Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3280: Xiaofeng Magic Array

"If this child doesn't have a lot of skills, it's hard to escape today!"

"Lin's family and even Helan's family have absolutely other purpose!"

Although there are many smart people, but they will not interfere!

In a mere Lin's family, there may be someone who will help Li Ye or Emperor Danwu.

But now that the Helan family intervenes, many people are distracted.

Three terrifying figures approached step by step, each with a sneer.

"Little beast, you can catch it by yourself, or let the three of you take the initiative to abolish all your cultivation skills!"

"Hmph, talk to this little beast more unjustly, just grab him and go back, and you will be able to ask him how he did that despicable act that day!"

At this moment, those who can help Li Ye can no longer intervene, and the three naturally have no scruples!

Even this time, it was indeed the Lin family deliberately being killed with the help of an old ancestor before, and wanted to catch Li Ye back!

The descendants of Emperor Danwu must have the inheritance of Emperor Danwu!

If there is no excuse, how dare they start!

Now it's different!

Li Ye Yangtian smiled, not only did not have any fear, but looked at the three ancestors of Lin's family with playful eyes.

"Little beast, when he died, he could still laugh."

Seeing that Li Ye didn't run away or begged for mercy, their eyes made them feel guilty, and they suddenly shouted.

"There is nothing wrong with the crime that I want to add, and I know what Lin Jia wants."

"Huh, clever, do it!"

The expressions of the three ancestors of the Lin family changed, and they no longer waste time. They were afraid that Li Ye would see through their purpose and explain them.

However, the three of them obviously misestimated Li Ye's strength!

This time Lin's family is not a painstaking effort!

The three supreme holy emperors, this kind of handwriting, even Shidimen Taoism may not be available! What's more, the three of them have been awakened at once. You must know that each of them has lived for tens of thousands or even 100,000 years. Any time they wake up, they will accelerate their death!

What the Lin family wanted was the longevity pill in Li Ye's hand!

Even the rumored Emperor Product Golden Core!

"Good job!"

Li Ye laughed, stepping out! All laws are here!

Each law is directly transformed into a group of magic circles!

Today, he has already integrated Dao and Array, although it is just a simple fusion of Array and Dao power, it seems to have undergone a qualitative change!

As soon as the law formation came out, the three ancestors of the Lin family just sneered!

"The light of the fireflies dare to compete with the sun and the moon!"

"Small array, how to stop the three old men!"

You know, the opponents they have met for tens of thousands of years are far from being comparable to those of juniors like Li Ye.

Naturally, Li Ye is not in his eyes.

But right now!

Suddenly, all three of them changed their faces!

Because in their view, the fragile formation was not broken under their terrifying power, but the three of them were drawn into it at once.

"What kind of formation is this?"

Everyone's complexion changed drastically!

"Damn, what kind of formation does that kid use? Why is it so weird?"

"This son actually understands the power of formation!"

The strength displayed by Li Ye completely exceeded everyone's expectations.

Lian Lin's family knew that Li Ye was not weak, after all, he once defeated a small and famous generation of genius Lin Yidao.

However, at this moment they discovered that they still underestimated the junior Li Ye.

Lin Yidao is just a little famous, such a genius in Dongzhou City is not in the eyes of major families.

But now, they directly dispatched the three supreme holy emperors to catch Li Ye, which can be said to have given enough face.

Unexpectedly, he was trapped in Li Ye's formation as soon as he shot.

"This formation is weird, second brother, third brother, you and the old man will break this formation together! Take down that little beast."

After all, they are the three supreme holy emperors. Although they were caught off guard from falling into the magic circle, they didn't worry too much.

Which one of the three is not disdainful of the world, sweeping through all the wastes, and directly attacking will crush the magic circle that traps them.

But when the three of them started, suddenly Li Ye appeared in front of them.

"Little beast, you dare to show up! Today, the old man will take you down!"

The same scene happened almost simultaneously to the three ancestors of the Lin family.

Then a very strange picture happened!

But seeing the three ancestors of the Lin family, they seemed to be mad, and they fought with each other.


Everyone naturally didn't know what happened, and they were all shocked when they saw this scene!

"That formation is not simple! There are at least hundreds of changes in it! They have been trapped by the magic formation!"

A Saint-Emperor-level expert took a deep breath!

Who would have thought that a mere formation would directly trap the three ancestors of the Lin family. Those are the three supreme holy emperors, anyone can sweep the world.

"Damn, what kind of monster is that kid! This formation is terrible!"

The three supreme holy emperors were trapped before they even shot.

Even the people of the Gu family looked dull, they thought that Li Ye could be so powerful!

Although the formation is an external force, it does not determine the strength of the cultivation base! But how many people are there in this world who can deploy this formation in an instant?

"Isn't this kid a descendant of Emperor Danwu? How can he still understand the power of formation?"

"Isolate and ignorant! Although the most famous of Emperor Danwu is his magical alchemy! But there have been rumors that Emperor Danwu is a rare opponent in the world in a martial arts! And he also cultivated formations and refining weapons! Only this The two have not been shown in the eyes of the world, so not many people know it!"

"Yes, the old man also heard about the rumors, especially the formation. It was once rumored that Emperor Danwu once trapped three great emperors with a formation for 7749. In the end, the three great emperors forcibly paid some price. I was able to get out of trouble, but unfortunately the rumors were unknown, and many people did not believe it."

The formation displayed by Li Ye made more people believe in his identity!

At this time, even though the three ancestors of Lin's family were trapped by the phantom array, they quickly reacted, and then in a rage, they directly smashed countless arrays!

"Sure enough, the weakened Little Seal Magic Array could not trap them for too long."

It turned out that the formation of a thought just now was the Conferred Demon Array, one of the formations that the Heavenly Sage Sect did not pass on! It's just that the complete enclosing magic formation is enough to trap the emperor to death, but it's not that Li Ye can successfully deploy the formation now.

And he directly created a small seal magic formation that weakened more than 90% of its power. Unfortunately, although the formation was easy, its power was much smaller.

At this moment, I saw that the three ancestors of the Lin family finally broke out!

"Little beast, dare to tease the three old men! If you don't cut you a thousand times today, it will be hard to vent your hatred!"

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