Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3325: Fat body?

The man in the younger generation of Dongzhou City today?

Everyone was stunned. Most of these people were born in the Great Sect, and there are some geniuses of the imperial sect.

Although he was not qualified to be on the Xian Lingtai platform, he was at least much higher than Fatty Wu, who was born in the nine generations who had fallen for hundreds of thousands of years, and his status and vision were much higher.

Now that they are actually being teased by a guy who has become a laughingstock in the circle, how can they not make them angry?

"Fatty man, pay attention to your discourse. Don't think that your Ninth-Daily Sect is still the former imperial sect. You, a small third-rate disciple, dare to talk to us like this?"

A disciple of the Great Master gave a cold snort, his face full of contempt.

Fatty Wu looked at it and grinned, "Even if my nine generations of sect has declined, at least one great emperor has ever been born! Even if it declines again, it is the Taoism of the Emperors! At least three sects were established than the Yinshan Sect behind you. For one hundred thousand years, even a strong emperor has never been born."

Everyone was stunned, especially the young man who sneered and mocked just now, his face flushed even more!

In their impression, this fat man from the Ninth Generation Clan has always been timid and fearful, but only innocent, why is he suddenly fattened today?

For a while, it really scared them.

It was the young man who was ridiculed by Fatty Wu. He quickly reacted and roared, "Fatty, you are looking for death!"

According to what Yingshan Sect is, it is also one of the Great Churches of Dongzhou. Although there has not been a strong person like the Great Emperor, it has been guarded for at least 300,000 years, even in front of the Emperor's Taoism and the Great Family. !

How has anyone ever been so despised!

"This Fatty Wu, could it be that he has lost his heart and is mad. It is a mere ninth-generation sect, but it is undoubtedly with the third-rate sect with the name of the emperor. The Yingshan Sect is a great sect, and there are more than a dozen holy emperors alone! It was the Ninth-Daily Gate in its heyday, otherwise this fool would be looking for his own death today."

Another preacher of the Great Church sneered, and they did not try to stop and persuade.

After all, on one side is the Yingshan Sect, who is not weak in Dongzhou, and on the other side is the Ninth-generation Sect, which is comparable to the third-rate sect.

Not to mention, the group of them already knew each other, and they were all famous geniuses in the university. On the other hand, Fatty Wu, a declining teacher, plus his little-known little character, looks like a clown in the eyes of everyone.

Not to mention, the disciple of the Yingshan Sect roared, and the aura directly rose! There is even the cultivation base of the upper emperor! Although this age is far behind Tianjiao, it can be regarded as the best among the young people!

Crucially, this person had just climbed the ladder of Xianlingtai, although he did not succeed, he was persisted by the others for longer.

"and many more!"

Fatty Wu yelled, and then everyone thought he would speak boldly, and then went to death generously.

Unexpectedly, his expression changed. From the majestic a moment ago, he became cautious, his eyes gurgling, "Yunhuatian, and you, don't you want to know who that person was just now?" "

When he said that, let alone the people around him, even the disciple of the Great Teacher who was furious and wanted to slap him to death, his expression was condensed.

No matter what, it is not ordinary people who can climb the fairy tale platform, not to mention that they just watched and saw such a relaxing and comfortable climb to the ladder.

If they hadn't had a firm heart, they might have been messed up in the wind.

Even now, in retrospect, there is such a trace of unreality.

"Who is it!"

A person nearby asked coldly.

Fatty Wu didn't dare to sell her at this moment, instead she had a strong waist. "You have to open your ears and listen. The person just now is my best friend of Fatty Wu, iron buddies. As for his identity, you guys are at a loss. They all came from famous big teachers, and even the most powerful figure in Dongzhou City today can't be recognized. Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk!

In the end, Fatty Wu spit out fiercely. He was beaten to death by the crowd just now.

But now, the group of people was suddenly in shock.

Although Fatty Wu's words are ugly, but these people are not fools!

They just didn't think about that person before, or they didn't dare to imagine! but now!

"Fatty man, what you said is true?"

Even the disciple Yingshan who was almost furious and wanted to slap him to death, swallowed, with a trace of panic on his expression.

The rest of the people who reacted slowly also recovered, looking at each other.

"I want to say that the most powerful man in Dongzhou City recently, and not... that one?"

A disciple of the Great Teacher gave a thump in his heart and said boldly.

Everyone was completely silent.

Although they all came from a big teacher, or some powerful family. But compared with that one, the gap seems to be too big! Just as they can overlook the Nine Dynasties Gate and Fatty Wu, because they have that kind of capital and arrogance! But that person can be condescending, overlooking them and even the person who decides their life and death in a single thought!

They really wanted to die, even they believed that even if the teacher behind was furious, he would only protest a few words at most, and would never fight that person to death for them.

Only Fatty Wu, as if everyone was afraid of him, was sturdy and contented.

And everyone, no one would yell at him anymore, and some even with a hint of flattery, changed their normalcy and actually thought about whether to make friends with this fat guy that everyone looked down on before?

"Fourth on the emperor list! Dan King Li Ye!"

The disciple of the Ying Shan teacher finally squeezed such a sentence from his teeth, but as he said word by word, his whole body could not help shaking!

Not to mention the front-to-back contrast between the people at the Xianling stage. At this time, the appearance of Li Ye in the Xianling stage made waves.

To be able to enter the fairy platform, it must be Tianjiao evildoer!

Either it is a noble background, and there must be the emperor himself in the division!

Otherwise, no one is eligible to log in directly to Xianlingtai!

Naturally, some people stepped onto this place through their own strength.

However, those people are all peerless geniuses who have long been famous today in Dongzhou.

When Li Ye appeared in the sight of everyone, many people frowned slightly.

Someone's complexion changed, obviously recognizing Li Ye's identity.

Lin Ziqing's eyes condensed, and then a complacency was drawn across the corner of his calm mouth.

"Li Ye!"

Lin Yidao on one side had a complicated expression. He also boarded the fairy tale platform, but he could only be regarded as a marginal figure. There are too many people here that he can't reach, and even when he barely walks through the ladder and steps into this place, few people will pay attention to him.

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