Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3337: This misunderstanding seems to be getting bigger and bigger

"Princess Lin Family?"

Suddenly he thought of the conditions of Lin's family before, and it seemed that he really wanted to do something beautiful to him.

It's just that the people in Lin's family are not well informed, at least I don't know that he now has a very strong identity!

The consort of the Saint Demon Gate!

Compared with the Saint Demon Gate, what is the Lin family! They are the number one power in southern Xinjiang that has been passed down by the Three Emperors for millions of years!

On the other hand, the Lin family, although it is also a family of the great emperor, but it is weaker than that!

The key point is that he now has a deep grudge with Lin's family. What kind of mental thinking is it that can think of the brainstorming decision of sending his princess to the family enemy.

Then, under the slightly expectant gazes of everyone, Li Ye's eyes only stayed on Lin Zihan for less than a moment, and then passed.

Compared to the princess of Lin's family, the attractiveness of the half-scroll to him is not known how many times higher.

"The great family of great emperors, I didn't expect it to be so non-compliant."

He sighed a little, although he had known that this world was meant to use fists to speak, as for the decent family or the great family, the credibility is shit.

They naturally abide by their promises in front of the strong. As for the others, it is obvious that he had killed the three ancestors of the Lin family in one breath and had not let the Lin family understand anything.

"Dying struggling? Does anyone in Lin's family already know the origin of the half-scrap?"

In his thoughts, Yu Xue, the only survivor of a small family of incompetence, was not worthy of the Lin family's attention. Therefore, after suppressing the Lin family, he only made such a request.

As long as it's not a bad brain, you will accept it with pleasure.

If it is repentance, then there is only one explanation.

"If that's the case, it seems that it will take a lot of effort to get back the half of the broken scroll."

Someone seems to have forgotten that the half of the fragment was originally not his property, but in his mind, since half fell into his hands, the other half of the fragment should naturally belong to him.

From the lower nine realms to the upper three realms step by step, Li Ye has adapted to the thinking mode of this world.

If you are yours, you must be yours, not yours. As long as your fist is hard enough, it will also be yours in the end.

I have to say that what he understood was not wrong.

It's just that the Lin family is not the kind of ordinary family that can be squeezed by others.

"Li Ye! You are presumptuous!"

Lin Zihan almost burst her lungs, although she knew that several ancestors of the Lin family wanted to sacrifice her, or sacrificed her temporarily to stabilize the terrifying young man in front of her.

But as the princess of Lin's family, she was absolutely unwilling to accept such an arrangement.


Li Ye's eyes didn't even change, Lin Zihan was just a pink skull in his eyes, and he couldn't bring any waves.

But his reaction, in Lin Zihan's eyes, made her clenched her silver teeth! Can't wait for a sword to smash the **** Li Ye!

"Shameless! Despicable!"

As a noble princess of the great family, it is naturally impossible to explode vulgarity, but at this moment a pretty face is ashamed and unbearable.

If it hadn't been for the strength shown by Li Ye to suppress the many geniuses of the entire Immortal Spirit Platform, she would definitely not stingy and blast a few **** holes in the counter.

"Li Ye! As a descendant of Emperor Danwu, are you not afraid of your actions today to shame Emperor Danwu?"

Hua Yunxiong had recovered a little vitality at this moment, his eyes breathed fire!

At the same time, he is even more unwilling. What he is most worried about now is that Lin Jia is determined and wants to match Lin Zihan to Li Ye.

This is not his naivety, although the grievances between Lin's family and Li Ye spread throughout Dongzhou.

But in the eyes of him, a proud man from a great family background, there are no eternal friends in this world, let alone eternal enemies!

Especially these ancient families, their interests are paramount!

The Lin family started killing Li Ye because they suspected that Li Ye killed an ancestor of the Lin family!

Anyway, a junior, no matter how big the background is, he will kill him if he kills it!

What about Emperor Danwu, would he really destroy the entire Lin family because of a junior? Lin's family is not vegetarian either!

Can't beat or hide? In addition, although some great families in Dongzhou City were fighting openly and secretly, if someone really wanted to destroy any great family in such a straightforward manner, it was absolutely impossible for other families to stand by.

This is Lin's confidence! It was also the reason why they still dared to do it after learning that Li Ye might be a descendant of Emperor Danwu.

But it's different now.

"Lin's family, it's a good move."

Gu Lie was slightly surprised. He didn't know when, there was an extra person beside him. Upon seeing it, he quickly saluted, "I have seen Shao Shi."

Shi Aotian smiled, but his gaze fell on Gu Tian. It was naturally impossible to talk to Gu Lie in his capacity, and only Gu Tian, ​​who was also on the emperor list, was more or less qualified to let him have a conversation.

Gu Tian frowned slightly. He wasn't his little brother, who was ignorant and unskilled. Although he spent more time practicing and hitting higher realms, there was still a glimmer of understanding in his mind.

"It seems that you have also guessed Lin's mind."

Seeing the look between Gu Tian's eyebrows, Shi Aotian showed a weird smile.

It is no secret that Gu Tian likes Princess Lin's family.

Both of them came from the great family, and they knew better that an ancient family like them could do everything for the benefit!

Lin's family and Li Ye really have a deep grievance, but they really want to say they are endless, as if they are a little bit worse!

The death of a few ancestors certainly made the Lin family angry, but the other way round, if you can win over the descendants of Emperor Danwu, an emperor ranking fourth is even second only to three Dan Emperors and seven Banbu Dan on the Dan list. What does the emperor's alchemy genius mean to a great emperor family?

Gu Tian's expression is even more ugly, not just because of Lin Zihan! More worrying about the ancient family behind me!

In front of the big things, he made a clear distinction!

At least the ancient family today cannot leave Li Ye! At least, if Li Ye joins any great emperor family, he can't join the camp of the Lin family!

They can react so quickly, and everyone who can stand on the fairy tale platform is not lacking in some sensitive minds, and they all have feelings.

The gaze they looked at Li Ye at the moment was extremely complicated.

There is jealousy, there is resentment, there is envy, and there is more than an unexplainable emotion.

Among them, Hua Yunxiong is the most melancholy!

Because he knows very well that if he were the decision maker of Lin's family, there was at least 70% chance that he would make the same decision!

Knowing this, the hatred in his eyes when he looked at Li Ye was even stronger!

Kill the father and take the wife! It is the deepest hatred in this world! Although Lin Zihan is not his woman, but in his heart he almost believes that it is average!

Even if it is Yuetianqi, he dare to fight!

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