Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3305: Retreat

In order to retreat and not be disturbed, Li Ye directly opened up a world in the pill shop.

At his cultivation level, although it is impossible to open up a vast and boundless world of self-contained world, it is not difficult to open up a self-contained space with a radius of tens of miles.

"Today, I use the power of the five elements to build the world. Although it cannot evolve to a complete state, it is more than enough to retreat and attack the realm."

The entrance and exit of this retreat is directly in the deepest part of the pill shop. Without his permission, he would not even dare to take a step.

"However, this time you must make a sure-fire plan to hit the five elements."

Since he cultivated the body of the five elements, it is impossible to be like the generations of invincible powerhouses that have existed for millions of years, attacking the laws of heaven and realizing his own way. Only by pushing the body of the five elements to a higher level can he improve his current cultivation level.

It can be seen from the fact that the body of the five elements almost forcibly shakes the quasi-emperor soldiers without hurting them. Once the body of the five elements has cultivated to the realm of Dzogchen, it can almost be said that there is hardly anything that can hurt him in this world.

It's just that now he still has a long way to go from that state.

"The body of the five elements is divided into five realms: Beginner, Xiaocheng, Dacheng, Peak and Perfection. It is rumored that only the first-generation gods of the Golden Spirit Race can be the real perfection realm. In the end, it’s just the pinnacle or even the Dacheng realm."

Regarding the golden spirit race and the body of the five elements, this is the taboo in this world. But from that chaos, he has gotten many ancient secrets.

For example, the body of the five elements can be truly cultivated to the highest realm, and it can even become a **** on the spot! It truly stands on the sky and the earth, immortal forever!

"The gods in the rumors are just said to be immortal, but they are not really fearless. There is still a threat to kill them!"

If the gods are truly immortal, they cannot disappear from this world.

And he believed that the so-called gods were not true gods, but just a group of terrifying existences whose cultivation was far beyond the imagination of the world.

For example, now in the Upper Three Realms, a strong person is drawn to the mortal dust. In the eyes of those mortals, that is a god!

"The Three Realms and Nine Regions, there may be more ancient secrets that the world does not know."

The disappearance of the gods, and a million years ago, where did the existence above those great emperors go?

No one knows!

Even in the past millions of years, when the cultivation base reaches the realm of the great emperor, it is generally rare to fall and be killed by others! Except for a few, most of the great emperors eventually disappeared.

Whether it is the ancient sects of the Sixteen Kingdoms in Xizhou, or the demon clan of Southern Xinjiang! Including the land of Dongzhou, no one knows where the ancient emperors and even the heavenly emperors have gone.

Is it because the lifespan is exhausted and sitting Huaxian passed away, or is he heading to a world wider than the Three Realms and Nine Regions?

"Ordinary emperors have a lifespan of at least one hundred thousand years. If they step onto the realm of the emperor, the lifespan will increase exponentially!"

Silently estimated in my heart, but these distances are still too far away from him now.

At this moment, he has already set foot in this independent space that he has opened up.

This space is not big. Although Li Ye can easily open up a huge world with a range of hundreds of miles now, it is only used for retreat and impact realm. The entire world is only twenty or thirty miles in size, like a valley, surrounded by groups. The mountains look like a paradise.

The only thing that is not perfect is that the whole world is lifeless and lacks a trace of vitality.

"It is rumored that the gods can open up the world and create the Holy Spirit without knowing the truth."

For millions of years, even the existence of the Great Emperor Tiandi could not create life! Even if it is their own small world, perfected to a perfect state, and even formed their own laws of heaven and earth, but life alone is a forbidden zone!

No matter how high the cultivation level is, it is impossible to create it.

Because it belongs to the unique power of Heaven, unless it transcends Heaven! Achieve the position of God!

Suppressing his thoughts, Li Ye looked at the surrounding space a bit.

"Constructed with the power of the five elements, even the law of heaven and earth here is interfered by the power of the five elements. If an external enemy steps in, this is my home field. Anyone who comes will be reduced by at least 30% or even 50%. !"

Suddenly, there was a sense of pride in his heart, this was just a space he opened up casually, not even a small world.

"If you pull your opponent into my Five Elements Realm, even the emperor will definitely not be my opponent. Unless it is the pinnacle emperor, maybe it will cause me a little trouble."

Few people know what kind of realm he is now, because he himself is not even considered as Emperor Wu in the eyes of the world. However, his cultivation level is enough to be like the emperor and even the supreme holy emperor, and he has the opportunity to leapfrog and challenge!

"The current me, if divided by the three realms and nine realms, should be equivalent to the Emperor Chu Xiaocheng."

Emperor Chu Xiaocheng!

You know, among the millions of people, not necessarily one can set foot in the realm of Emperor Wu! Even in the upper three realms, the innate conditions are far better than those in the lower nine realms. If you want to cultivate to the martial emperor, you must be a dragon and a phoenix!

Either he came from a big family or even an ancient family, or he came into some powerful schools.

And among the ten thousand martial emperors, no one may have a sense of heaven! Not to mention that refining belongs to one's own avenue, becoming a candidate to attack the imperial realm, that is, the emperor!

Li Ye has set foot in the Three Realms for so long, and the emperor princes he encountered are often heirs cultivated by various emperor sects or ancient families.

Even the Emperor's Taoism and the ancient family are like this, you can imagine how difficult it is.

And the emperor reserve is also divided!

After comprehending the Dao of Heaven, only by refining the Dao that belongs to you can you improve your cultivation! And the difficulty of the road is far beyond the world's imagination.

The vast majority of the emperor’s reserves are not new to the Dao, and only a few true peerless evildoers can make the Dao Xiaocheng! As for Dacheng Dacheng and even Consummation, it is almost a figure standing at the true apex of this world!

Emperor Chu Xiaocheng! In the entire Dongzhou City, there are so many ancient family imperial family traditions, which are also few!

Shijia is known as the top ten of Dongzhou City ranked fourth! The heirs cultivated are now only the realm of Emperor Chu Xiaocheng! For example, the ancient family, the Lin family and the like, it is even difficult to find such an outstanding genius.

"When my body of the five elements is small, even if it is against God's opponents, I will have a 70 to 80% chance of winning. This is not counted as my various hole cards. If I don't hesitate to use it, I can easily defeat it. It is Helan Tianlang... "

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