.

Qi Yuetian said nothing, yes, he couldn't stop Li Ye!

Although he might not be defeated, as Li Ye said, he was not qualified to stop Li Ye and Lin's grievances.

Unless, one day when he can completely crush Li Ye, he will have that qualification.

But even if he couldn't stop it, he wouldn't give up easily.

"The Lin family owes you, I can give you Yuetianqi!"

In his opinion, if Li Ye is greedy for beauty, then he can also give considerable conditions!

"You give it for Lin's family?"

Li Ye was a little surprised, but then shook his head.

What he wanted was the half of Yu Xue's body, which might even fall into Lin's hands. If Yue Tianqi wanted to give it, Lin Jia might not be willing to give it.

Seeing Li Ye's unbelief, Yuetianqi was full of confidence, "My Yuetianqi has always said nothing! As long as Yuetianqi wants this Dongzhou, there is absolutely nothing I can't get!"

This is indeed true. In his capacity, he is indeed standing at the top of the world.

Unfortunately, Li Ye shook his head.

Suddenly, Yue Tianqi's face became gloomy.

"You really don't give me this face?"

"Do I need to give it?"

No matter how weird the Yue family's bloodline is, he can stop him if he wants to get that half of the fragment.

"Good! Good! Good!"

Yue Tian Qi laughed in anger, and suddenly a huge breath came out of him.

Just for an instant, everyone was shocked!

It was an aura that was completely beyond their realm, and the only explanation appeared in everyone's hearts.

"The Great!"

"No! It's an imperial weapon!"

Someone whispers!

But when they saw that Yue Tianqi had an extra diamond-shaped bronze mirror with the palm of his hand, all of them suddenly stared out!

"Moon Sky Ling Realm!"

"Emperor soldier!?"

They didn't expect that Yue Tianqi was carrying Emperor soldiers! That's the emperor soldier! Even if Hua Yunxiong is a descendant of the great family, he also carries an imperial weapon for self-defense!

Shi Aotian smiled bitterly, but did not worry about Li Ye.

Because at the same time that Yuetian Qi sacrificed the emperor's soldiers, Li Ye did smile slightly, and the sky thunder printed on his back turned into terrifying thunder pulp!

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