Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3285: Five Elements Warrior

What a mighty five giant gods!

As soon as it appears, it directly smashes the void, the huge fist can even easily smash the stars!

Everyone gasped!

The eight gods divine crowns were enough to make ordinary people look up to them, especially those eight monsters are unique in the world!

Any one can match a supreme holy emperor!

This battle, this time! There are few people in the entire Dongzhou City!

Among them, Helan Tianlang is one of them!

Even the most dazzling one of them!

"This battle must be recorded in the annals of history!"

A Saint-Emperor-level powerhouse took a breath. He can be regarded as the pinnacle powerhouse in the world. Putting it anywhere in the East Continent is enough to start a sect and become a master!

However, in Dongzhou City, there are too many ancient heritages and terrible existences.

Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, he is the highest realm, but seeing the battle in front of him, even if it is a strong man like him, it seems that he is insignificant and like an ant.

"These two people are all evildoers in the world!"


The void disappeared without a trace in an instant!

Directly between Li Ye and Helan Tianlang, there was an extremely dark vacuum with no light at all!

At that moment!

The void has completely disappeared!

Everyone took a breath!

"Damn, what kind of power is this?"

"Helan Tianlang! This hasn't been done yet! It's just that the eight-headed monster with the divine crown down on his seat is so powerful!"

"It deserves to be an invincible genius who once stood under the same starry sky with Emperor Hengtian! If it weren't for Emperor Hengtian, who was the only one in the world for millions of years, perhaps in that year, it was his time! No one can match!"

Many people have only heard of legends about Helan Tianlang, and some even sneered at it!

Even if it is a genius, the feudal genius is not a great emperor after all!

But now, when Helan Tianlang didn't take any action personally, he had already made the holy emperor and even the supreme holy emperor who were present were shocked and trembled. If you really do it yourself, how mighty it is? Shock the world?

"Helan Tianlang is indeed a peerless figure rare in millions of years! However, that boy is not much worse than him!"

I don't know who whispered in a low voice, which immediately caused many older generations to subconsciously look up at the stars!

In that piece of darkness, the horrible aura, even the holy emperor did not dare to approach it!

However, there is a seemingly small figure standing there proudly!

"The monster of the Helan family! Can't get close to him!"

An elder of the Lin family was shocked and exclaimed directly.

Everyone stared attentively, and all of them gasped!

Only saw that piece of starry sky, eight terrifying bodies, any one of them is an invincible monster that can tear the stars, the sun and the moon, and crush the void. At this time, they were blocked by five terrifying giants one by one.

"Where are those five sacred!"

The demon of the Helan family!

That's the housekeeping skill of Helan's family! No one knows where the monsters of the Helan family came from, and some even suspected that they were transformed by monsters! However, for millions of years, the Helan family has never revealed anything!

But there is only one thing, the world knows!

That is the monster of the Helan family, any one can shred the ordinary holy emperor! As for the eight kings' divine crown, the eight most powerful demons!

Such existence was actually blocked by the five giants, and even seemed to have no advantage at all.

It's terrifying!

At this time, there are only these four words in everyone's hearts to describe their mood!

That's Helan's!

Even if it is not any holy emperor or even the supreme holy emperor of the Helan family! Not even the person in the legend of the Helan family!

But the imperial car of the Helan family!

The Eight Kings Divine Crown!

Throughout the ages, there will never be more than one hand in the entire Helan family who are qualified to sit on it!

Layers of void are collapsing!

Even the entire Upper Three Realms is already the most powerful place between the heavens and the earth, and the emptiness is not an ordinary powerhouse that can tear it apart! However, at this moment, in front of the five giants, they are so fragile.

"What a terrible strength! What kind of existence are those five guys!"

"This kind of terrifying force, even if my ancestor master came in person, can't resist it for a few times, right?"

A high-ranking emperor shuddered. He was also considered to be from a great sect. Although the master was not an emperor, it was considered to be an ancient heritage. There are countless holy emperors in the sect, even the supreme holy emperor has ten. Several are still alive!

However, what happened before his eyes completely shattered his three views. Even if he has lived for thousands of years, he has never imagined that there is such a terrifying powerhouse in this world!

Moreover, this is not the emperor at all!

"Damn, this kind of existence, the emperor doesn't come out, who will fight for the front!"

"It's not so exaggerated, but whether it is the demons holding the crown of the Eight Kings of the Helan Family, or the five giants, they have stood at the pinnacle of the supreme holy emperor! Almost the world's supreme, comparable to the peak of invincibility The presence!"

"Yeah, this kind of existence, any shot will destroy the world, put it outside Dongzhou City, you can guard a big power! It is admired by thousands of people!"

The mood of everyone at this moment can be described as overwhelming!

The strength of the Helan family has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people for millions of years!

However, no one has ever thought that someone would fight against the powerhouse of the Helan family directly! The point is that it is not the ordinary powerhouse of Helan family.

Neither Li Ye nor Helan Tianlang made a direct shot.

But at this moment, the means demonstrated by the two are enough to make countless people feel terrified.

"Sure enough, it's still a bit short."

After a long battle, even though he did not fall short, Li Ye still shook his head in disappointment.

Those five giant gods are exactly the five elements warlord that he directly refined with the power of the five elements! All of them are condensed from the purest force of the five elements, which can be called the flesh under the starry sky that is close to the perfect body! Even a palm and a punch carry the power of the five elements, which is different from the great avenue of heaven, and is more like the primitive power that is close to the most origin in this world.

"The time is still a bit short. If you give me a hundred years, it will be enough to refine five five-element warlords that are comparable to the emperor or even the emperor."

If someone heard this, they would definitely be shocked!

Comparable to the Great! Even the emperor!

This is what Li Ye can think of, the Great! God! It has been standing at the apex of these three realms and nine realms for almost a million years!

Which one did not come out from among the billions of creatures, fight against each other, break the shackles of the heavens and stand at that height?

But Li Ye wanted to directly refining, five puppets comparable to the emperor and even the emperor?

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