Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3314: Tsing Yi Jianjun

Xianlingtai, no one knows when and where it appears again.

Only various legends remain in the world.

In the entire Dongzhou City, the great arrogances are vying for the front, and there are many talents.

From a distance, the fairy platform was like a road leading to the sky, and looking at the sky from a distance, it was more like a bridge from the earth to the heaven. It was a pity that it was abruptly broken at a height of a thousand meters.

At this time, you can see a wave of Guanghua Yukong coming, and there are more people carrying Billowing Thunder, making a strong appearance.

"Xianlingtai, for millions of years, has been a place where the various Tianjiao and evildoers of the East Continent have discussed the Taoism. Only the truly strong are qualified to go up."

Li Ye has also come to the fairy tale platform now, looking at the magical place that is almost like a bridge to the sky, it is also sharp.

At this moment, there was a person beside him, sighing slightly.

Li Ye looked at him, but he was a fat man. Speaking of which, among the three realms and nine realms, cultivators rarely saw such a fat person. Feeling Li Ye's gaze, the man also nodded kindly, "Brother Tai is also here to watch the Xianlingtai gathering that is rare in a century?"

"That's it."

"Haha, it looks the same as me. This fairy platform will only be opened once in a hundred years, and it is not qualified to hold the Tianjiao on the emperor list. This time I heard that it is Hua Yunxiong from Washington inviting the world's heroes. "

It can be seen that this person is very good at conversation, and Li Ye also knows the identity of this person.

Fatty Wu, according to his own words, his size is very small in the Three Realms and Nine Realms, so he got such a nickname. Even he is not an ordinary disciple, but a true disciple of the nine generations.

"Nine Dynasties Sect, this is the Taoism of Emperor Sect."

Li Ye frowned slightly.

"Hey, it's a long time ago. The nine generations of the nine generations of the emperor have passed away for so many years. Although they still bear the name of an emperor, it is a pity that they have not been recognized."

Several people passing by, sneered after hearing this.

As for Fatty Wu, he didn't care, but smiled honestly, "Yes, too."

Li Ye didn't underestimate the fat man who seemed harmless to humans and animals, but narrowed his eyes thoughtfully.

"Xiongtai don't know how to call it?"

Obviously, Fatty Wu is self-familiar, so he started friendships, and said, "This time I wanted to go to the fairy tale too, but it's a pity that I don't have enough cultivation skills and I can't make it."


"It seems that Xiongtai still doesn't know the beauty of this fairy platform."

"I don't know."

If you change someone else, you will show contempt for a long time. After all, Xianlingtai has existed for countless thousands of years, and has long been known by all the big sects.

However, this fat man, who became a true disciple of the Ninth-generation Sect, didn't care, but smiled, "This fairy platform is not something that ordinary people can step on. Unless you are invited by the convener, you can only go through the fairy platform stairs! "

Sure enough, Li Ye looked at that, under the fairy spirit stage, there was a spreading ladder. At this time, a person just jumped up with a loud shout.

But before long, he snorted and was forced to come down.

"That's an ordinary ladder. If you want to climb step by step, you must have Dao heart, realm, and perception of the Dao indispensable, so that you can truly step on the fairy platform against the restrictions left by the ancient immortals."

Li Ye observed for a long time, many self-proclaimed geniuses returned without success.

And gradually, Li Ye also saw the doorway.

That day, the ladder was not long, it was ten stories, but the first one was more difficult.

One of them was obviously born as a great teacher, and his cultivation base was the pinnacle of the upper emperor. He was very energetic, but couldn't hold on to it when he was on the seventh floor and fell straight down.

"Hey, no one of these people can go up. If you want to go up, at least they are the top martial emperor, and they have the opportunity to feel the genius of the avenue."

Naturally, it was not that no one succeeded, and Li Ye also saw that a handful of people had difficulty ascending the fairy platform.

And those people, once boarded, immediately attracted bursts of envy.

Suddenly, a powerful sword intent swept across the air!

Only saw a swordsman in Tsing Yi stepping on the ladder, all the way like a broken bamboo, directly on the ninth floor of the ladder, and gradually stopped.

"Sword Master Tsing Yi! It's him!"

Fatty Wu beside him whispered.

"Do you recognize it?"

"How can I not recognize him? This person is the second true disciple of Qilian Sword Palace, second only to Qilian Sword Emperor! He is known as the rare genius of Qilian Sword Palace in thousands of years."

At Qilian Sword Palace, Li Ye was taken aback. Back then, he had some conflicts with Qilian Sword Palace in the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou.

In particular, it is rumored that Qilian Sword Palace’s successor, Qilian Young Emperor, stepped into Death Valley for Eyunlan and went missing. If you know that his relationship with Eyunlan today is undoubtedly impossible to relate to Qilian Sword Palace. Great.

With the appearance of Sword Sovereign Tsing Yi, he immediately attracted the attention of countless eyes.

"Since Sword Sovereign Qingyi is here, his senior brother Qi Lian must have arrived in Dongzhou City!"

Everyone suffocated!

"Young Emperor Qilian, this is the arrogant talent on the emperor list!"

"Yes, eighth on the emperor list. Sword Emperor Qilian can make an exception to accept disciples for this person. Naturally, he can see the peerless talent of Emperor Qilian! It is rumored that Sword Emperor Qilian even accepts him directly as a righteous son!"

The Emperor's Son! Many people are even more envious.

"The Qilian Sword Emperor must be able to directly board the Immortal Spirit Platform, and now even his junior brother Qingyi Jianjun can almost step on it. The Qilian Sword Palace has become more powerful in the past ten thousand years."

Everyone couldn't help but envy. After all, Qilian Sword Palace did not have a long history compared with other imperial gates. However, for thousands of years, a young Qilian Emperor appeared first, and now it is the two Emperor Qilian and Qingyi Sword Sovereign. The Emperor's Taoism is obviously more promising in the future.

Sure enough, Sword Master Tsing Yi stepped into the fairy tale in a short time, and compared to the embarrassing appearance of the previous few people, it was only a slight delay without much obstruction.

"Tsk tusk tusk, as expected from the Qilian Sword Palace, that sword intent is really terrifying."

Fatty Wu commented, but Li Ye didn't take it seriously.

The Qingyi Sword Master had just stepped into the imperial reserve realm when he died, so it was naturally impossible for him to pay attention.

In just half a day, countless self-proclaimed geniuses wanted to attack Xianlingtai.

It's a pity that there are less than one in ten who succeed, and the vast majority of people have come back in despair.

At this moment, powerful rays of light appeared in the distant sky.

"It's from Washington!"

Someone exclaimed, and Fatty Wu also narrowed his eyes and glanced at Li Ye intentionally or unintentionally.


One of the ten masters of Dongzhou City, the great family!

More importantly, the great emperor in Washington is still tens of thousands of years away! For at least tens of thousands of years, Washington has been the most powerful family of great emperors.

After that, those rays of light revealed his figure, and the head of the person was Fengshen with a handsome face, not who Hua Yunxiong was from Washington.

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