Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3328: One defeat

In their eyes, Sword Master Qingyi came down with this sword, even if Dibang Tianjiao encountered it head-on, he would not dare to try it easily.

Dibang Tianjiao such as Hua Yunxiong frowned slightly.

There was a slight movement in his heart, but he also asked himself if he was facing Sword Sovereign Tsing Yi, even if he had a way to turn defeat into victory, he still needed to avoid the edge.

Whether it was him or the rest, including Tianjiao, who was ranked 17th on the emperor list like Gu Tian, ​​shook his head.

"He must be defeated."

Gu Tian sighed in a low voice.

Although Li Yenai was making trouble for the Lin family, to the ancient family, the enemy's enemy was a friend.

But he would not make a move, although he was confident that he could beat Sword Sovereign Tsing Yi, after all, he was the arrogant emperor, and his strength was even better than Sword Sover Tsing Yi.

Unfortunately, for the sake of a stranger, he would naturally not offend Qilian Sword Palace.

"That may be true."

Gu Lie on one side murmured in a low voice, but no one cares what he said at the moment.

Because everyone's eyes were frozen at that moment.

That monstrous sword, like a return from heaven!

Li Ye didn't move, it seemed to them that he was frightened, but in the end, he only gently raised his hand and directly blocked it with two fingers!

Block it!

Use two fingers!

The look of Tsing Yi Sword Master has changed! No one knows the power of this sword better than him!

Even his senior brother Qi Lian Shaodi didn't dare to bear it directly!

"Sword repair? Since you have made a move, look at my sword intent for so long."

Li Ye lifted it lightly, and pointed out the sword with a finger!

In an instant, the sword intent that was several times more terrifying than Tsing Yi Sword Master turned into a hundred zhang sword light!

"how is this possible!"

Sword Master Tsing Yi was shocked and exclaimed!

At the same time, the whole person directly cut out thousands of sword lights in a row! The whole person is like a peerless sword!

However, no matter how many sword lights faced Li Ye's sword intent, it seemed like ice and snow had entered the scorching sun, and instantly vanished!

If it weren't for the fairy tale platform that seemed to be protected by incomparable ancient power, this sword would be enough to split the entire thousand-meter-high fairy tale platform like the way to the sky!


Sword Master Tsing Yi spouted a mouthful of blood, and he almost fell from the fairy tale.


No one thought that with just one move, even the Sword Sovereign Tsing Yi, who was considered a master among the many Tianjiao evildoers, would be defeated so simply!

If Li Ye broke the sword intent of Sword Sovereign Tsing Yi with a palm of his hand, it can only be regarded as making them a little interested to face it. At this moment, when Sword Sword Tsing Yi vomited blood and retreated, and almost did not fall off the fairy platform, the whole scene was even more silent.

Hua Yunxiong, who was still indifferent just now, showed a touch of solemnity for the first time.

The eyes of the proud sons of all the great emperors and the great families of Xianlingtai were different now.

This world is respected by strength! Li Ye's strength is enough to make them dare not look down upon.

"The strength of this little beast is actually stronger than before!"

Lin Ziqing's heart twitched fiercely, but he didn't panic.

"I am defeated."

Sword Sovereign Tsing Yi looked a little unwilling to his whole person, but he was more melancholy.

He has been cultivating for nearly two hundred years, and he asks himself that he is not less talented than anyone! In addition to his senior brother Qi Lian Shao Di, even the arrogant talents on the emperor list, he has the confidence to challenge!

Unexpectedly, this time I left the customs, I wanted to become famous in Xianlingtai, but unexpectedly, he was easily defeated when he shot.

How difficult it is to make a proud person admit that he has lost himself!

The expressions of everyone are even more exciting!

"This kid, what's the background?"

"Sword Master Tsing Yi is not his opponent!"

If at the beginning they still despised, then at this moment, they are even more curious about Li Ye's identity.

It's a pity that Li Ye ignored everyone.

To him, Sword Sovereign Tsing Yi was just an episode, his eyes fell on Lin Yu and Lin Ziqing once again, and even directly skipped Lin Zihan, the peerless beauty who was chased by countless arrogances present.

This can make Lin Zihan angry! Had it not been for Li Ye to defeat Sword Master Tsing Yi in public, she would have taken a lesson long ago.

"Lin family, shouldn't you forget your previous promise?"

Defeating Sword Sovereign Tsing Yi, Li Ye's tone was still so plain as if he had just driven away an annoying fly.

He really wanted to get the half of the fragment that fell into Xue's hands, and then see how much surprise it would bring him after the two fragments were combined into one.

He had a hunch that the fragment was definitely not as simple as an ordinary pill.

Lin Yu trembled all over, he was just a dude, and his cultivation base was not high. Most of them were piled up by the pill.

Facing Li Ye's compelling gaze now, he couldn't resist it long ago.

But still holding on, pretending to say, "Li Ye! Don't go too far!"

When he shouted so, the entire Xianlingtai became quiet.

The expressions of the crowd froze for a moment, and in the next moment, all the expressions were so exciting!

At this time, they suddenly realized that this one defeated the sword king Qingyi, who was it!

"Li Ye! He is Li Ye!?"

"Li Ye? Could it be that King Li Dan?"

Everyone took a breath!

The Sword Sovereign Tsing Yi, who was still unwilling before, just wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. At this moment, the whole person's movements became stiff, and the next moment his back became more depressed.

Li Ye! King Li Dan!

Especially the last name!

Who does not know who does not know in the whole Dongzhou now?

Hua Yunxiong is even more gloomy and terrifying!

You know, the Lin family owes Li Ye a favor, and this matter has spread throughout Dongzhou long ago!

Gu Tian also froze, his eyes turned to one side.

"Brother, he is Li Ye, brother Li."

Gu Lie gave a wry smile, spreading his hands. To be honest, he didn't want his elder brother and Li Ye to run into each other so quickly, at least before the Lin family's matter was resolved.

It's just that people are not as good as the sky. Who would have thought that Li Ye, who had been in retreat before, would suddenly leave the customs, and also happened to come to Xianlingtai.

Many people's expressions have changed!

Or, after learning about Li Ye's identity, their gazes looked profoundly towards Lin's Family, Washington and Gu Family.

"Interestingly, the fourth person on the emperor list will come! It seems that he is going for the Lin's promise!"

"Princess Lin's family is here, and I came here just now for this Li Ye too. Let's have a good show!"

Sure enough, just as they guessed.

But I heard a cold and slightly angry voice.

"You are Li Ye? That shameless guy?"

Everyone took a deep breath, but more often they showed such an expression.

The person who speaks is not someone else, but the princess Lin Jia! Lin Zihan, who is known as one of the three beauties of Dongzhou City!

At this moment, she saw her pretty face with a hint of shame! A pair of beautiful eyes mixed with raging flames!

That way, it seemed a little different from what everyone had just guessed.

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